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ARMY...................MOON GATES NOW OPEN..........week beginning 21st June 2015

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    nine weeks????


      Molly, how long have you been married?

      Hi Bandit-nice to meet you!


        Evening ladies, been busy here today I see.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          I feel a bit crass writing this after reading Rusty's post about her mum. But errrr honestly Molly? Well you know how I was sailing through without a care in the world but I had a pretty bad day from first thing and it got crapper. Then bam hit me like a sledge hammer this afternoon, 'you can have a couple to take the edge off, it will be fine'. Only it wouldn't have been and I know it. Friday evenings are a trigger, start of the weekend, plus add HALT into the mix and my complacency gave me a good hard kick in the behind. Anyway rode the wave, back home out into the garden for a play with the dogs and just ate so food so all is well. Just got caught out by the intensity of the cravings and mind game I played with myself.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Hi again, good to hear you rode the wave Tabbers, me too, being honest every evening is a trigger for me but especially when the weather is good and I can smell all the BBQs lighting up and parties starting. What helped me tonight was making sure I got a good dinner and then doing a lot of physical work in the garden, once I am physically tired I'm grand and can just go to sleep, plus we're on a really tight budget at the min (hubby got made redundant a few months back) so if I blow the budget by going out and buying wine or whatever then I feel doubly guilty.

            Yes Roxane, 9 whole weeks! - primary school kids here get all of July & Aug off, in Secondary school they get all of June off too unless they are doing exams - its a long time to keep them busy!

            Off to bed soon, wrecked.
            Goodnight all!
            There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


              Going to take myself off now for an early night with a good book, laters folks.

              xpost there Bandit, good to hear you made it through too, ODAT does work. Maybe join me on the 24 hour thread tomorrow morning if you feel it might help.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Yo Troopers!

                Rusty, thinking of you and your mum.

                Happy anniversary Miss Molly!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Ooohh, Australian crush :-) Thamk you for the kind words about mum! How are you doing??


                    someone posted a clip of the who at hyde park on facebook. i bet mr and mrs JC were loving it!


                      Morning to all FB'ers, I am anti-social, dont have a faceache account.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Good morning all
                        Shaping up to be another nice day here so out in the garden it will be
                        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                          Working. Having a tangerine break.


                            Afternoon army just catching up on some house work and laundry here. Sun has gone for now but its very warm if a cloudy. Have a super Saturday.


                              Afternoon all
                              Just spent the last few hours sieving gravel - and yes it is as mind numbingly tedious as it sounds - we are moving it from one side of the garden to the other but it has been in the same place for years and needs to be sieved to get all the dirt out of it.
                              Thankfully rain has interrupted play and off to get some munchies
                              Mind you, you'd be amazed what you can find under it - so far loads of old wash pegs , a few odd socks, a pair of undies, a collection of small children's toys and the best find so far -a packet of sealed haribo jellies - woo hoo!, saving them for later!
                              Catch u later
                              There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


                                Originally posted by mollyka
                                so am I --- but my nosiness wins out --- love to know what people I've never met look like --- I really only use it as a private messaging service --- morning Tablicious...... gardening day??
                                Nope, I was at work, home now though.

                                Originally posted by Bandit View Post
                                Afternoon all
                                Just spent the last few hours sieving gravel - and yes it is as mind numbingly tedious as it sounds - we are moving it from one side of the garden to the other but it has been in the same place for years and needs to be sieved to get all the dirt out of it.
                                Thankfully rain has interrupted play and off to get some munchies
                                Mind you, you'd be amazed what you can find under it - so far loads of old wash pegs , a few odd socks, a pair of undies, a collection of small children's toys and the best find so far -a packet of sealed haribo jellies - woo hoo!, saving them for later!
                                Catch u later

                                Ewww yuck to years old bag of jellies found under the gravel, now as for the undies, I am not asking any questions young lady....
                                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

