Star chart, bold step and no screen time, the grown up versions..
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Balmy Army 9th November 2015
A good few years back the lovely Jenz had a whacking great go at me and then flounced out slamming the door...............and went after her, told her to get back in the living room as I had something to show her.....and she did. I told her if you're going to slam a door do it properly and make the picture frames shake...I'll show you and I did...... I slammed the door making the frames and the fruit bowl shake ...........left her standing there and went and had a lie down.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Evening army still raining heavy here. I guess there are some good things to be said for living on your own regards other half and sprog problems lol but it has its ups and downs too. Painting is finished except skirting boards which i'll do tomorrow and put the rest of the stuff back and big cleanup. Looks lovely fresh and clean but the smell of paint will linger for a while but it doesn't bother me and will go eventually. I still have the window open as it almost dry. did you take any pics in Newcastle? Or Dublin i see oney put one up on fb.
Eh you're all scaring me with the daughters talk..
We had a stand off with the 6 year old who threw a micky fit at dinner table, shes in asleep now with no dinner.
Glitzy, envy you painting, I need to get the finger out, I love it, once I get started.
Ah Satz, I hope your picking her up early-ish,, (Mothers these days, out all hours:nutso:..).AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:
Have to say I laughed like a drain after my cousin had a daughter after 3 boys.
There are times I could cheerfully throttle Jenny and if I got a female judge with daughters she'd prolly sentence me to 6 months at a luxury spa.
And I'm equally sure Jenny would like to do the same to me.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009