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One Step at a Time - September 2015
Originally posted by NoraC View PostHi Mama - rest, rest, rest. :hug:
Fen - I totally understand with the divorce wanting to do it collaboratively. I just want to be sure that you are taken care of friend......
Yes - I'm really worried about Mom too. We just don't know what to do. I am buying a one way ticket for her to come home with me in November. If it's absolutely awful, then we will fly her back home and hubby can probably stay with her while my brother is traveling. We were hoping to get her down here because if she does ever have to go into a facility, they are better in my area. Plus the fact that here she will have someone with her 24/7. It is almost to that point now. My brother's back was out and he was laying on the couch. Mom got up and went into the kitchen and didn't come back in to the living room. He went into the kitchen to check on her and she was sitting on her seat on her walker. He asked her if she was ok and she said she was just resting. She just gets so tired moving around and she is sleeping most of the day now.
It is going to be a huge transition and it might not work. But, I feel like I have to try.'s hard when you reach this age and start dealing with your elderly parents. Many of you know that because you are dealing with it too.
Thanks for listening.
Evening steppers. Pretty good day for me. Nothing new to report really except I didn't sleep well last night and now I'm exhausted. Hubby went fishing and came home with flounder. Dinner tomorrow?
Fen I know those chipmunks are everywhere! We have a fenced in yard and he tries to keep the vermin out. I get it during the summer with the fruit and veggies, but there's not much left ou there now. He can be so stubborn. I think working it out with mrs fen is probably the best idea. You're the best thing that ever happened to her!
Lol Nora. You need to figure out what you're doing wrong.
Sweet dreams!
I am meeting up with my new sponsor at the noon meeting tomorrow. I may go to the speaker meeting on Thursday's a pot luck and we are all supposed to bring a dish. I have no idea what I will bring, but I think it would be fun to attend.
Originally posted by fennel View PostThanks, Liz and Nora...that's why she can't stop texting me and inviting me over to the house."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Originally posted by fennel View PostI am meeting up with my new sponsor at the noon meeting tomorrow. I may go to the speaker meeting on Thursday's a pot luck and we are all supposed to bring a dish. I have no idea what I will bring, but I think it would be fun to attend."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Good Morning, Friends!
A quick check-in from me today. My mom had to be taken to the ER yesterday because she was feeling so weak and could barely get out of bed. Her heart rate was so low that they put in a pacemaker yesterday afternoon. I have to leave for St. Louis REALLY early tomorrow morning so I will spend the night with my mom and then drive to the airport in the morning. She is supposed to be discharged this afternoon.
I am so grateful that I have not had thoughts of drinking. I always prayed that when my mom's health started to falter, that I would be free enough from AL's chains that I would not want to go back and I am so glad. I was happy that when my sister called me at work yesterday afternoon to say that mom was in the operating room, that I calmly said, "well, now Mom will feel better," instead of bursting into tears and driving to the nearest bar. It is hard being on the road so much and being away from her. Fortunately, my strong faith gives me comfort. It also made me realize that we have some equally strong and compassionate women on this thread going through similar situations: Mama, Nora, and Fenny. You guys NEVER complain about the time you spend with your mothers or MIL, and I think that takes an incredible amount of class.:yay::love::happy2:
Big hellos to everyone else. More work to do before I start work. Hahaha Happy Hump Day!
Rusty, that's so scary about your mom! Why on earth was her heart rate that low? Is she on blood pressure medication? That's the main reason I can think of that would cause that sort of heart rate. I hope she feels better soon.
Nora, I got a new sponsor, but still talk to my old one daily. My old one has a partner with multiple health issues that keeps her pretty busy- she wasn't able to meet up with me and work the steps so she suggested another person.
Morning all,
Nora all I can say is practice, practice practice...LOL
Rusty that is so scary I hope she improves.
Fen hang in there you are doing great.
Gym shortly then first meeting with new guy then tonight 3rd date with another fellow.
Jerry doesn't get it. I have to stop replying to him and let it be. I am attracted to him for whatever reason but his desire to be right all the time and control things drive me nuts and even when I try to explain it he still doesn't get it...sigh..
More menfolk on the horizon....LOL
Where is everybody?
Dottie, I can't wait to hear about your new date! I'm getting my thrills vicariously through you. As for Jerry, those irritating qualities will only become more pronounced with time. I'm glad you won't respond to him further.
I met my sponsor at a new meeting, same building. It was an "Emotional Sobriety" meeting, which is something Bill W. wrote about in the fifties. I met some new people and I stayed way late talking to a lot of them, including my sponsor.
Went to my mom's house after. I'm getting pretty nervous about her written skills portion of the driving test. I queued up a WI DMV portal online for practice driver's exams and put it in her favorites for her. As soon as I got to her house, she told me she couldn't get past the railroad crossing sign question. I queued it up for her and explained that if she answers the question (left click on the circle before the answer in a column of multiple answers), the next question automatically pops up.
Well, I watched her and I was shocked at how poorly she was doing. One question posed that if two lanes of traffic were moving in the same direction, which lane was used for passing? She chose the "right most" lane. :egad: If she doesn't start improving, I'm inclined to think she doesn't belong on the road any longer...not that she does any highway driving, she only drives to the beauty salon, the grocery store and church.
I am home and going to bed. Long day. I am so sorry for those with ailing parents and I pray everyone does well. Much love to all.
I have a job interview tomorrow...maybe. I put it out that I was frustrated with my current situation and someone called me today. Now I don't know what to do. Listening costs nothing, right?
Nora - keep practicing...tee hee!I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem