Whew, that is a relief to hear SM. But you still ruined my appetite for the evening. Thanks!
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Do tell something odd about yourself
Do tell something odd about yourself
I carry a rock in my purse for good luck...I can't even remember why I started it. I also have the exact same coins in my car today that I had in my first car. Good luck"Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."
Do tell something odd about yourself
this has cracked me up!!
I have an ugly yellow vinyl purse that I got when I was about 11 years old. Whenever I run accross it I write myself a note and put it in one of the little zippered pockets.
I have my stats from the 5th grade in there....no bf then either !!
oh, and catalina dressing on pizza - you can orderpizza with a side of catalina dressing in Mississippi...not sure why I know that either
Do tell something odd about yourself
I can make pig oinks without moving my face. It used to disrupt the entire library in high school (so mature) and drive the librarian mad because she couldn't figure out where the sound was coming from. We called her Jungle Jane. I have no idea why. The driver's ed teacher made up that name for her.
Do tell something odd about yourself
I still have a baby tooth (in my mouth - the adult tooth never came in). Seriously. Now, Ripley, you stay away from it!!! LOL
I can also spread my toes so wide that I can pick up a tennis ball between my big toe and the toe next to it. Fun party trick!
Do tell something odd about yourself
ok, here goes.....although there are many odd things I will divulge 2 things, the first odd, simply by the way they happened....I have survived 5 of my 9 lives (gotta be careful...) and second, my biggest secret, I am in my 30's and I still suck my thumb????? ahhhh, the relief to finally get that off my chest....thats not the best one when involved in relationships...
Do tell something odd about yourself
my middle toe is longer than the rest, people make fun of me, but someone told me it means I am smart.
I died when I was born...yup...died. My mother and I both died to be exact. She was told not to have me because of the risk, and she did anyways, then she was in labor with me forever...too much stress on us both I guess. They brought us both back, and now I run marathons and get to do all sort of cool stuff cuz of my job...ain;t life grand...woohoo!!!It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
James Gordon, M.D.