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    Good evening folks
    Had six days AF and obviously delighted with myself.

    I've lost six pounds in weight, i seem to be droping a pound every morning that i haven't had a drink.

    The question is i cant stop sweating during the day, its getting quite embarrasing at work.
    No sweats or shakes related to withdrawl, nothing like that, Just plain old normal sweating.

    Any ideas?



    6lbs in 6 days sounds an awful lot, could you be dehydrated? quick weight loss by jockies involved saunas which as soon as they drank water, they put it all back on. anyway, drink plenty and then some more, maybe have something like dyralite (sp) it replaces lost salts. do you feel ok otherwise?




      Yup Brighty......^
      6 SOBER DAYS WOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Great going my little Pommie friend!!!
      I found that sweating was VERY noticeable when I first went AF.....although I think I had other withdrawals as good food, no processed mank...drink a lot of water and white grape juice and help your system flush out the toxins.
      Does it sort of smell really yuk as well??? I had to buy a sooper dooper extra powerful, problem perspiration deodorant because I was soooo conscious of smelling like a ferrets trouser parts.......:H BLEEGGHHHHHHHHH



        Yes Bright congrats on day 6. Man menopause? Kidding I agree with More replenish with lots of water and fruits are good too.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



          Also, the weight loss thingy may be due to water loss....when you stuff your body out with booze....the body retains an awful lot of water, as you get rid of these, you will look slimmer and apparently be losing weight...just make sure you are replacing it though!
          My ankles changed from 2 puffy lumps of marshmallow to actual ankles over the first few weeks, I guess there was loads of fluid or something in them when I was face has also lost that puffy bloated look too????



            more2life got it right.
            I'm 'lucky' enough to be in a working environment where sweat is what we do.
            But during a few AF days even I can smell myself.
            I think it's the way it is.
            I've been AF for a while now, and there are still days that my tongue tastes weird.
            I think maybe it's a cyclical thing.
            I'm always glad when I wake (AF) to find stuff on my tongue.
            I think it means I'm getting there.



              That's nice Popeye???????????????????????????
              (sort of)



                Thanks for the advice

                I feel normal in every way other than the sweating.

                Its not a smelly sweat or sweating everywhere, its just sweat running down my face, dripping from the end of my nose.

                I must also say that it can stop for an hour or two, then streams running down my face for no apparent reason. And i wouldn't dare drink anything hot like tea coffeor soup,ect.
                It makes it much worse.



                  Bright ..... 6 days AF, I'm soooooooo proud of you ....

                  When I did my AF stint in january I was sweating a lot too ..... someone here told me that it was the toxins leaving my body ........

                  Well done to you ............

                  Love & Hugs, BB xx



                    Hi Bright,

                    I don't sweat a lot when I go AF but I do ... perspire !!

                    From what I have heard it appears to be normal - thank goodness thought I was on the female doo-dah at my young age too!!!

                    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                    Marilyn Monroe



                      brightfield;147165 wrote: Thanks for the advice

                      I feel normal in every way other than the sweating.

                      Its not a smelly sweat or sweating everywhere, its just sweat running down my face, dripping from the end of my nose.

                      I must also say that it can stop for an hour or two, then streams running down my face for no apparent reason. And i wouldn't dare drink anything hot like tea coffeor soup,ect.
                      It makes it much worse.
                      drink water. your body is a naturally cleansing itself
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                        Great job on the 6 days. I think this will take care of itself in time, but drink lots of water and as Weemelon has said she is a great believer in white grape juice and other wacky, oops sagacious advice.
                        Enlightened by MWO



                          yeah, I lost around the same amount of wieght my first week too. I think it was water wieght
                          It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                          James Gordon, M.D.



                            Thanks awesome! You are doing great! I hear you on the sweating thing as well, if I drink too much the next couple days are horrible. I'm not used to it at all..grosses me out. I drink lots and lots of water and fruit juices. Plus, I eat very heathly as well and take my daily vitamins which gets me back on track fast. Another con to drinking.. add that one to my list of reasons not to drink anymore.

                            PS..Popeye, what is going on with your tongue??



                              Hi Bright, as everyone says, its just all the toxins leaving your body. Water, water and more water is my advice. Fantastic job on 6 days!!! Keep it up. Love, Bella xxx

