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Topa effects

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    Topa effects

    Hello everyone
    I know this topic has been emplored in past, but I thought a survey might be fun to see what people's experiences on topa have been. I have read some things about people feeling a 'high'....does this continue? What has been the overall effect on people's moods? How much has it helped cravings? Also, could you please let me know your current dose?
    I am just curious as to people's general experiences at this point (I think the last thread dealing with this was several months back so wondering if things have changed for people since then)?

    Topa effects

    And I meant to write "I know this topic has been EXplored" not "Emplored" - and I am not even on topa yet! :lol


      Topa effects

      Hi Jenneh,

      A few days ago, I told a friend it was a "toin coss."
      But, I am probably going up a bit too fast. Still, it is worth it to me. Am at 100 mg today, which is going up a bit faster than recommended. If side effects get bad, will drop back down.

      Good luck,


        Topa effects

        Hi Jen,
        Wednesday will be three weeks for me. Although today I dosed up to 100mg. (Just wanted it to be on mondays that I did that). So today is day 20 for me.
        I feel I have done exceptionally well. Side effects are minimal. I might kinda feel a little topa dopa stuff. Cant really say its a high so to speak. I dont have a demanding job so maybe if I was under the gun more I would notice it more. I definatally feel mellow. And need to keep movin or a nap sounds good. So engery level could use a boost. Maybe a little bit of word exchange. Like once instead of "fall" I said "fly". Easy stupid stuff that isnt really a big deal. Things that maybe just make you laugh. Like you could just stand there and keep snappin your fingers and someone will say what you cant come up with and make them feel really special for readin your mind and you move on. No biggie. Slight blonde insight....I can live with it.

        Now for the good news...Day 20. Not a drop of alcohol. (tons of stress....still not a drop). I do have some cravings but able to redirect myself in a way like never before. My craving for junkie food is basically gone. Even mexican food! (amazing) Lost 8 lbs. If I crave anything it's healthy food. Sleep great. Mood is level. No other side effects at all. I plan to dose up until I feel I dont need to anymore which could be soon. : ) Gabby


          Topa effects

          300mg side effects none drinking none unless i want too


            Topa effects

            Hi All,
            I've been on topa almost 6 months. I decided to top out at 200 mg. While dosing up my husband noticed I had a bit of trouble finding words a few times but if you weren't looking for anything out of the ordinary you probably wouldn't have noticed. Most amazing I've lost 20 lbs. One more pound and I will be at my college weight -- and that was decades ago.
            I drink a couple glasses of wine a night -- much, much less than before. Yesterday my husband said he thought I had added 4 years to my life.
            Yeah topa!


              Topa effects

              I am not on it yet, but from what I hear from you guys, can't wait!! Who knows, could stand to lose some weight too, so a double edged sword so to say!? :eek

              Mary Anne


                Topa effects

                Hi Jen..sent you an email


                  Topa effects

                  Just started week 3 day one of 75 mg. No side effects. I think its important to put all the aspects of the program together. I have not used the CD's for a week and have missed them - especially on the weekend!

                  I just went to the doc yesterday to get my refill though and am still amazed at their reactions to the drug. Just to recap my Topa adventure. First doc freaked said no, second doc said not her field but would start me out but I had to go to another doc (that was yesterday) she gave me two months worth and said I had to go to anther doc (neurologist) just for a consult but gave me two more months worth!! I think they are all cover their butts because they are not familiar with the drug but I work full time and have co-pays for my visits so this is somewhat of a hassle!!!!!

                  Sorry, got off topic a bit!

                  I have everything need to go full blast ahead. Just need to make time for those CD's!!!

