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Do tell something odd about yourself

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    Do tell something odd about yourself

    Lushy you don't know what you are missing!! I swear, it is better than sex!
    formerly known as bak310


      Do tell something odd about yourself

      I drink way to much!


        Do tell something odd about yourself

        This thread is too funny!

        RJ. I think I?m anti OCD. Or maybe it?s a kind of OCD.

        I never buy the same cereal twice, it must be something different.

        I lose my shoes because I never take them off in the same place and I often lose only one shoe. I find them in strange places.

        I load the dishwasher differently every time. Also 1 out of 5 times I will put something back differently then where I found it. I think this all goes back to the shoe losing thing. The people I have lived with hate these things about me and I am unable to change this for any length of time.

        And I have a tail. Technically, I have a longer spine then normal and it comes out instead of sloping down. It?s small, but it?s still a tail.
        Humor is just another defense against the universe!


          Do tell something odd about yourself

          Laura, do I want to see a picture of said tail or should I leave it up to my imagination?
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Do tell something odd about yourself

            It's not like the guy in the Shallow Hal Movie if that is what you're thinking.

            Only my Chiropractor could tell you what it really looks like.

            Humor is just another defense against the universe!


              Do tell something odd about yourself

              Here's one...
              I don't have ever have had wisdom teeth. A dentist once told me that means I'm thousands of years more evolved than everybody else.


                Do tell something odd about yourself

                I love to smell my dog's paws.
                They remind me of Frito's!
                ~ Happier


                  Do tell something odd about yourself

                  I don't know if I'm actually OCD, but I am on Topamax and I have found that some of the "funny things" I used to do are much less important to me than they used to be. I used to be a bit obsessed with some things and they had to be "just so" or it would be very irritating to me. The dishwasher had to be loaded just the right way, the cans in the pantry had to be facing and stacked the right way, the clothes in my closet had to be organized in just the right way....the list definately goes on. While I am still fairly "neat", I am definately not obsessed with these things anymore since I started taking topamax.

                  Just as a side note, I have a friend who takes topamax. Her doctor actually gave it to her just for weight loss. She had a shopping compulsion that has completely disappeared.
                  Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:

