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One Step at a Time - October 2015

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    Hey all,jeez,Rusty that's really sad but you just never know who you're dealing with these days,too many weirdos! Of course I remember Sunshine gg,very proud of her I followed her thread and was amazed that she was able to remain sober during her dads horrible death,tell her I say hi next time, ugh,another night of horrendous sleep! I actually feel like I drank last night I'm so groggy,bitchy little sleep fairy flew right on by!hubs hasn't been sleeping good either so maybe its just in the air,hello to all,hope Monday is smooth for all of us,back later
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Rusty, so glad you'll be around this week
      Nora and Pauly, I would love some heat around here. Our heat actually came on last night. I miss running around in shorts and flip flops.
      Mama, glad you were able to celebrate the family birthdays.
      I enjoyed myself yesterday. I did feel like I was being watched, though. Whatever. Mom and dad stopped by too. I think it did mom good to be around people. I'm just so very sad today. We ordered flowers for the funeral, it just seems too little too late.
      I'm having lunch with a former coworker, maybe that will get me out of my funk.


        We discovered last night that the end of Simon's tail was missing. B and A had to take him to the emergency animal hospital, where he underwent surgery to have a portion of it amputated. B brought him home this morning. I am watching him while she goes out to breakfast, to make certain he can't get to his tail around the E collar. Unfortunately, he totally can. : ( I won't ruin her breakfast by texting her. So far, I've missed my morning work out and it looks like I'll miss my noon meeting...but B is so distraught about the cat.


          Afternoon all,
          Fen how did the kitty lose the tail???? How sad for the kitty.....
          pauly do you know why u drank???
          Hi to everyone else...

          Gym today now trying to catch up....going to Jon's later and we are taking a gun safety class later tonight....I am going to spend the night with him...and Friday night...I will go to Synagogue with him on Saturday morning and he will go to church with me on Sunday....and I know if this seems to be too good to be true it probable is but I hope not....we both deserve to be happy after the sudden way our spouses died....sigh......
          All other men out of the picture....going to concentrate on this for now.
          It is just beautiful here is so good it scares me.

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            I didn't drink?
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Dottie, Pauly said that she "felt" like she drank last night upon awakening today. She didn't.

              Someone shut the door on his tail. Probably when A and her parents left to go driving in the countryside. When I got home from my bike ride, I saw a big tuft of his hair in the door frame, and he was batting at a curious bit of black fur with what I now know was the tip of his tail! He was acting normally, so none of us noticed until later that night. B was petting him and saw the blood on his tail. He's all black , so it's hard to see bleeding on him. I just gave him a dose of pain meds, but he got a treat right after so I think he'll be a champ at med taking.

              Dottie, just take your time. It sounds like things are going swimmingly, so just go with the flow. What sort of faith is he? Orthodox? Reform? Reconstructionist? Inquiring minds want to know!

              Mama, I am thinking about you. :heartbeat:

              Nora, you too. I know that Home Depot has paint that doesn't smell as strong as paint used to...what paint did the painters use? I'm sorry you felt so ill from it.

              Rusty, I'm glad you're home and getting a break.


                Liz, I'm glad you got through the day okay. Sorry you were being watched. I hope your lunch went well. : )


                  I am so grateful to all of you here. I'm sorry if I am often neglectful of the rest of you.


                    Pauly, GOOD JOB on NOT drinking! Same applies to you Lizz.

                    Fen, we are grateful for you also.

                    Went to get an estimate on my car - mid to late November for repairs. I can't rent a car for that long so I may call the Police Dept to check on the legality of driving it as is.

                    A 3 yr old little girl has taken a shine to me and is drawing pics for me at nursery school. Her name is Grace which is Vivian's middle name.

                    Mama, I understand you are so busy at work and with Nana, just wanted to send you hugs and energy! Miss you lots. In my mind you are a steel magnolia.

                    Rusty, what a tragic story. I don't want to date face to face men, so I would never go on the internet. Also glad you're around this week. Will try to give you a call. I have a phone that drops calls inside, so most of my calls are done on the patio. I had the same problem in Dallas. Go figure.
                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Nora, sorry I missed you. Loved the chair story.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        SKendall, that's so sweet about Grace drawing pictures for you! I love little kids. My most prized possession is a portrait of me drawn my Mrs. Fen's and my nephew when he was five. :heartbeat:

                        I hope your car will be okayed for driving until the repairs can be made. Perhaps the other person's insurance company could cover the cost of a rental car for you? Only seems fair.


                          Yes Fen, they do provide a rental car. Just feel bad for a month's+ usage.
                          Enlightened by MWO


                            SK - I'm sure that the insurance company and the rental agency have some type of agreement. When I had to get a rental car recently, the insurance company had all the information already. I'm sure it's not free but it's certainly not what a regular renter would pay. You really should go ahead and do it.

                            Fen - I feel bad for the poor kitty. One of our kitties had a broken tail once where a dog had bit him. It hurt him so bad. It happened probably 30 years ago but it was awful. He went under the house next door....probably finding a place to die. Hubby had to crawl under their house to get Killer out. When I took him in to the vet, I wasn't sure what was wrong, I just knew he was hurt on his tail and the vet just didn't pay attention to what I said and just grabbed poor Killer by the tail. I was so upset. The strange thing is that hubby and I talked about that incident last weekend.

                            I'm having an early night. Just not doing the greatest today. On the verge of tears, very irritable. Just not right. So, I think a good nights sleep should help.
                            I don't know if I have mentioned the leg pains that I've had for the past couple of months. But, they have been hurting so much worse that I ended up making a Doctor's appointment.I see her on Thursday. All she will tell me is to lose weight but I will feel better once I talk to her. They hurt from my knees down to the bottom of my feet. I imagine that it's arthritis in my knees. But, the pain in the muscles of my legs and my feet are hurting. I just ache all the time now. I try to get up and walk around at work so that I'm not sitting too long. It's just weird how they hurt and in both legs.
                            Oh well - enough whining. Sorry about that.

                            I agree with Fen. I'm sorry if I neglect people. It's not on purpose. I just post when I can. Have a great evening everyone. I'll be back if I can snap out of this mood!
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Just get some rest Nora,I don't always mention everyone either but everybody is on my mind and in my heart
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Nora, sorry to hear about your pain, have you tried Voltaren rub?
                                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.

