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The Three Principles Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by lifechange View Post
    This is my biggest "struggle", Kuya! What you said...

    I still struggle with hurt feelings but am starting to see them differently as well...I SO need to be loved that I am far too affected by the casual neglect that is really routine behaviour by many people.

    I'm beginning to feel short periods of release from this need.. I get glimpses of how it "can" be and it is amazing.. to be able to accept what I'm given (also not so easy for me) and to genuinely feel and know that that is enough.
    All I can say is that knowing that ALL those feelings are coming from INSIDE not OUTSIDE you actually helps me so much.
    People ARENT hurting is ME hurting me.

    To people who look at this casually they might say 'yeah, and so what' ...but knowing that 'the world' is not hurting me is least to me.


      "I am human and I need to b loved.......,just like everybody else does " (to the tune of Morrissey and the Smiths). Take the last week for me . Big frustration and anger over no PC internet connection, just this small screen phone that's at least connected. ( what a whinger!) tried diff modems etc, now looks like a laptop problem. Think I'm gonna throw it off a pier and get a new one Boxing Day. I almost drove myself to drink. But I noticed my feelings and frustration rising and knew they came from inside me, not the service provider. They did their best despite bumbling beurocracy. The feelings and thoughts were mine and as hard as it can be , I was aware that I had the power to let them go if they didn't serve me well. Not sure if I explained myself well or if that makes sense/ties in with the thread.
      Last edited by Guitarista; December 24, 2015, 05:04 AM.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
        "I am human and I need to b loved.......,just like everybody else does " (to the tune of Morrissey and the Smiths). Take the last week for me . Big frustration and anger over no PC internet connection, just this small screen phone that's at least connected. Tried diff modems etc, now looks like a laptop problem. Think I'm gonna throw it off a pier and get a new one Boxing Day. I almost drove myself to drink. But I noticed my feelings and frustration rising and knew they came from inside me, not the service provider. They did their best despite bumbling beurocracy. The feelings and thoughts were mine and as hard as it can be , I was aware that I had the power to let them go if they didn't serve me well. Not sure if I explained myself well or if that makes sense/ties in with the thread.
        I always had a saying ...."you can't step away from knowledge'

        Nowadays I would try to be a BIT more eloquent, perhaps " you can't Unknow something'

        Here is where I am with this stuff.... Now I know (really KNOW) I am making up my reality, and always have been, everything drops into place.

        When I was a kid I was pretty happy....I learned to be unhappy because I was

        TOO FAT
        TOO POOR
        TOO BLACK

        .....but all this BS was fed to me via TV, magazines etc

        I bought in to society's image of 'me'..... But as fast as I bought in to it....I can buy OUT of it!

        3Ps understanding means I get to be reborn......and that is what is happening to me!


          That's almost biblical. Hallelujah!

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-




              What r u up to today LC? Gonna lay some rubber on ze autobahn? Speaking of sensitivity/ being sensitive to some regular comments, I suspect many of us turned to drink as a way to take the edge off what I at least perceived to be "harsh reality", are we more sensitive than most? I sure have to be aware of that and continue to cultivate my inner strength and inner worth.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
                That's almost biblical. Hallelujah!
                But here is the difference. Religious rebirths involve finding a 'saviour'.

                This 'rebirth' simply involved learning to listen to myself (or rather my intuition) again...... I did this as a child, didn't question it, but it got beaten out of me and sold as 'maturity'. It wasn't 'maturity' , it was commercialism, and a big fat lie!

                HUGE difference, I am sure you would agree.
                Last edited by kuya; December 24, 2015, 06:29 AM.


                  Hi, I have been reading the info on the Three Ps, ordered a few of the books suggested and the free training. I am finding the Three Principle's making alot of sense to me and have been noticing my thoughts when I feel anxious, frustrated, and become aware of my train of thought. I then have choices, and this has helped me immensely. Thanks for taking the time to share all you have learned. It is helping me. Have a great holiday.


                    Yep I agree . We are fed so much crap as impressionable kids often by those we trust such as school curriculums, politicians, commercial media and it continues throughout our whole life, being steered to compare ourselves with and keep up with the " joneses " that's a lot of pressure if we don't know how to deal with it.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Another longish but clear, and for me, illuminating video: Jamie Smart: The search is over- Unless it's not! - Three Principles Movies: Three Principles of innate health and wellbeing


                        Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                        That is one of my favourite clips NS


                          Over the last month or so I've had fleeting thoughts of wishing I hadn't been exposed to this because it comes with so much personal responsibility - no more blaming the outside world for anything I'm feeling. But, the flip side of responsibility is freedom and for me, the liberation I've felt from the glimpses of understanding I've experienced are more than worth the cost. But, like you've been discussing, there's no going back.

                          I feel the same way about drinking again. There is no way for me to experience alcohol's effects or even the act of drinking it as before - either when it was good or when it seemed necessary. I can't 'unknow' all I've learned about the drug itself and my reaction to it. There's no going back to unaware, un-judged, "innocent" drinking.

                          There's a line in a Toby Keith song, "I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then".

                          But - we know, and that knowledge is power.

                          Your returning to MWO and introducing the 3Ps to us is the greatest gift I've received this holiday season, Kuya. Thank you. And thanks to everyone who's posted their experiences or interest.

                          I wish you all the peace of the season -xx, NS


                            Originally posted by SnoopyC View Post
                            Hi, I have been reading the info on the Three Ps, ordered a few of the books suggested and the free training. I am finding the Three Principle's making alot of sense to me and have been noticing my thoughts when I feel anxious, frustrated, and become aware of my train of thought. I then have choices, and this has helped me immensely. Thanks for taking the time to share all you have learned. It is helping me. Have a great holiday.
                            So nice to read this! Have a brilliant holiday yourself Snoopy

                            And to you too NS.

                            I am still like a child in a sweet shop when it comes to sharing always thrills me
                            Last edited by kuya; December 24, 2015, 04:07 PM.


                              Another great explanation of the principles

                              I am so aware that some folk struggle a while with this stuff as it flies in the face of so much of our conditioning.

                              Here is a lovely explanation from Micheal Neill... love him!

                              Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

                              Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

                              watch both

                              MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE :hug::happy2:
                              Last edited by kuya; December 24, 2015, 05:51 PM.


                                Kuya, A friend who doesn't post on MWO much but who sometimes reads had her eyes opened by your post about your daughter and the bowls in her room. She is so enthused about all she is realizing - this has made a huge difference in her life, too. You just never know what you might say that is just perfect for someone else to read.

