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One Step at a Time - August 2015

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    Morning all,
    Lovely and cool this morning. Storms overnight woke me up. Dog got scared and was pacing on the bed...ggggeeeezzzz
    Gym shortly.
    I feel like a weight has been lifted with Jerry out of the picture. I am sort of flattered by the thought of the relationship but he was just to bossy and clingy way too early. I am getting used to doing what I want, when I want. Who knows but for now I am just enjoying the dating part of life.
    Happy AF Monday!!

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      Originally posted by Rusty View Post
      Good Morning! Happy Monday (Well, Maybe Not!! HAAHAHAHAH)

      Eve/Addy-wow, I really admire your courage in admitting that moderating did not work for you, and I KNOW how hard you tried. I was an avid reader of your posts in the Mods Forum. I love your new attitude, too, so full of energy, hope and light. Please stick with us. You have so much to offer. You were always SO supportive on the Mods Thread. Just imagine what you could do here!:happy2:

      Blue-thanks for being here with us as well. It's lovely to see our thread here growing...we love new faces. We can all learn from you.

      Techie-thanks for popping in! I follow you on the Undies Thread. ;-)

      Nora-Glad to see you on The Army Thread. Those people are really, really wonderful! So helpful in getting people on the right track to the AF life. Love that you get your brows threaded. I just get mine waxed. But then I have gel nails and eyelash extensions, too...because I am a Material Girl (Madonna's voice booming). LOL. Vanity, my favorite of the 7 Deadly Sins. Hahaha

      Dottie-hope your date went well.

      I did not make it to the wedding reception. :0( My cold has turned into something worse and now I have horrible pressure in my ears, accompanies by dizziness and nausea. I had just gotten back from getting my hair done Saturday when I was stricken on the way home...dizzy, etc. I thought I would lie down for a bit...well, I did, but did not set my alarm and woke up at 10:30PM. I missed the whole thing. UGH. Off to the doctor's today.

      Hi to Mama, Liz and Pauly. ;-)

      Have a good Monday, everyone!
      Rusty- learn from me? I don't know about that.😉
      But, I am glad to be here!


        Morning, morning....Sneaking on with my coworker behind me so this will be short. Just wanted to touch base. I'll catch you all later.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Originally posted by mama bear View Post
          I am here Nora. I was a bum all day yesterday about to jump in the shower for work.
          Blue I don't really talk about my drinking bc I don't want to be a negative influence. I do not drink during the week, sometimes on Friday and usually on Saturday. My husband keeps a close eye on me.
          Gotta run....I'll check in later

          Awwwwwww thank you Mama for sharing that with me!😘


            Originally posted by Lizann View Post
            I have missed you guys! I did read back.
            Nora, you are sounding wonderful! You go girl. I drink to numb, sleep as well. I did have a sangria over the weekend. No big deal, but I was consumed with drinking thoughts. I'm so tired of them. Hubby is watching me like a hawk now too.
            Rusty, sorry you don't feel well. Hope the dr, can give you something to feel better. I get that vanity thing. Got my gel nails again last week too.
            Mama, I admire that you can moderate. Do you think about al a lot? Do you look forward to those weekend drinks?
            Dottie, you are sounding busy and like you're enjoying yourself. I'm with rusty, I wouldn't want dependent clingy either, just saying. Enjoy your dance class.
            Blue, glad you decided to stay here. I want to be able to moderate, but I don't know if it's possible for me. How is your sister doing?
            So we had a wonderful weekend. The traffic was no fun, going or coming home. Erin had an action packed day on Saturday and we did and saw it all. Fell into bed exhausted. Yesterday we just wandered around Rhode Island a bit. It was a beautiful weekend. Because seeing the patriots training camp wasn't enough we may go see the Giants training camp today. About 20 minutes from home, thankfully.
            Have a good Monday guys.
            Liz-my sister is still about the same...she turned 62 yesterday! But she wasn't up for company so i called her and sang happy birthday.
            I'm getting ready to order her carnation breakfast shakes in a few minutes. Thanks for asking!

            Yesterday I had two beers and two shots of brandy early in the day...went to bed around 10pm...but didn't sleep very well. So I'm a little tired this morning. I prefer to drink later in the evening cause I sleep better.

            I'm finding that I don't have to drink to get drunk and still live Hahahahaha


              Pau;y, you don't make me mad and some of your comments are one of the reasons I don't talk about drinking. I do it, but just don't discuss it.
              Eating tacos and flopping...we are working hard to make this new acquisition happen.....A boss of sorts was snarky in an email, and I went into her office and told her I didn;t appreciate it. To work this hard and not hear an occasional thank you pissed me off. I felt like Superwoman when I left. I don't like conflict, but I'll be damned if I am going to allow someone to be disrespectful. She got and sugar sweet all day.
              Everyone sounds good....Good job on the wedding without AL, and Lizz, your trip sounds great!
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Addy, good for you for not drinking at the wedding. I'm glad I don't have one coming up, not sure I would be able to do it yet. I just love weddings!
                Pauly, feel better. You do sound a tad miserable.
                Did end up going to Giants training camp. I need to keep myself busy. Missing my son a lot. He is doing great and loving his time in Switzerland! He went hiking in the Alps yesterday and the pictures are beautiful. Anyway, I ate everything insight today, but it's better than drinking for sure.
                Sweet dreams


                  Mama - glad that you went & told your 'boss' that you didn't appreciate the e-mail. You are working your butt off! I think some thanks are in order. Get some rest.

                  Pauly - are you feeling any better? I remember very well those 'period' days. Then when I started going thru perimenopause, it was worse! Feel better!

                  Liz - glad that you had fun. I'm sick of drinking thoughts too. Hubby just asked me if I was taking AB. I said no - he just said good for you. I think he realizes how hard I'm working on this.

                  Blue - sorry that your sister wasn't up for a visit on her birthday. Glad that you were able to sing to her though. Since I haven't been drinking, I've had to take a Lorazepam some nights to help me relax enough to sleep. It seems to be working and I'm trying not to use it every night. Benadryl also works so I've been sleeping ok thank goodness.

                  Dottie - I'm sorry about Jerry but you definitely don't need clingy! I think I need to read back & find out how your dance lesson went yesterday. I must have missed it.

                  Addy - you really are doing well. Very positive. Good to see. I know that I've been reading all over the place to try to make sure that my head stays in the right place. Had some temptation today but it was stress. I recognized it for what it was and got in my car after work and drove straight home!

                  Rusty - I sure hope that you are starting to feel better. You are working too hard and I'm sure that has something to do with it. Just take care of yourself. Rest up. :hug: I use to have my brow/lip waxed but I like the threading better. How do the eyelash extensions work? Do they last very long?

                  Well - dinner is to run. Spaghetti & veggie meatballs and garlic bread. Yum....

                  Hello to everyone that is here & or lurking.
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Morning all,
                    Nora dance lesson is today. I have lunch with fellow from 30 years ago then dance lesson then meeting at church...then sleep...
                    Hot today and I am not sleeping well. Jerry just wont give up. I am not changing my mind. He does not know how to compromise and if we are having this much trouble this soon I hate to think what it would be like going forward....
                    Got a no bark collar for crazy dog. It sprays a citrus spray when he barks...not sure if it is working or not. He is not barking as much but not sure if it is the spray or just having the collar on. Whatever I just hope it works..he drives me nuts...male dog....what else would I expect...hehehehe

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      Morning all - ovrslept and had to rush to work. Finally trying to check in from work but it's hard.

                      Have a great day everyone!! I'll check back later.

                      Day 9 for me.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Hey guys!

                        It rained pretty hard here last my roof leaked. I used to love the I hate it! So...of course I was depressed and drank more than I should have.

                        Have a successful day guys!!!

                        PS...I had longer post and lost it��


                          You better go girl.....Day 9!!!!! Whoot Whoot!!!!


                            Hey all,Nora,congrats on 9 days glad your hubs is supporting you,Mama,I'm glad I didn't piss you off with my comment yesterday,you have enough going on without drama here too,has anyone heard from K9 at all?have been slacking on exercise this week I know it helps with period probs but who wants to walk/run with cramps? Not me,work was slowish,glad to be home,hello to all hope everyone is enjoying their day
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              just in from another crazy day, but all is well....I am just tired. Not depressed or anything, just taking it all in.
                              I have not heard from K9, despite numerous texts.
                              gonna eat.....everyone sounds good....Come on Blue.....we are here for you!
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Nora congrats on 9 days! Glad hubby is supporting you. I sure do see how. Hard you are working at it. I try getting on here at work too, but eyes are everywhere.
                                Pauly, hope you're feeling better. I have been eating a lot since we went away this past weekend, better than drinking, I know, but I need to get my butt moving too. Did take Lucy for a walk tonight. It's just so hot out.
                                Mama, go eat and watch some mindless tv, that usually helps me.
                                Dottie how was the date?
                                Rusty, how are you feeling?
                                Sweet dreams guys!

