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ARMY...................MOON GATES NOW OPEN..........week beginning 21st June 2015

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    you'll be wanting one of these then! happy birthday, you dont look a day over your age.

    your story about AA is precisely why i havent been. totally against its ethics but people will be people.


      Thank you Roxane

      It's the oil of ulay (or is it olay now?) and the nun like existence I have kept over the last .....years

      Had to laugh, my son handed me his card this morning and said 'when's the cake' - he's 10 and very focused on what he wants!

      As for AA I know it works great for some people but I just didn't get a good vibe from some of the people that were there. There is an AA meeting in my town which I didn't go to on purpose, I went to one about 15 mins away but still bumped into a good few people that I knew - went to a few meetings across Meath and Louth and it seemed to be the same people at each. Didn't work for me personally which is a pity as it would be nice to have some face to face support at times. It's great though that it works so well for many.

      Off to clean the dishwasher..hasn't been cleaning the dishes properly lately. I may have to wash things by hand:egad:
      There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


        Thank u Mollyka....just missed u there!

        I like the thought of camping but very often not the reality.
        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          Good Morning Army!

          Well, I have the day off today and since it's ANOTHER cold and gloomy July day, and I have some extra time, I thought I would pop in and say hello and a cheery "Happy Birthday" to Bandit!!!

          I thought I would share something on here. The AL beast can still rear its head with people, even after MANY years of sobriety. About a year ago, I worked with a good friend I don't see very often because he lives in another state. After work, we went out to a lovely restaurant very early there weren't many people around, drinking heavily. He has been sober for over 25 years. He got sober on his own at the age of 28. We were waiting for our dinner and the conversation got quiet, and his head pops up and he says, "You have no idea how badly I want a beer right now!" I said, "Where did that come from?" And he said, I have no idea. Fortunately, our food came fast it passed quickly, and the only trigger I could think of is that we had a brief relationship and maybe it was the venue of being in kind of a romantic place, although that's not why I chose this restaurant. He lost 70 lbs. just by eating right and giving up fast food, and this restaurant is known for its healthy entrees. Bandit, AA is not for him, either. I asked him how he dealt with that overwhelming urge to drink and he said, "I just know that I CAN'T. I will go right back to where I was when I quit."

          Anyway, just a muse. Big hellos to Molly, Jacks, Satz, Foxy, Reggie, KTAB, and anyone else I missed...POETS Day, as Mr. G. says!:happy2:


            Thank u Rusty

            The last day or 2 I have visualized my life like a giant game of snakes and ladders - each AF day is another day towards what I truly want and if I drink down the ladder I will go and back to square one.. plus with my history of board game defeat I should know better!
            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


              have you tried cleaning the filter? running it empty with a dishwasher cleaner?


                were I to dwell on that thought --- feck knows where it would go....
                Molly, oh wow, I had to learn NOT to dwell on things...absolutely took me down the drinking path. Yes, the summer parties are triggers for me, too...and summer food here...corn on the cob, bratwursts...there are foods I CANNOT eat because they were always accompanied by lots of alcohol.

                The last day or 2 I have visualized my life like a giant game of snakes and ladders - each AF day is another day towards what I truly want and if I drink down the ladder I will go and back to square one.. plus with my history of board game defeat I should know better!
                That was a profound I will surely remember, and it made me laugh, too. I am no good at board games, either. Hahahahaha


                  Roxy-I loved your fast change of subject:
                  have you tried cleaning the filter? running it empty with a dishwasher cleaner?
                  You made me smile. Thanks!!!!!


                    Hi Roxy,

                    Yes, I have tried that...trying it now with a different brand of dishwasher cleaner

                    My mother in law has taken it on as a personal challenge and brought me over a few diff types the other day! - no doubt she will be phoning me later for an update.
                    There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                      Bandit I live in Loughlinstown down the road from Bray. I grew up in the Dun Laoghairre area so didn't end up living too far. I have bumped in to people I know in AA meetings but it doesn't bother me as I needed the help and if they are there for the same reason well whats there to gossip about. But as i'm older now like you that stuff is not important we have more things to be going on with lol. I like the idea of being in company of people in the same boat as me and I like listening to people's some of them but some can be boring lol. I live alone so it also gets me out with some human contact. I drift in and out but I need the support more lately so i'll stick with it. Missed my meeting today as planned as I fell back asleep so i'll get one tomorrow or Sunday toi make up. Have to head in to Dun Laoghaire shortly. Enjoy the camping and Barbie sounds great for this weather oh and have a lovely birthday. To be honest any time can a craving or trigger for me but so far no strong ones and its great to wake up with out a hangover. I was thinking is it ok to have a couple of af beers at a social event or on holiday? Has anyone tried this? Then some I heard from some professionals its a good idea as it trigger the real thing. Not planning on it just a thought as I think some on other treads have afbeer/wine at times. I trie3d becks blue in the past and I found it pleasant but not af wine. Anyways better get ready to go out catch you all later.


                        Originally posted by Rusty View Post
                        Roxy-I loved your fast change of subject: You made me smile. Thanks!!!!!


                          Originally posted by GlitzyB View Post
                          Bandit I live in Loughlinstown down the road from Bray. I grew up in the Dun Laoghairre area so didn't end up living too far. I have bumped in to people I know in AA meetings but it doesn't bother me as I needed the help and if they are there for the same reason well whats there to gossip about. But as i'm older now like you that stuff is not important we have more things to be going on with lol. I like the idea of being in company of people in the same boat as me and I like listening to people's some of them but some can be boring lol. I live alone so it also gets me out with some human contact. I drift in and out but I need the support more lately so i'll stick with it. Missed my meeting today as planned as I fell back asleep so i'll get one tomorrow or Sunday toi make up. Have to head in to Dun Laoghaire shortly. Enjoy the camping and Barbie sounds great for this weather oh and have a lovely birthday. To be honest any time can a craving or trigger for me but so far no strong ones and its great to wake up with out a hangover. I was thinking is it ok to have a couple of af beers at a social event or on holiday? Has anyone tried this? Then some I heard from some professionals its a good idea as it trigger the real thing. Not planning on it just a thought as I think some on other treads have afbeer/wine at times. I trie3d becks blue in the past and I found it pleasant but not af wine. Anyways better get ready to go out catch you all later.
                          no idea, i havent tried any. i suppose it depends on your triggers. would the taste make you want the real thing? would it make you feel included?


                            just been outside to hang some washing out and now i cant see a thing.


                              Originally posted by roxane View Post
                              just been outside to hang some washing out and now i cant see a thing.
                              Have a lie down Rox


                                Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                                Have a lie down Rox
                                i'll have some ice cream, that'll sort it.

