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A couple of questions

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    A couple of questions

    Here I am on day 10!!!!! Things are going great - on supps, Campral, cd's. I have occasional cravings, but they are mild and do not last long. This is amazing - the change in my life is tremendous - I mean HEY!!! I can remember how I got to bed last night - Ya Hoo!!!!
    I am having a couple of problems - I wonder if anyone has had wxperience or has advice. First, I am exhausted all the time. I want to sleep, sleep, sleep. The second is that I am having a problem with dropping my blood sugar a couple of times a day - shaky, hot flush, weak, then I have to eat a lot to catch up. Also, I am crving sugar, which is weird because I have never been a sugar eater (preferred to drink it instead...)
    Any suggestions?

    A couple of questions

    Peggy, alcohol is a lot of sugar which could explain the cravings. As far as being tired, is there any other underlying condition that may be causing this? Did you see your doc for Campral? I'm tired a lot too, but I have Hepatitis C which is the cause of the fatigue.

    Sounds like you are doing great on the program. Stop into chat some night.



      A couple of questions


      Hi, I am having a bit of a similar experience. I have been on Campral for one month and I really believe that it is working for me. I have been an alcoholic for thirty plus years and stopped and started many times but this time I am truly have had to work on overcoming urges in the past. But! I am having sugar fits. No way to explain it but I am eating m & m's and candy bars and I do understand the alcohol sugar connection but am not quite sure how to handle these sugar urges either and I really don't want to gain weight or I would just ignore it for now. I do eat a great deal of fruit but am still way over eating on that too. Other than that I don't have much of an appetite and I hope if you have more thoughts on it you will share. thanks and good luck! Lefty :P


        A couple of questions

        Re: questions/hypoglycemia diet

        Congrats Peggy! I was doing mods for a while and noticed the sugar cravings and today is my day 10 abs as well! I also eliminated sugar, fruit and processed foods too and am keeping complex carbs under 50 because I'm trying to battle candida in my 30 days as well. Kind of kill two birds with one stone. You sound like you could be hypoglycemic so I'm posting a diet below, but you want to try to eat something small between 200-400 calories every 2-3 hours. That should keep your blood sugar stable.

        There are two exchanges beside each listed item, the first for a 2,000 cal diet, the second for a 1500 cal diet. And here's the actual link;

        Hypoglycemia Diet
        Before starting any diet, ask a doctor.
        Please read my comments below. 2,000 Calories
        233 gm Carbohydrate,
        98 gm Protein, 80 gm Fat 1,500 Calories
        149 gm Carbohydrate
        76 gm Protein, 65 gm Fat

        Morning Meal
        Fruit 1 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Egg or Meat 1 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Bread 2 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Fat 1 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Milk, 2% 1 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Beverage As Desired As Desired

        Mid-morning Meal
        Meat 1 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Bread 1 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Fruit 1 Exchange 0
        Fat 1 Exchange 0

        Noon Meal
        Meat, Fish, Cheese, Poulty 2 Exchange 2 Exchange
        Bread 2 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Vegetable, Raw 1 or 2 Exchange 1 or 2 Exchange
        Fruit 1 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Fat 2 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Beverage As Desired As Desired

        Mid-afternoon Meal
        Meat 1 Exchange 0
        Bread 2 Exchange 1/2 Exchange
        Fat 1 Exchange 0
        Milk, 2% 0 1/2 Exchange

        Evening Meal
        Meat, Fish, Cheese, Poulty 2 Exchange 2 Exchange
        Bread 2 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Vegetable 1 Exchange 2 Exchange
        Vegetable, Raw As Desired As Desired
        Dessert, Sugar-free As Desired As Desired
        Fat 2 Exchange 1 Exchange
        Beverage As Desired As Desired

        Bread 1 Exchange 1/2 Exchange
        Milk, 2% 1 Exchange 1/2 Exchange

        The Hypoglycemia Diet - General Guidelines
        The goal of treatment for hypoglycemia is to delay the absorption of food. This can be accomplished through changes in eating habits. Follow these general guidelines:
        Do not eliminate carbohydrate from the diet.

        Increase your intake of complex carbohydrates (starches). These foods are absorbed more slowly than simple carbohydrates and therefore do not cause rapid changes in blood sugar levels. Examples of complex carbohydrates are breads, cereals, pasta, rice, vegetables, and legumes.

        Avoid foods high in simple carbohydrates such as jams, jellies, table sugar, honey syrup, molasses, pies, candy, cakes, cookies, pastries and soda pop.

        Increase your intake of fiber. Fiber is the indigestible portion of Fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains. Carbohydrates are absorbed more slowly when they are part of a high fiber meal.

        Eat Fruit-fresh of canned without sugar - rather than drinking juice. The added fiber will slow down sugar absorption.

        Eat smaller meals with snacks between meals and at bedtime.

        Avoid foods and beverages containing caffeine often produces the same symptoms as hypoglycemia and may make you feel worse.

        Avoid alcoholic beverages. Alcohol lowers blood sugar levels, especially on an empty stomach.

        Maintain of achieve desirable body weight. Excess weight interferes with the body's ability to use insulin.

        Decrease you fat intake. A high-fat diet has been shown to interfere with insulin use. Because fat is high in calories, decreasing fat intake will also help you lose weight. If you are at your desirable body weight, replace calories from fat with calories from complex carbohydrates.

        Occasionally you may need to change your plan.
        Here are some easy substitutions:
        Starch Exchange
        To omit one Starch Exchange: Add Fruit Exchange.
        To add one Starch Exchange: Omit one Fruit Exchange.

        Meat Exchange
        To omit one Meat Exchange: Add one Lowfat Milk Exchange and Omit one Fruit Exchange.
        To add one Meat Exchange: Omit one Lowfat Milk Exchange and Add one Fruit Exchange.

        Fruit Exchange
        To omit one Fruit Exchange: Add one Starch Exchange.
        To add one Fruit Exchange: Omit one Starch Exchange.

        Milk Exchange
        To omit one nonfat Milk Exchange: Add one Fruit Exchange and one Lean Meat Exchange.
        To add one nonfat Milk Exchange: Omit one Fruit Exchange and one Lean Meat Exchange


          A couple of questions


          You are AMAZING!!!



            A couple of questions

            Re: questions/hypoglycemia diet

            If you are having a major sugar urge (just like alcohol urge), try the L-Glut on your tongue thing. I have read that helps with sugar cravings AND alcohol cravings. If you try this, let us know if it works.

