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ARMY...................MOON GATES NOW OPEN..........week beginning 28TH Sept 2015
How very odd. I understand why we have to have it............vulnerable adults etc.............but Mr JC doesn't and being a lawyer you'd expect him and the others who do family law to be knee deep in vulnerable adults/young people.
I'm off to the dentist.............again I hear you sigh. Just to pick up a gum guard...........I lost the other one.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Good morning
Thanks Rox for the bigger Tea!
Just had a coffee (pot made in work so I was feeling lazy). It was nice, but not as soothing as tea.
I usually get mildly excited about the prospect of a coffee, especially when I am out, plus coffee is way more sophisticated, then Im sorry I didnt order a tea. 30 years doing this, I must learn from my past!!
Glitzy, head wrecking slow. Wonder whats going on.
The garda vetting thing is quite the scam here. You must be vetted for every activity - so if you are vetted for the local GAA club, you have to apply separately to be vetted for the school or another organization. madness.AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:
Went shopping in my trackkie on Saturday after a walk - horrified - DD sent me this !
Oh and morning Army !! :checkin: