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Balmy Army 9th November 2015

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    Morning Mario!!

    Molls whatever your reasons for posting, it DOES do folk good that you are willing to participate. No matter what your reasons are it is still something to celebrate Most people who do counselling or volunteering do it to help themselves and the fact that it helps others is a bonus


      Gorgeous gus ha ha ha good one, working Molly, it's hard topping up the tan everyday.

      And what starts saying is true.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        Good Morning sore Starty, tanned Mario and so-excited-i-cant-sleep Molly!

        JC got her hair done yesterday too so you'll all be gorgeous!

        Molly, as Starty said, intentionally or not, your contribution here is MASSIVE. I always hope that if I get a long stint under my belt I'll be able to be as convicted as you and others on these boards, Im not sure.. Anyway, getting further down that road is the only goal now.

        Away tomorrow too, MrM's birthday (big one) - party next week so my head is really focused on getting through that night. Other nights coming up, but I have excuses for those, this one I am dreading - although I cant tell him that.

        Tooth ache starty, I dont envy you. 2 weeks is a long time to be in pain. Can you call them, they might have a cancellation??
        Last edited by IamMary; November 12, 2015, 02:49 AM.
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Must be the week for sleepless night, I was the same the night before last - tiredness yesterday did bring on irrational thinking. Oddly when I was drinking, I was regularly tired, so that vicious circle keeps going around.
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Morning lovelies,
            How big is big, Mary?............his birthday that is.

            Listen to the wise woman, get him on side. Luckily our first big do I had Jenny as well. World Cup full of people, BBQ and a keg in the shed next door. Pretty daunting for my first time.............just a bit of planning...........put Mr JC in charge of the booze and the BBQ and I did the food and kept my hand clutched round a coffee cup all day.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              dont forget that you can post here, get out the 'uuuuurrrrrgggghhhh!!!'

              must be something in the air, im getting my hair cut by someone other than me today. first time in three years.


                You know I remember when my Mum got one of those highdryers for Christmas..she thought she was the bees knees.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  that picture brings a smell to me. disgusting smell. what would it have been? setter? i think it may have been the period of perms.


                    Yep, there was always a bit of a pong. Smelled like wet nappies.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Originally posted by mollyka
                      morning Mary! are you sure you can't talk to him a bit about it? obviously you don't have to like word it in like 'OMG I'm dreading your big birthday party' --:congratulatory: but more along the lines that you are nervous of such a big occasion without the 'support' (yeah --- RIGHT!) of the drink? He may be quite a help to you --- watching out for you a bit more? Joe was super in the early days -- he seemed to know when I was fine and equally to know when to hover at my elbow because I'd run out of 'sober words' -- if you know what I mean?
                      Thanks. I will, I should.
                      We were a couple who drank evenings and weekends. I stopped (again), he didn’t understand why, thinks I should slow down instead. No disagreement and its accepted now, but not exactly supported. Or unsupported. Just not discussed. Maybe some of this was me protecting myself, knowing that I needed to do this and I didn’t want to be talked into moderating again. And him, afraid I would drag him along.
                      4 months later, its probably time to have a chat, there is no threat that Im going to change him (he drinks away at home and as annoying as this was for a long time, I hope its made me stronger) and he knows this isn’t another temporary quit.

                      So yes, time to talk.

                      Originally posted by blink View Post
                      must be something in the air, im getting my hair cut by someone other than me today. first time in three years.
                      Getting anything interesting done Rox?
                      Im up next week for the wig chop.. the pre Christmas party hair. a million hours sitting in the chair reading shite thinking of what else I could be doing. But.. it'll be worth it!
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                        Welcome home Blinky :eyes:

                        Heard from know I texted the other day but I didn't get a reply and it had been niggling at me so I just rang. He was actually sitting with his alcohol worker being assessed for a de-tox. Actually talked to the A&D worker and gathered he'll be straight to re-hab after. Its what Shams wants so he's relieved.

                        Big helloooooooooo to Mr V and Techie.
                        Good news JC. All the best with it Shams! Over here, residential rehabs are few, and the bloody waiting list long. Often someone will go into detox for 6-8 days, but come out with no rehab connection or some sort of program or support lined up to continue the run. It can be back to the drawing board if a person has no tools or no idea.

                        Detox then straight into a rehab program....needs to be more of this sort of s, ssss, sync....synch.....synchronicity.

                        Big waves to y'all!

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Hello to all the gorgeous women and the new do's. Aren't you lovely, but I'm a bit worried about all the travel and running about, a few hairs may go astray. I stole this from my sister's cabinet to keep things in line.33071ea68d100ed5ed25e91225e3e119.jpg

                          Yes, Mary I think a talk will make you feel better about things.
                          Happy to hear Shams is getting some help, hope it sticks, as they say.
                          Thankfully I got my beauty rest in, 8 hrs for me don't mean to rub it in, but gotta go work on my tan. Mario is a head of me, and G-man is perpetually tan, living at the beach pad.


                            Yo Mr V,
                            I remember my Aunt using that with great big rollers......then after styling, back combing and hair spraying no-one dared light a match near her in case she went up in flames.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Evening very stormy and the internet keeps going on and off. Went to Tesco earlier for the weekly shop . Glad to be home out of the wind and rain. Good luck Mary with the do tomorrow i'm sure you will be ok and hubby too. My hair needs cut and colour too its kinda shapeless now and i would like a differant style but not sure what suits my thick frizzy mess anymore. Feeling a bit nauscous since i got home just hoping i'm coming with a tummy bug. Feeling tired also but always do after doing the main supemarket then the bus home. Anyway just chilling now.


                                evening. my mum had hair like janice joplin.

