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    HA HA HA

    Ima, I will say it again, you are lucky you know nothing about Paris. I wish I didn't. I could not agree more with Al Gore about what the media reports.

    I am concerned that Tawny is concerned about the whereabouts of the dog. I think that makes her a candidate for the odd thread.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      HA HA HA

      Well... all this paris talk makes me wish I was rich and beautiful so I'd get a break. I got a ticket on my way home yesterday!!

      So I'm driving home from work, and this pheasant runs across the road and my car hits it. It goes flying up, over my car, and hits the car behind me! I look in the rear view mirror and it's a frickin cop car. And so he puts on his lights and pulls me over!
      Then he gives me a ticket for flipping him the bird!!


        HA HA HA

        dontcha think tawny is having a little joke here?


          HA HA HA

          I prefer to be non judgemental on the Paris issue as maybe like so many of us she has an addiction that makes her do crazy stuff??????????

          i agree driving whilst suspended is not something to condone though.

          I hope she gets chance to think through some of her issues because believe me we all have them...thats why I come on here to get support to change some of my foolish ways.

          Hope she gets some inner strength to make some changes soon.

          Regards Cassy


            HA HA HA

            really? I think she is a spoilt brat

            god help kids who look up to her as a role model (and I speak as the mother of a daughter)


              HA HA HA

              I did not know she had never graduated high school until just now. Her mother's biggest desire was for her to be famous. The parents deserve a lot of blame here as well.

              Okay I am done with this subject because I feel my brain turning to mush as I type...
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                HA HA HA

                She got a DUI and had license suspended. Then drove on suspended license because her publicist told her she could. She was going 70 mph @ night with her headlights off when she was pulled over. She is a dumb shit.

                She did get her GED though.


                  HA HA HA

                  agreed - KILL THE THREAD - it is poison to us educated people - aaarrgh!


                    HA HA HA

                    hey, i told a joke up above to change the subject - yet to tie in with the thread name HA HA HA - was it a bad joke?? (sniffle)


                      HA HA HA

                      No Ima, I laughed. Paris overtook us there for a minute.
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        HA HA HA

                        Thanks Lushy, I can always count on you.
                        See what this celebrity crap can do to decent people???????


                          HA HA HA

                          Trial by MWO members scarey stuff!!!!
                          Well again i say lets leave this woman to make the changes necessary in her life... i need my strength to sort out my own weaknesses rather than judge others///so nothing more to say from me on this subject.



                            HA HA HA

                            Well, you made me laugh imatree!!
                            Poor Paris, I hope she doesn't have another nervous breakdown that could come on in two days and be soooooo serious..... GIVE ME A BREAK!!
                            Cassy, it's not the DUI that pisses me off - after all who are we to judge anyone. It's the special treatment for the rich bitch and the fact that it none of it needed to happen in the first place. She can afford to jet around the world and have 3 lavish parties for her birthday (in in Rome, London and NY I think!?!) all on one weekend and it is well known that she likes to party hard and yet she doesn't have the sense to hire a driver when she parties???!!!!! That is just pathetic. (God, it's sad that I know so much about this crap! I REALLY do need to get a life!)
                            "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense." Ralph Waldo Emerson :rays:


                              HA HA HA

                              Sorry ima-

                              I really believed you had been pulled over for a minute there!!!


                                HA HA HA

                                I still think she has a booze problem...i have a list of bad decisions i,ve made when under the influence too...thankfully they werent front page news!!!Money or no money the humiliation must be awful for her family and herself.

                                oh well in a few days people will be getting at somebody else in the newspapers. Boy i am glad not to be famous wi8th my booze issue on iinternational TV!!

