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ARMY..................week beginning 14th September 2015!!!
Thanks Molls. I guess that I am being very leery because I have been here before. I have certainly wracked up this much time & longer in the past. So, I'm trying to be proactive this time.Stick close. Come here & actually talk when I'm having issues. Who would have thought to come here & actually ask for support? :rotlf:
Anyway, I'm still in the battle. This is the first quit that I have really felt that it is possible that I have another drink, I won't stop again. The sneaking & hiding was out of hand. How much energy I was wasting trying to get the alcohol, drink the alchol, hide the alchol. act like I wasn't drinking, get rid of the bottles and on & on.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora, me darling. The hiding and faking just wears away at your very being.............its a relief not to have to do it any more.
If you're wondering wtf we're on about the Rugby World Cup just had its opening ceremony. USA are in it so keep an eye out for them.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Originally posted by roxane View Post\ i am almost proud of my shopping now.