Hi Happy,
Ditto everyone else - you're amongst friends here who understand, have all been there and want to help. You look at others as having so much more to deal with and wonder how...there are people who look to you in the same way - you certainly inspire me with your dedication, thoughtfulness, care for others, strength... We're all allowed relapses or 'time outs' from being that perfect, cope with everything life throws, model person and just be human! And please don't look at 1 relapse as negating everything that went before - I agree 100% with St Jude - it's all part of the same climb - continue from here - you've not gone 'back' anywhwere!
Many congratulations on the walk! - I can imagine it was emotionally draining as well, though, all of which takes its toll. With regards to hubby could you talk to him about it?- I was actually the enabler in my ex's drinking situation - I always picked him up, put him to bed, make excuses to the girls, drove, - all because I didn't know what else to do - looking it from a drinker's perspective now, it is of course the worse thing I could have done, but I didn't know what else to do. Is there any councelling you could go to as a couple so he can understand a bit more how he can help rather than enable?
Take care of yourself and look forward, not back -it's a new day - you are a courageous, brave and capable woman and you're going to be fine! Lots of :l until the pain diminishes...