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The Three Principles Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by kuya View Post
    I am so aware that some folk struggle a while with this stuff as it flies in the face of so much of our conditioning.
    Here is a lovely explanation from Micheal Neill... love him!
    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    watch both
    I would recommend the full 30 days. I started on the 1st of Dec to make it easier to keep track of where I was so # 25 tomorrow.


      Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
      Kuya, A friend who doesn't post on MWO much but who sometimes reads had her eyes opened by your post about your daughter and the bowls in her room. She is so enthused about all she is realizing - this has made a huge difference in her life, too. You just never know what you might say that is just perfect for someone else to read.
      It is completely unpredictable isnt it? The story of the bowls was, to me, a clumsy example but it struck HER chord.

      I was speaking with a client yesterday and asked what was wrong with her daughter's hair and was told it was trichotillomania (nervous disorder)

      I said "I don't like labels, we all have comfort behaviours" and the mother started to melt. She then told me about her extreme OCD, how even a piece of furniture out of place by a centimeter upsets her.

      She was open to, and actually relieved to admit that her daughter's problem was created by HER anxiety.

      Needless to say I gave her details for 3Ps.


        A little Christmas gift: Judy Sedgeman on Sydney Banks: The Benchmark for Kindness - YouTube
        Peace and love to all of you, NS


          Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
          A little Christmas gift: Judy Sedgeman on Sydney Banks: The Benchmark for Kindness - YouTube
          Peace and love to all of you, NS
          It never ceases to be much we ALL just need each other.

          Peace and love guys


            Originally posted by kuya View Post
            It never ceases to be much we ALL just need each other. Peace and love guys
            I saw this post on FB this morning in the 3 principles of mind, thought, and consciousness group:

            Recently I have been musing on how much of the divisiveness, war and conflict we see in the world may be grounded primarily in 'mental health' issues rather than ideological differences. How much fear, suspicion and insecurity act as the driver behind aggressive zero-sum gaming behaviours (and how much it shapes the formation/adoption of the ideologies that can look like the primary drivers).

            A more cynical friend of mine recently claimed that we are doomed as a species because we are inherently selfish, needy and greedy. My response was that whilst we have he capacity for selfishness and greed, we also have the capacity for empathy, compassion, love, consideration and much else that is positive. My argument at the time was that you will get that which is emphasised through personal and cultural consciousness.

            I am thinking back to this discussion with my friend because I am reading Bessel van der Kolk's excellent book The Body Keeps The Score and learning much about how disruptive developmental stress and trauma can be. I have highlighted so much from this book, but here is the line that had me step out reflect on that conversation and hit Facebook right now:

            "Everything about us - our brains, our minds and our bodies - is geared towards collaboration in social systems. This is our most powerful survival strategy, the key to our success as a species, and it is precisely this that breaks down in most forms of mental suffering."

            So what if much of what we see as political issues are really mental health (and, perhaps extensively, cultural health) issues. Van der Kolk also says...

            "The neural connections in the brain and body are vitally important for understanding human suffering, but it is important not to ignore the foundations of our humanity: relationships and interactions that shape our minds and brains when we are young and that give substance and meaning to our entire lives."

            If this is so, political solutions that inflict trauma upon other human beings are highly questionable at best. It's like hitting kids when they do 'wrong' - and obvious and simple solution, but one that is demonstrably deeply flawed (go google for the studies if you need to) from the perspective of raising emotionally and cognitively well adapted human beings.

            So what do we need instead? Sam Harris in his excellent book The Moral Landscapes argues for taking the wellbeing of conscious entities (both individually and in aggregate) as being the basis for our decisions about how to live and organise human living. This seems like a pretty good idea to me. From this perspective we can begin to have informed conversations about what makes sense in terms of personal and political action.

            So how can we move towards global wellbeing? It's a big project, no doubt... but surely a worthwhile one. And there are people out there (and within this group), I know, who are already engaging with it. I myself make a commitment to be part of that project both in my personal and professional life, and if by doing so I can be a domino in a grander conscious shifting chain, then I will consider myself to have 'done good'.


              For me it is as simple as realising (and helping others realise) that 'who' we are (nationality, culture, colour, sex, religion, status) is simply a geographical accident.

              People claim to 'know' this yet then go on to be fiercely proud of being welsh, or Jewish or black or a woman.

              To have pride in something YOU have done is one thing, to have pride in an accident of birth leads to insane decisions, by the individual AND governments.

              But I am also learning to let go of feelings of doom about the state of the world. I think there is also an 'activist' madness when a person can expend a lot of energy on matters they are powerless to change.

              This is why I like 3P people, they mainly hang out in a place of contentment. I would like to spend my remaining time there, and learn to train others.


                On the same page with your last posts SB and KY. I know human connection is fundamental, and a basic healer for us who have lost that. A life of substance and meaning I reckon is greatly enhanced by human connection. Only cause I've seen it. A friend said to me marching in the streets was useless. I don't agree. Change has often come via a minority of people lighting the way. It is another way to keep the convo flowing whether this be climate or domestic violence. Social media can spread an idea quickly. We can use it for good too.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
                  On the same page with your last posts SB and KY. I know human connection is fundamental, and a basic healer for us who have lost that. A life of substance and meaning I reckon is greatly enhanced by human connection. Only cause I've seen it. A friend said to me marching in the streets was useless. I don't agree. Change has often come via a minority of people lighting the way. It is another way to keep the convo flowing whether this be climate or domestic violence. Social media can spread an idea quickly. We can use it for good too.
                  DOING and BEING the change is important, but I try to keep my balance. I used to feel overwhelmed and powerless. Even to the point of depression over the state of the world.

                  I am learning to take myself less is not like any of us are getting out of this alive!


                    Originally posted by kuya View Post
                    DOING and BEING the change is important, but I try to keep my balance. I used to feel overwhelmed and powerless. Even to the point of depression over the state of the world.

                    I am learning to take myself less is not like any of us are getting out of this alive!
                    I'm one of them pita doers lol. I use my skills for good and contribute to my community weekly. This helps keep me sane understanding that change can begin at the micro level and it is something I can initiate. Be the change as me old mate Matty Ghandi put it. A Global change timeframe is out of my control, so I need to find some sanity at a local level. Sharing my humble musical skills is a way I can contribute to maybe help others find their freedom.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
                      I'm one of them pita doers lol. I use my skills for good and contribute to my community weekly. This helps keep me sane understanding that change can begin at the micro level and it is something I can initiate. Be the change as me old mate Matty Ghandi put it. A Global change timeframe is out of my control, so I need to find some sanity at a local level. Sharing my humble musical skills is a way I can contribute to maybe help others find their freedom.
                      Perhaps I wasn't clear...

                      As I have mentioned I interact with the public as my clients, 10 - 20 per day.

                      THIS is where I work for my community, by being honest about my life, listening to their life and troubles and often helping work out some options.(this is way beyond the requirements of my 'job').

                      I used to think 'being the change' meant going on raids with Greenpeace, but realise that, for me, it meant being authentic and caring to everyone I meet (as far as possible).


                        Originally posted by kuya View Post
                        Perhaps I wasn't clear...

                        I used to think 'being the change' meant going on raids with Greenpeace, but realise that, for me, it meant being authentic and caring to everyone I meet (as far as possible).
                        I don't rule out a combination if necessary.

                        In other news, finally have my pc working. Posting from a phone is a major pita. Off for a run, if i can just move that homeless person out of my doorway. No respect!

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          4# The One And Only Quick Fix to The Three Principles

                          I cannot post lesson 4 as it is too long, I do hope this link works


                            Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
                            I don't rule out a combination if necessary.

                            In other news, finally have my pc working. Posting from a phone is a major pita. Off for a run, if i can just move that homeless person out of my doorway. No respect!
                            LOL (I hope)

                            .....and I am off to shout at an iceberg for melting!


                              Originally posted by starty View Post
                              4# The One And Only Quick Fix to The Three Principles

                              I cannot post lesson 4 as it is too long, I do hope this link works

                              Thanks Starty. I was a little confused by this one TBH ..... But that happens unless you remain in the flow of the writer..

                              What I DID gain, and it was timely, is that the knowledge seems to up and leave from time to time....I am going through that ATM.

                              Once Xmas is done I am going to apply my mind via the training course I am enrolled on


                                Yes me too Kuya. I am finding that over this period, things that helped me in the past seem to elude me. I think it is just the time of year. Time to start again with new gusto !

