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The Three Principles Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by starty View Post
    Jamie Smart quote. "if you are feeling shitty, chances are you are looking in the wrong direction"
    I love Jamie .....absolutely my favourite so far.

    The other thing that amazes me is how much better my relationships with my family are. THEY are the same but I have changed ..... And it makes everyone calmer


      Originally posted by starty View Post
      Definitely worth a watch
      I love the way he worked this although the guy being coached was a little 'slow'. I mean if he is training as a life coach he would need to up his game.
      Jamie is so patient though and I love how he makes sense of all the things people do to try and clear their minds

      Originally posted by IamMary View Post
      On my watch list, thanks Starty.

      Watched I Am last night. As mentioned on the Army thread, really worth watching - very thought provoking and compliments the 3 principles.

      I lot of thinking does I suppose - like Marcus Aurelius, a thinker so ahead of his time and very much aligned with the 3Ps.
      "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth".
      I still haven't managed to download "I am" yet. I will try again as it sounds like a wonderful, enlightening film.


        Originally posted by kuya View Post
        I love the way he worked this although the guy being coached was a little 'slow'. I mean if he is training as a life coach he would need to up his game.
        Jamie is so patient though and I love how he makes sense of all the things people do to try and clear their minds

        Ha ha ! Yes I wanted to give him a boot up the arse


          "Somebody should have told us" (simple truths for living well) by Jack Pransky.

          This is a great little book, quite clear and inspiring and written by one of the founding group of principle work.

          Highly recommend


            Ok, guys, this needs to be quick b/c my meeting starts in 15 min.

            Knowing I would wake up kind of early again, I queued up a George Pransky talk about The Source of Stress (HIGHLY RECOMMEND!) on my iPad to watch in bed in the morning. Well... I woke up, wondered what time it was and looked at the World Clock on said iPad because the font is huge and I didn't need my glasses: 4:30 a.m. Well, kind of early but not bad since I'd gone to bed about 9:30, it was better than my 3 a.m. wake-up yesterday, I felt rested, and it gave me plenty of time to watch the videos b/f my 7 a.m. meeting. So I watched all 3 parts and then of course, YouTube gives you suggestions so I watched a couple more videos and then thought I'd better check the time: 4:30. WHAT :egad: ?? Well, turns out blind me didn't realize that the screen wasn't on the clock, it was on the alarm I'd set a couple days ago when I had to catch an early flight. I'd really gotten up at ~ 2:45 (WORSE than yesterday!). If I'd known it was 2:45, I would have felt like I hadn't gotten enough sleep, and would have been mad at myself for being old and not able to adjust to changes like I used to, worried that I wouldn't be alert at these meetings, concerned that I'd be too tired to do anything tonight and on and on. I probably would have tried to go back to sleep. But because I thought it was 4:30, I didn't think any of these stressful thoughts, and I was fine. I watched the videos, which were really excellent ones for me to see. And even though I now know the truth, I'm still fine and am so pleased to have this concrete example to think about when the wishy-washiness of these principles starts getting to me.


              Thats interesting NS. I am the same. If I THINK i have not had enough kip I am much grumpier than if it doesn't occur to me too


                NS that is both funny and heartening.

                It is hard explaining this stuff but the effects can be experienced very early on whilst doing nothing in particular.

                I have read a lot of books but they were all short, easy reads and the video clips were easy listening. There are no notes to take or exams to pass.

                This is literally about 'changing your mind'


                  Originally posted by kuya View Post
                  I have read a lot of books but they were all short, easy reads and the video clips were easy listening. There are no notes to take or exams to pass.
                  I agree but that's why I'm finding it a bit hard to trust - seems too easy. I don't really think I'm a cynic but it's hard to believe that given this has been 'known' since the 70s that if it's true and works, it's not more widespread. On the other hand, my thinking is changing... And if any mainstream psychiatrists/psychoanalysts/psychologists know about it, they wouldn't really have an incentive to share it and put themselves out of work!!

                  As I've watched a few videos, I've thought, oh X and Y from MWO need to see this - it totally addresses some of the things they struggle with! But I realize there isn't any point in showing it to them -- it wouldn't mean anything unless the person had begun the exploration on their own and is ready to hear the message. Hope some people are lurking and learning :smile:.
                  Last edited by NoSugar; December 5, 2015, 05:36 PM.


                    Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                    I agree but that's why I'm finding it a bit hard to trust - seems too easy. I don't really think I'm a cynic but it's hard to believe that given this has been 'known' since the 70s that if it's true and works, it's not more widespread. On the other hand, my thinking is changing... And if any mainstream psychiatrists/psychoanalysts/psychologists know about it, they wouldn't really have an incentive to share it and put themselves out of work!!

                    As I've watched a few videos, I've thought, oh X and Y from MWO need to see this - it totally addresses some of the things they struggle with! But I realize there isn't any point in showing it to them -- it wouldn't mean anything unless the person had begun the exploration on their own and is ready to hear the message. Hope some people are lurking and learning :smile:.
                    I mention 3Ps when appropriate but another change in me is I have dropped my need to 'convert' or justify myself (so much ! LOL)
                    For example I have a client whose daughter was at school with mine during primary. Her future eating disorders were plain to see and now, at 16, are making her ill. I went out for lunch with mum and shared some of this and she was excited and made contact with the 3Ps facilitator I know ( who also comes from a mental health is perfect)

                    BUT she hasn't followed up yet.

                    In the old days I would have hassled her and felt sad/annoyed/ angry/ critical with the mother, after all her daughter is now so thin and weak she required hospitalisation.
                    But I am content that I have prodded her, I will poke her again when and if it feels right but if she chooses to stay with the mainstream medics (that she already told me are failing) then so be it.

                    Investigating 3Ps will involve BOTH the parents risking their own psychological position. The daughter is simply a symptom of the parents and they are not stupid.....they know it on a gut level and it scares them.

                    We can only 'fix' ourselves and hope that helps the world.

                    26 years ago I wrote "Get happy or die trying" in a diary just at the start of doing psychotherapy. I am happy to report the search is over.

                    Jack Pransky tells this story in his book "someone should have told us"

                    * …a Sioux friend told me:

                    The Creator gathered all of creation and said, “I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality.”

                    The eagle said, “Give it to me, I will take it to the moon.”

                    The Creator said, “No. One day they will go there and find it.”

                    The salmon said, “I will hide it on the bottom of the ocean.”

                    “No. They will go there, too.”

                    The buffalo said, “I will bury it on the great plains.”

                    The Creator said, “They will cut the skin of the earth and find it even there.”…

                    Then Grandmother Mole…who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said,

                    “Put it inside them” [for that is the last place they will look.]

                    The Creator said, “It is done.” -
                    Last edited by kuya; December 5, 2015, 06:30 PM.


                      As to your point about this understanding being around since the 70s I had the same cynical response.....due to my own narrow view based on my limited perception of time.

                      Ignaz Semmelweis proposed that deaths around childbirth were caused by germs in 1847. Prior to that it was believed disease was caused by bad air and smells. His medical colleagues were outraged at the idea that THEY were spreading much so that poor old Ignaz was locked up in a mental institution where he died in 1862.

                      It took another 50+ years for the concept of bacterial causes of diseases to catch on, and this was concerning an area of life that was literally killing people in their millions.

                      3P work has been going on and spreading since the 70s, it flies in the face of society's accepted world view, therefore resistance will be likely. This is particularly so because, as you say, the people most needed to promote it have a vested interest (patients having counselling and therapy for YEARS).

                      But here it is, on MWO being shared and discussed and the worst criticism is 'it seems too easy'.
                      Understanding that your thinking creates ALL of your feelings, 100% of the time, no exceptions, blows every shred of victim hood and blame away. We are free to recover from our addictions since we need no longer be tortured by our pasts nor mistakenly seek drugs to change how we feel.


                        wow this is amazing,thanks Kuya - chimes with mindfulness and cbt for me so far - sounds great - off to do some reading!
                        one day at a time


                          Originally posted by bear73 View Post
                          wow this is amazing,thanks Kuya - chimes with mindfulness and cbt for me so far - sounds great - off to do some reading!
                          So happy you took time to pop over Bear. Have fun reading and take your time, it can be a little elusive at the beginning.

                          You may end up being more mindful but there is no reason to focus in any way. Simply be aware when you feel bad that those feelings came from your thoughts and nowhere else.

                          3Ps is about understanding HOW the mind works, what you then do ( mindfulness, meditation, prayer or kite flying is absolutely up to you ! LOL)

                          But once you have SEEN how it works you can never unsee it... It changes you


                            I love this, Kuya..

                            But once you have SEEN how it works you can never unsee it... It changes you

                            I've really enjoyed reading here.. thanks! to you all.


                              More guidance videos

                              I have started online training through 3Pmovies and watched these videos today and thought they were very clear.

                              Rudi Kennard set up this is a brilliant resource, the best there is. All of the best speakers and teachers are featured on this site in some way.

                              The first two are some more education on what the three principles are

                              part 1 of 2: Introduction to the Three Principles - YouTube

                              part 2 of 2 Introduction to the Three Principles - YouTube

                              This last one just made me smile....

                              Three Principles Stories- Masha - YouTube


                                Thanks Kuya I watched both of those Rudi Kennard films and they are very good.

                                Even though I have a cold and feel pretty rough my mind has not sunk into a low and I have not gone out looking for stuff to medicate with. That is a massive first for me.

