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One Step at a Time - October 2015

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    Oh Fen - I'm sure it's so hard not having your own place. I hope that you can work that out soon.

    Pauly - I read somewhere that you had 10,000 steps in by 7:00. Gee whiz - you people better rub off on me soon.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      We have been gifted with about 2 wks of glorious weather here in the Northwest, but I looked at the forecast and we have 2 wks of cloud with rainy periods starting tomorrow. That kind of weather depletes my energy. I took my neighbor's dog and Peggy to the dog park and they are not super social with the other dogs (both shy), I did walk them around the park a fair bit.

      Rusty, sounds as if you are having a great weekend. Nora, you are entitled to do nothing if you want to.

      Welcome back Sunnybird.

      Mama, I know you will tough this out and enjoy Brett's good mood.

      Hi Liz and Fen. Liz, I am still writing the stories for Vivian but her mom reads them in black and white. I should have learned to insert pictures earlier. Vivian announced this week, that when she grows up she will be an artist for children's stories. She did a lot of free style art with me and loved it, but at school they are assigned projects like staying within the lines. Not good from my point of view.

      Fen, I hope you get your living situation resolved. Not sure of the dynamics but were you offered the basement for short or long term. My rent just went up - more than what I had anticipated, but oh, well.

      The husband called me 2x this week but haven't returned his calls. Just don't want to listen to his lying voice.

      Pauly, great job on the 10K steps and cooking.

      I've enjoyed this gorgeous weather and hope my mood doesn't plummet with the oncoming weather.

      Enlightened by MWO


        SK - I know that I would have problems with depression if I lived in a rainy, gloomy period. I am not out in the sun much because of my fair skin. But, I must have sun around me.
        How fantastic that Vivian wants to be an artist for children's stories. The way that you have connected with her will be in heart forever. What a special thing to share.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          Oh gosh - I just saw the news. I didn't know about the terrible flooding in South Carolina. I hope that everyone is ok back there. So sad.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Hey guys. Fen that soup sounded delicious! What a great find with that book. I have a bit of an obsession with cookbooks. I pulled my slower cooker one out day before yesterday looking for something hearty to make now that the weather is getting cool. That nature walk sounds great! Leaves here have not yet begun to turn, I guess because it's been so warm.
            Nora, I am sorry you are feeling down. Mani, pedi and threading was a good idea. Nothing like a little pampering.
            Skendall, my dog does not do well at the dog park. She doesn't like dogs that are hyper. We just keep her away now. I really thinks she has no idea she's a dog. Good for you for ignoring hubs. He needs to just leave you be. In my opinion.
            Mama, so nice that pic of your son and nana on fb. Warms my heart. They are so lucky to have each other, I never really knew my grandparents. It means a lot to me that my kids are close to theirs, how was dinner last night? Rest up for another week away. Do you share a room T a hotel or do you at least get your own?
            Dottie, seems a little quiet on the dating front. Are you resting a bit?
            Pauly, dinner sounds yummy. How did it turn out? I exercised like a fiend yesterday. Thought I'd sleep well but had wrestless leg syndrome. It happens when I exercise a lot. Needless to say I didn't sleep well. Today hubby and I just walked for about an hour, no running. Watched football. Erin was at the jet game in London. Not her choice, mind you. We literally live 20 minutes from where they play here in the states and she's got to watch them in London when she could be site seeing. She is hoping to get back to her old neighborhood tomorrow. Anyway, my son is watching homeland and I think I'll give it a try too. Sweet dreams!


              Hi Liz - sorry about the restless leg. I don't have that and I've heard it's awful. I have been having some kind of episodes where my legs just ache so bad that I can't keep still. But, that's just because of the ache and me trying to stretch them.
              I just sighed when I heard that Erin had to go to the game. All the way to London and she had to go to the game.
              Enjoy your show. Night........
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Magnesium for both Liz and Nora. When we get older we feel a need to take calcium. Calcium contracts the muscles and magnesium relaxes the muscles, that is why they are sold in a combination.

                I was taking a med for RLS and just needed to walk at night. Taking magnesium solved the problem. It also improves sleep quality. I'm not too sure what dosage your might need and maybe Satz on the army thread can help. I take 250 g 2x day. Too much can cause the runs, so try a suggested dosage on magnesium threads. I can't suggest dosages.

                I've always been halfway with holistic medicine, but when I saw Peggy's turnaround on dandelion oil and milk thistle I am taking it more seriously. It was nothing short of miraculous.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  Skendall, thank you so much! I am going shopping today and will pick some up!
                  Anyway, last night was a lot better. Today is a "run" day but I will not to overdo.


                    (yawn)...Morning, my peeps! I have an appt. in an hour and a half with a divorce atty. Going to decide today.

                    I can stay with B and A forever, if I like...but B has SO MANY rules! She's so controlling, she makes Mrs. Fen look like a Buddhist monk. All hell breaks loose if I place a tupperware container in the wrong spot, leave a mug in the sink, or god forbid, do not close the pantry doors so that they are flush. There's no reason for that except it's aesthetically pleasing to her. Actually, I never leave anything in the sink any longer...but there's no end to her requirements. I try to make foods that will appeal to both of them, but B is so fussy...

                    Not that I'm not grateful...they were there for me when I was a total train wreck. I think it's time to move on, though.


                      Liz, I LOVE slow cooker meals! Nothing like throwing a bunch of stuff into that crock pot in the morning and coming home later to a house filled with wonderful cooking aromas..


                        Morning all,
                        Beautiful day. Going to the gym then grocery then later going to see Jon again. He is so sweet and kind. I have read that Jewish men know how to treat a woman and I am seeing that....
                        His wife died a year and a half ago....he talks about her and that is fine and I can talk about my hubbs and that is fine too...nice to feel comfortable with that. Some of the other fellows I dates didnt feel so comfy and the fact that I have pictures of us around this has potential I think...

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          Morning all.

                          Dottie - I'm glad that Jon is nice. I'm glad that you are having a good time.

                          Fen - yep, that would get old living with someone that is so controlling. Yes, you are all best friends. But, that doesn't mean that you can live together. :hug:

                          Mama - It's Monday that must mean you are in Atlanta???

                          I'm at work & need to run but hello to everyone. I hope that we all have a wonderful, wonderful week.
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Yes fen, that would get on my nerves too. It's so nice of you to cook and they're gonna be picky? I'd eat anything you made, well except fish. Are you on Pinterest? I have found some good slow cooker recipes there. Like I said, it's a bit of an obsession for me. How did the attorney thing go? Did mrs fen ask you to leave? I don't want to pry but would it have been possible to live under the same roof separately until you sold the cabin? After being together so long I would think it's the least she could do.
                            Dottie, this one sounds promising. Keep us posted.
                            Nora, I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful week too.
                            Erin and Dan are coming home tonight. I may tag along with hubs to pick them up. Can't wait to hear all about their trio. She did get back to the University she attended so mission accomplished, my son had his senior college pic taken today. How did that happen? My baby is graduating college. Anyway, for today things are all good and I wish the same for you guys!


                              Its 8:15 and I just walked in. Gonna go to bed.
                              We met with the attorney and have to make horrendous house payments for the next few months, so there may be no more date nights.....Good Lord...Hubs and I have to talk to each other??
                              Nana is in pitiful shape and we are very worried about her. We got there last night and she was disoriented and asleep. We think she is way over-medicated and trying to figure out what to do.
                              I got threaded when I got my hair done Saturday. It was nice, but the salon may have to go away too.
                              Enough about me..,..I got restless leg syndrome when I was taking more AD's, so that may be something to think about.
                              I head to Orlando on Wednesday.
                              I love you all
                              Fen - come live with me!
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                Good Evening and a Sleepy Hello from Virginia,

                                Mama-so sad to hear about your foreclosure situation and Nana's failing health.:hug: You have so much going on and I really admire your strength.

                                Nora-I travel all over the world, so, no, I don't have a specific territory. Thanks for asking. :-)

                                Fen-I hope you can get your own place soon! I wouldn't like those living situations either.

                                SK-So glad to hear that Peggy has recovered. I never would have thought of dandelion oil and milk thistle as healers for animals.

                                Liz-where are you going on your cruise?

                                Hi to Pauly, Dottie, FT and anyone I have missed. I am going to bed. See you tomorrow. :-0)

