I don't remember if I told you about this or not. Probably did but here goes again.....
I was driving to work a month or so ago when this happened. There is a woman that I quite often see walking down the street near my work. She pushes a baby stroller (one broken wheel) filled with big trash bags of water bottles that she collects. Well, I was at a streetlight and she was crossing the street and was having a hard time getting the stroller up over the curb. Well, sure enough it tipped over. I just put my blinkers on and hopped out and helped her.
It was just one of those things. Didn't think about it, just went over & helped and she was so very grateful. I just feel like this is the way it should be........people helping each other. Anyway, it was no big deal to me - but, I hope to think that I made that woman's day easier and that is what life is all about.