I have had a history of deluding myself for years. I did not want to give up the fantasy picture of a glass of wine at sunset on the balcony or the glass to “pair” with a quality dinner. I would turn the other cheek the times I drank too much and bargain with myself and God (my higher power) that I would not do that again. I would think…”Please, give me another chance. The next time I WON’T go over my limit” or “I promise, I will NOT go over 3 drinks.” The problem is most of the time I would be ok, but there would be those sporadic times where all Hell broke loose and I’d be drunk, crying, saying I wanted to kill myself, stumbling, slurring, or telling someone off. I would black out and the last episode I had of drinking I passed out after blacking out. I was sneaking hard liquor after the wine was gone. A new one for me. It was beyond ok.
It has taken me a long time to get here…to FINALLY admit that I should no longer drink (for my well being, and the well being of my friends and family). I am lucky in the fact that I am not being forced into this but have had concerned family and friends probably hoping I would come into this decision (on my own) for a long time. You know the saying…”You can lead a horse to water…” I simply wasn’t ready to quit but I am finally past the delusion that everything will be ok if I just have a couple of drinks. I want to be fully present for my family. I have always found that after a couple of drinks I become lazy. 4th of July last year we visited my brother who had a pontoon boat and the plan was to go out on the water to watch the fireworks. After a few drinks I didn’t want to do that anymore and my kids missed a great fireworks display because I was tired and just wanted to go visit my other brother and go to bed. Pathetic!
I need a little help from the oldies that have time under their belts as well as the other newbies who have just started on this road to recovery like me. In the past it has been easy to shake off the “I have to quit” thought after the hangover is gone and a few days have passed. I have done irreparable damage this time as to how I have embarrassed my husband and hurt a good friend with stupid, drunken words. It is time to quit.
Please share advice on how you got or are getting through these first few days when it’s crucial to hold on to the thought that it is time to quit and not getting caught up in the delusion of thinking "I can just have a couple now that the hangover is gone."
I am simply All done Drinking. Yes!