i will now be spending the day cleaning dog hair from everything. never known a moulter like him.
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ARMY...................MOON GATES NOW OPEN..........week beginning 27th July 2015
just makes us have to get it from elsewhere, like the land registry. neighbour has been sending letters through the letting agency, i think. wiil check on that.
i will now be spending the day cleaning dog hair from everything. never known a moulter like him.
Anon, Im delighted you are all here for that chat.. cos im feeling like an oddity here in work. Its only just gone 11am and already wine/booze has been mentioned 3 times in conversation in the office. Long weekend I suppose.
Early shopping is a great idea Tabbers. I’ll do the big one tomorrow morning instead. Sunday eve is my really trying time, worse than Friday night!
Roxane, leylandii's should be banned, ridiculous trees. I've seen this discussed on boards.ie before, might be some more ideas there.AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:
Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View PostMorning all, early start from me and parts of the house look messier than before I started. Got me to thinking it is time I cleared out the garage as well. Where does all the 'stuff' aka junk come from? A skip will be hired at the weekend. Did I mention this is my annual summer holiday.
Originally posted by IamMary View PostAnon, Im delighted you are all here for that chat.. cos im feeling like an oddity here in work. Its only just gone 11am and already wine/booze has been mentioned 3 times in conversation in the office. Long weekend I suppose.
Early shopping is a great idea Tabbers. I’ll do the big one tomorrow morning instead. Sunday eve is my really trying time, worse than Friday night!
Roxane, leylandii's should be banned, ridiculous trees. I've seen this discussed on boards.ie before, might be some more ideas there.
Monday mornings were a write-off.
Do you work with a young crowd ?
I've found since becoming AF ( & holier than thou )I find myself feeling sorry for the poor saps in work that feel they have to go out & get p***ed to enjoy life. Then lose the following day to a hangover.
But then I'm an 'ol wan :haha:
Originally posted by NoraC View PostMorning from California! Have a great day everyone! I'm trying to plan my weekend so no bad thoughts come in. Maybe a movie tonight.
Movie night with popcorn - yummy
As a famous Irishman ( I think ) said "fail to plan : and you plan to fail"
Nice food & goodies......
I have a stash of freeze dried Raspberries covered in White Chocolate - OMG - and Licorice Allsorts.
NEVER would have done that in my drinking days -but I know I prefer to fight a few pounds than to ever go back to that place :disgust:Last edited by satz123; July 31, 2015, 02:15 PM.
Movies & popcorn sound wonderful. I also think I need to get a stash of goodies. Last night I really needed something and of course, I didn't have anything in the house.I finally found about 4 old Peanut M&M's. That's how desparate I was.
"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Originally posted by mollykaI can't see the TREE never mind Black Bess????? hafternoooooooon all --- howdy Pie -- you must have the ONLY username that isn't shortenable or addable to with a y.....
this is where true knowledge of our disease/illness comes in --- each and every time I pick up a drink (as a problem drinker/alcoholic) I AM losing the benefit of any quit time --- and multiplying the difficulty of each subsequent quit --- the actual science/words necessary here I can't actually say/use ---- but it is true ---
While for brain recovery he believes that it is important not to drink at all, he fully acknowledges that it is a process and does not suggest that everything is lost because of a brief relapse -- but that what you really want and need can't be gained until you're fully abstinent.
I found it helpful to sort of step outside myself and look at the situation in a clinical, detached way as if I were giving practical, science-based advice to someone else (and in some ways that crazy craving person was someone else!!)
Thank you Molly & NS for your posts. I am trying to make this 'quit' the 'one'. But, I am not kidding myself. I have felt positive before. Thought I had it kicked and then fell back into that dark hole. I am not giving up. I am fighting!!
Thanks for all the support. :hug:"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Originally posted by mollykaI definitely wish I had known in the past how much my resolve and my happiness in my sober state grew with time --- I just felt I'd always feel like I was 'fighting' it --- and that felt it would be intolerable --- I also got to the stage with relapsing(because I did it so often) that I'd nearly lost the battle before I even started because I got to the stage that I didn't believe I could do it..... I do feel you sound different this time Nora --- be PROUD of each day --- be frigging DEAD proud ---- because this is the best and biggest thing I've ever done in my life and I'm sure most addicts feel the same way --- make it FEEL worthwhile to yourself..... one day at a time...... xxxxx