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ARMY...................GARRISSON GATES NOW OPEN..........week begining 8th June 2015

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    Thanks, JC. I guess I'm just a bit adrift and sort of weepy about it. I wrote a post today, deciding that if it was my swan song, that would be ok. It sums up what MWO has taught me and I'm really grateful for that and all of you. xx


      Roxy, thanks for explaining! :happy2: What does iyswim mean? Sorry if I sound ignorant!

      NS-why are you losing faith/questioning MWO right now? Maybe you are just firm in your sobriety and not needing/wanting support and not needing/wanting to give back?? Just thinking like long-term sober people like Doggygirl, Tiptronic, Mario, Rubywillow, Rusty 576, FlyAway, Turnagain, DreamThinkDo, who just want to put their drinking life "behind" them and move on?
      Are you frustrated because it seems like some people are not committed in their sobriety (in your opinion)? Just asking? Friendly hug. :-)

      Hi Foxy, Satzy, Roxy, glad you are all here.


        Jacks, my family confronted me in October, 2008 and wanted me to go to rehab. I thought you were there for me that year, but maybe I was wrong. 2009 was my worst year...after my family wanted me to go to rehab...I drank more than ever. Grateful to you forever and ever.


          The last few weeks before I went AF I have never drunk more or sneakily than ever before.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            iyswim = if you see what i mean. because the grammar was so bad.

            NS sometimes we can feel frustrated, bored of, not needing. i think its a natural feeling. stop posting or looking for a few days and we wonder whats going? what have we missed? who have we missed?! ...habit? maybe, but i think its normal behaviour.


              I've taken some things personally that I shouldn't - that's all on me. And I guess I've been letting the apparent (lack of) success rate get me down and question whether peer support works for any but a fortunate few. I know posting my thoughts helps me, so I've continued to do it, but I guess I just wish all of it by all of us made more of a difference.


                sorry, got distracted slug hunting while letting the dog out.

                we can only do what we can do. your success is not erm, cant think of the word, by the success or failure of others. you can only hope that you can influence by your actions. and it certainly does make a difference.


                  All, Sugar, hun. Its a rotten feeling.
                  The most important thing to you is your sobriety..........its all yours. You did the hard graft to where you are today.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Thanks, Molly and all the Army. At least I'm done being all teary about it. Good night to all of you as I get going on dinner.

