As I've been mulling your post over, I wanted to add something else that may be on the same page as what you are saying. So often, people have opinions of words that are said. They imply different things to different people. In the 80s when I told select friends that I was a recovering alcoholic they raised their eyebrows and pictured the street side brown bagger, which didn't match the high functioning professional person that I was.
I will be asked why I am not drinking the next time I see a certain family member. I am not going to tell them I decided to go into "recovery". I will probably say something like my body just isn't processing alcohol like it used to and I've decided to quit. It is the truth as I notice that one should be enough but I crave more so why even put myself on that merry go round. Someone said this once and I agree "If only one, why not none."
Even the "recovery" phrase creates a stigma for some people. When I met a friends new boyfriend, the fact that he shared he had been "in recovery" for 20 years made me think of him differently than if he had just said "I don't drink" without giving a reason. So, there is the stigma of words as well but that's what I've experienced and maybe others won't agree that that's the case for them. Very interesting to share our different observations and stories. Thanks for posting.