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im thinkin a lot 2day

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    im thinkin a lot 2day

    i should b at work now, !! i dont want 2 go cos im gonna get a bollocking, i am a cleaner an was entrusted with keys!! last week was a real bad 1, i was gonna split wiv my partner , l finished job lst wed, this wed i went to go an oh no no keys, i have blagged it 4 2 days an have jus admitted i lost em, i have no recolection of wher they r, id had a few b4 i went an a good few when i got bk, now i got to face the music, so im havin a fe more b4 i go,, there really is no logic to my drinkin, it seems like pouring peterol on a fire to put it out if that makes anysense at all, i used to say theres method in my madness but now i think my whole method is just madness!!!! how low is rock bottom an is it wise to go ther b4 u cum bk up, i thought a few tmes over the years that i could not sink any lower an dragged myself bk to ground level, i should have a good life now if it wasent 4 me an beer i dont want to reach bottom i want to aim 4 top, its just it seems such a bloody long way, sorry togo on, xxxx
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

    im thinkin a lot 2day

    Oh Rachel, even with our own personal rock bottom I do belive it is possible to go lower. You sound as if your ready to come up from there. Tell them about the keys; say you droped them in the loo and they got flushed, that seems good to me. Accidents happen. are you so worried about what others say that you keep yourself worked up? I have done that and used alcohol to escape it. tell them the truth about the keys. And start lets start climbing up, my friend you are not alone in this!


      im thinkin a lot 2day

      thats not a bad excuse!!! i have blagged it untill next weds, i said they prob r in my other bag at bros, so that shud keep me occupied 4 a while!! i sat an had a good chat with my bf last night, an he thinks he knows exactly what i been drinkin, ALMOST! so he said hes gonna help by limiting the alchol in the house, he was just not gonna buy any, i panicked an said just cut it down, he told his bloody mum as well tho, im slightly nervous about seeing her at weekend, but she wi ll prob give me some wise words an a kick up the bum, shes a lovely lady, i cant blame him 4 telling her i was leaving him last week, over a stupid row where we were both drunk, thanks 4 your support, an i hope we can climb up 2gether, keep in touch, hope u r well xx
      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


        im thinkin a lot 2day

        im bein thick but where do u live? va?
        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


          im thinkin a lot 2day

          Hi rachel,

          Things will get better for you.
          Stick with us.


            im thinkin a lot 2day

            Things can always get worse; but we need to remember that things can also get a whole lot better as well.

            Cheers. Stay with us. Slow and steady wins the race.


              im thinkin a lot 2day

              Hey rachel, you are here so that is a really positive start .....

              Baby steps ....

              BB xx


                im thinkin a lot 2day

                Admitting you have a problem and then reaching out is a really big step. You're doing great! Maybe now is the time to keep moving forward and making some big improvements in you life! You go girl!

                It always seems impossible until it's done....


                  im thinkin a lot 2day

                  Please keep coming back. You'll get a lot of support and information here.
                  "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                    im thinkin a lot 2day

                    I agree with Flip, Hi Flip!

                    Just be honest, well as honest as you can and keep yourself in the job.

                    Use this as a lesson, I've had to be honest, I got done dui, when I have to have a licence to hold my job, it was humiliating, and shameful, but by being honest about it I kept my job...

                    Just do the best you can, and ask the universe for help, it will answer, true...

                    Lots of love and support, Jas
                    :thanks: :h


                      im thinkin a lot 2day

                      Jasmin said it better than I could.
                      Why not?


                        im thinkin a lot 2day

                        I hope that you are at the bottom and have no place to go but up. I hope that with your boyfriend and his mum and all of us here that you start climbing out of your rut very soon, like even today....
                        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                          im thinkin a lot 2day

                          Hay Rachel, a warm :welcome: - you've already taken the first step up by signing in here, so just keep going one little step at a time. Don't look at the distance it seems - just one step forward is better than before - just make manageable goals be they one hour, one day or a month - set yourself up to succeed. We're here to support and help, but you're the driver, look forward to joining you as you continue forward!
                          :rays: Arial

                          Last first day - 15th April 2012
                          Days 1-7 DONE
                          Days 8-14 DONE
                          Days 15-21 DONE
                          30 days DONE
                          60 days
                          100 days


                            im thinkin a lot 2day

                            id like to say thanks this weekend i stopped drinkin at 8,30 thts good 4 me, i did start early but i stopped i actually made a descision an made a coffee wiyth no brandy!!!! i did have a naughty day yesterday but im trying hard today , if i go on today its cos i got a day of an tryin to take my mind of my usual passtime xx
                            :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                              im thinkin a lot 2day

                              Rachel, keep it up,1 good day can lead into another. I know how you feel about having all the liquor removed from the house. I never have taken it all out,but i have moved my wine rack to another room so out of sight out of mind. I just didn't want to have it not available. Security blanket? Maybe. I don't drink that much anymore. If I can do it anyone can!!!!You asked where in VA I lived in a earlier post, I live 65 miles west of Washington DC. Are you taking the supplements/ They truly do work

