Here's an example.
This morning, I scooted to the Y for my workout...home for a five minute shower and off to a Dr.'s appt., which was supposed to be at 11:20, but I had to wait (natch) and didn't get out of there until 12:40. I ran home quickly and grabbed some food I made last night for my mom. Ran to her house and took her mall walking. While at the mall, we ran into one of her ex work buddies (mom didn't retire until she was 84, LOL) and got the run down of her latest afflictions and the afflictions of her family. Then, mom requested a stop at Einstein's bagels and I ran in and grabbed her a couple of them. Got her home and she remembered she was out of aspirin, which she takes to prevent strokes. Off I ran to the grocery store and fetched her aspirin. Got home and made her bed (she'd washed the sheets but is too weak to make the bed). I went to Penzey's and picked up herbs (I used all of Alice's thyme yesterday), went grocery shopping and am now making dinner for my sister wives.
My mom's quality of life will nose-dive when I have to work again.
Dots, keep us posted about your grief appt. <3