I sometimes sit and think to myself "maybe it was a bad idea to stop drinking right now", we all know that's a load of bull. It's a test. Right? I mean, I HAD to quit. I knew I had to. And I did it in the middle of my mini meltdown which only seems like is growing and am afraid of falling into a depression now.
I HAVE to find healthier ways of dealing with all the bullshit going on in my head. Other people do it without self-medicating and so can I. I'm not special. There is no special "drink your face off because you're special and you don't need to deal with your problems!!" card. 😒
I have good days. I have really bad days. And then I have days in between.
I have to be sober in order for my pdoc to see me and deal with my issues of anxiety and OCD. But I wish he threw me a damn bone as I feel like I am drowning sometimes.
Although the thought of drinking seems seductive and like my savior from these intense feelings of never-ending doom and gloom, it'll only be there tomorrow. I need to start somewhere to get rid of these feelings...
I know that booze is NOT an option.
But I am feeling pretty lost right now.

So I have decided to start this thread for anyone dealing with anxiety. For me, when I write out how I feel, the anxiety tends to lessen and I usually feel a little better. Especially when I receive support and know I have people in my corner that know exactly how I feel.
So vent your anxieties here. Big or small. Even if you think it's stupid...trust me, to me nothing is stupid as I deal with OCD and irrational thoughts and fears is my middle name.
I know I keep saying I am suffering from these things, people might be sick of it "oh here is Bri again with her anxiety and OCD" - but this is why I drank. I never admitted that fully. And I always said I would quit and blablabla and I always went back to it but this time I can't use that crutch anymore. I can't drink over it or it'll get worse.
Thus this sounding off board. Please join me in airing out your frustrations. Alcohol related or not. I know I will come here whenever my anxiety gets the best of me - all to avoid going back to that poison which only perpetuates the cycle of insanity.
Thanks for listening.
I feel a little better.
Nothing like severe anxiety in the middle of your work day. 😏
God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.