This post is dedicated to the quit we love. Abcowboy and I (Addy – All Done Drinkin…Yes!) have put our heads together to create a post for those who are serious about abstaining and want to stay that way. We want to share pearls of wisdom here of how to stay alcohol free. I am editing this as time has gone on and there have been some changes with the frequency we will be checking in. Thus, the site (since Jan 1st, 2016) will become more of a "blog" with some of the new info that I (Addy) glean from a face to face group I will be meeting where I live, and another forum I will be posting on. I value the many people I have met here since 08 and want to keep sharing some of the good info I come across to enable us to all be strong in our quit.
We are hoping this thread will be a way to focus on recovery with a solution based focus. Solution based focus is based on the strengths of a group (rather than the weaknesses) and focuses on what people want to achieve, and helps map out changes necessary for realizing that new vision. The past is over and there is nothing we can do about it. I personally cannot pretend I didn't make a fool out of myself more than once when drunk, embarrassing myself, my husband and my kids. But I can quit drinking and work on solutions to not drink again and put myself at risk in the future.
This week the discussion will be tips and tricks to avoid triggers that may cause relapse. Please share your pearls of wisdom regarding either the topic for the week or anything else in your recovery process that could help others. Here are some of Addy’s suggestions for paying attention to triggers:
Avoid the people, places, and things; that may trigger your use. If you find yourself in a risky environment, be prepared to respond assertively, don’t make excuses, and be willing to leave immediately if need be.
• Make a commitment to quitting. Make your decision public with people who will support and respect you.
• Decide whether you are ready to sacrifice immediate gratification for more long term benefits.
• Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing
If you do slip, stop! Do not finish the drink. Sometimes we have to go back and take it one minute at a time.
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make it a new ending.
Addy (All Done Drinking...Yes!) :love: