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Army Boot Camp 23/11/15

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    Army Boot Camp 23/11/15

    Morning guys

    OK time to up the arsenal for me to kick any dodgy behaviour to the curb. All support most welcome. I seem to be able to go 3 weeks to a month without the dreaded pain killers and then something happens. I HAVE to stop that "something" and learn to live without them. They make me crave booze something terrible and start my isolation process again. Probably through guilt.

    Anyway, new week new start. Day 29 off the booze so that is something.

    Dogger had me up 4 times over night so not the best nights kipper I have ever had but I got lots of rest over the weekend so hope that carries me through.

    Hope the funeral goes OK Molls. Did your ex friend bring anything up about your not drinking/rejecting her vestee?

    Just took a peek here and had to chime in on Starty almost at 30 days.. Well done if I don't catch you tomorrow! I guess I could use some butt kicking.. I get confident until emotions are involved then I want my bottle. Non for me anymore ready to toughen up!
    AF January 7, 2018


      Thank you Choices. You are doing great I notice too! But yes those old thoughts do come creeping back and we MUST change them. Ultimately no drink or drug will get us to where we want to be

      Just been out for a walk and it is baltic out there. Even with hat gloves and a scarf I froze me non existent nuts off. But it did make me feel better. Personal trainer tonight who I am sure will kick my arse good and proper


        Morning Starty Choices and all to come on this cold morning. Thanks for starting the thread this starty and well on a month shy of a day you are doing well. I was a pill person only if needed for pain or infections so that was never a problem so good luck with that too as thats deadly on your liver if parmacetol is in it. Lucky i never tried class a drugs as i could gotten addicted to them and got in real trouble. Smoked weed in the past but ever took to it or got addicted. My problem now is sugar specially chocolate as i can't lose the stubern weight and i'm getting out breaks of spots on my chin. Main thing is staying sober so first things first. Happy monday all.


          “It always seems impossible until it's done”
          ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

          AF 1 July 2015


            Morning Starty Glitzy and choices and all to follow....

            I will be here for the party tomorrow Starty!!

            It is a loverly, sunny, warm day today here in East London, South Africa.

            Rained all weekend, so I started to finish moving know, the tidying up of draws etc., that got things shoved into them in the move, before I figured out where everything's final home shoud be.

            Still got a lot to do before the trip up to JHB on Wednesday, though.
            “It always seems impossible until it's done”
            ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

            AF 1 July 2015


              this one is for you jackieclaire....congratulations!!!

              “It always seems impossible until it's done”
              ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

              AF 1 July 2015


                Hello Molly,

                Still battling with the insert pic!!

                Happy Thirtieth Anniversary JC...Big Congrats!!:happy2:
                “It always seems impossible until it's done”
                ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

                AF 1 July 2015


                  Morning lovelies,
                  Choice, lovely to see don't be a stranger,ok.

                  Starty sorry about the pills, love, but you're getting in some good solid AF no more tablets unless they're the computer I eh

                  Molls, that must have been horrible............our deceased are normally tucked away in a chapel of rest so if any one wants to have pay their last respects or have a look see they go there..........makes me feel a bit odd having them at home.

                  I'm with you on the chocolate, Glity but going to wait til after Chrimbo to make a healthy bottom is giving Kim Kardashian a run for its money.

                  Thank you so much for the lovely well wishes. Had to believe 30 fecking years. Just the Jenny & her fiancé, S&H with his GF and a mahoosive Chinese take out .

                  We don't normally bother with pressies but I got Mr JC a wee garden ornament of a flower pot man and he bought me.............a bag of pearl parley, a CD by Pearl Jam and a pair of pearl earrings. :love:
                  Last edited by JackieClaire; November 23, 2015, 05:41 AM.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009



                    happy anniversary mr and mrs JC.


                      Hello Army,just popped in to say hi and wish Jackie a Happy Anniversary, hope everyone has a nice Monday
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Happy anniversary JC!! did you watch Frozen in the end? Lovely pressies to each other.

                        Molly, hope all goes ok with the funeral. Thats interesting about the craving! bit scary, did it last long?

                        Starty - great thread title.. coming into Christmas it gets tricker i expect.. Strength in numbers, AL is NOT going to take us down.:turd2: (Im not really sure what this symbolizes, but is is not nice).
                        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                          Hey Pauly, Roxy, Glitzy and Sunny too.. Freezing cold monday here - but keep sending us the south African sun.
                          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                            Afternoon army and a very happy 30th annivarsery to Mr and Misses JC enjoy your day.



                              Morning (from where I am anyway) to everyone. Happy anniversary JC your gifts to each other sound lovely. Funerals don't get any easier do they Molly? I always bring a ton of mints with me because my dad thought me that comfort trick and he said that it also makes sure you have nice breath when talking so close to people. That social strange feeling is the pits. I'm good just watching Dora the explorer with my daughter before the busy get ready, hurry, hurry!! Begins. Happy to be sober!
                              AF January 7, 2018

