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Army boot camp 30/11/2015

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    Originally posted by mollyka
    nope --- won't even co-ordinate it Mary --- that's the same as asking them to 'help' me --- I really am just one of 6 adults and 2 children on the day and they really DO need to get their heads around it.... can't be clearer than that!
    Ah sure God bless your naivety Molls. YOU are the Mam and it's your job

    The End


      Originally posted by IamMary View Post
      3 hours in the Pavillions today and while it wasnt too bad cos I was there early, I just cant stant this whole panic, buying shit, Armageddon shopping frenzy.
      Then I dropped my effing phone down the loo:crybaby: back pocket jeans. Its bollixed.


        Originally posted by IamMary View Post
        the interweb told me to put in an airtight tubaware container for 3 days.
        Makes no sense at all. To put something damp into an airtight container ???


          Originally posted by mollyka
          morning Kuya!! still battling with my 3P's --- how's you? oh started the Vit D as well you'll be well proud of me!!
          I am well impressed!

          You stand your ground with them over helping at Xmas my dear! I have the same argument with my tribe


            Evening all

            How are yis?!

            That's me home safe and sound. 6 hours driving in last 24 hrs Baby christened and meal afters was delicious. Hotel was nice too but we all didn't really get a good kip thanks to the drunken stragglers trying to find their rooms in d'early hours. My Da being one!

            Haven't even started me shopping yet but now that's christening over I can focus on Christmas off this year too for first time in a long time!

            IamMary- I heard the dry rice thing for mobiles that have took a swim also!


              Originally posted by mollyka
              delighted all went well little Pea --- and that you're home safe and sound --- take a wee break now before you even THINK of christmas shopping -- I'm encouraging everyone to take it easy !!! how was the pantsuit?
              Yo Molls

              Pantsuit/jumpsuit was grand- got loads a compliments on it anyways! No bathroom mishaps either! And....was able to walk in da heels! Amazing!

              Find myself getting stressed listening to how everyone else have all their Crimbo shopping done... Ya know? Don't even have a notion what I'm getting for anyone....panic!!!!!


                Originally posted by mollyka
                but it's that word 'help' that is wrecking my head --- surely after all these years they should be stepping up and I could 'help' them??? ah I know I know --- I can hear Benjy in my ear --- 'you're the mam' --- I of COURSE will step up to the mark -- BUT SO WILL THEY!!!!

                5000 iu's for a week re. the vit d Kuya --- am I right?
                I did 5 x 5000 for a few weeks! It is a huge dose but did no harm. After about four weeks I cut back to 5000.
                The RDA is 1000 but that is apparently too low for a lot of people


                  Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                  Have you put it in dry rice as well.
                  back - yep, with Rice, although very dubious about this. Still, silver lining is that previous, most likely child, had actually flushed the loo.

                  Originally posted by mollyka
                  watch this space --- I'll win this one --- otherwise they'll be cookin their own christmas dinner in their own shaggin houses! we now have 5 of 6 in the KK -- Joey is the only one not committed -- mainly cos he hasn't got the money! but I can boss him so all's good.... I'm telling you --- and any of you younger than me and with younger kids (are you reading Mary????) get them into shape before you HAVE to rebel:welldone::welldone:
                  I hang off your every word Molly!

                  Sounds like you had a good day Sweatpea - and dont worry about the shopping, most of us will be headless chickens for the next 2 weeks!
                  Got me Vit D, armed for battle :happy2:
                  AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                    A very kind man gave me this link thinking it was me who dropped me phone down the jacks :
                    Seems it dry rice .... we've all learned something from 'phone gate' :thumbsup:
                    Here you go IAM :


                      Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                      A very kind man gave me this link thinking it was me who dropped me phone down the jacks :
                      Seems it dry rice .... we've all learned something from 'phone gate' :thumbsup:
                      Here you go IAM :
                      Thanks Satz and kind man - link is broken though, page not found. Plus its an apple - if that makes a difference..
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
                        I want an chocy advent calendar now, just sayin.....
                        How about this one then Tabs?

                        “It always seems impossible until it's done”
                        ― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

                        AF 1 July 2015


                          Well that was jolly interesting and its soooooooo organised, sooooooo busy and they're soooooooooo friendly. Got so much information its trickling out of my ears. Got a load of notes jotted down I can't make head nor tail.....I'm going in for a couple of hours Thursday and Friday to keep me on a roll.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Thats brilliant Jax. But you are on the wrong thread

