I personally don't want to go into specifics regarding what I go through personally on a day to day basis. But as I said before its intrusive, obsessive thoughts followed by compulsions. Feeling that by doing these compulsions or ruminating or seeking reassurance will make it go away. It never does, unfortunately.
Sometimes to me the obsessions are bizarre. But it doesn't make them any less anxiety-inducing. Or absolutely irrational.
I just hate having to go through it. It really can interfere with my day.
I don't know how to deal with it. Or rather I didn't so I began to drink heavily.
Now I have a few tools to cope but then there are times (like last week) where I'm at a loss. And I went to get a bottle of wine to cope. Which 1000% helped but then it was still there the next day. I completely know what I am doing is unhealthy. But that's the time where I know I must see a doctor. So there I go.
I have an appointment tomorrow. And the last couple days have been better to be honest. I definitely enjoy my sober time.
It's just when in high times of stress where the OCD rears its ugly head does it become difficult or overwhelming.
So I'm doing ok right now.
Dealing in healthier ways. Will actually try meditation. Have my appointment.
Onwards and upwards.