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The Three Principles Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
    Jamie Smart gave a great analogy. Have you ever seen the arrow in the FEDEX logo? I hadn't but now it's the first thing I see whenever a truck goes by. I can't ever see that logo in the same arrow-free way again.
    WOT arrow :headscratch:


      Formed by the bottom half of the E and the x :smile:.


        Ok, I just started reading here and I am sure I will have a lot to say!

        The Fed EX Logo, Holy Crapsky! I never noticed until right now.

        I will be back! So far I just read the first page and Kuya, thank you for that information. I have to research this topic, it sounds really good so far.

        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

        AF April 12, 2014


          People on some other threads are talking about rehab. I don't know how much this one costs but I think I'd like to go NOW :smile: !: Why Holistic? | Gulf Breeze Recovery
          It sounds like it would be an amazing experience. Kuya talked about the testimonials posted on this website - they are really moving and inspiring.


            Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
            Formed by the bottom half of the E and the x :smile:.
            I find it soooo weird that I have never seen that before....

            Originally posted by narilly View Post
            Ok, I just started reading here and I am sure I will have a lot to say!

            The Fed EX Logo, Holy Crapsky! I never noticed until right now.

            I will be back! So far I just read the first page and Kuya, thank you for that information. I have to research this topic, it sounds really good so far.
            Take your time Narilly, there is a ton of stuff to read and listen to. It is not a broad topic BUT hearing it from many angles gets your brain more absorbent to the concept. Try not to compare it to other things you know...I notice that people who do so tend to stop before the magic happens.

            This is not about learning, it is about understanding.



              Happy New Year 3p'ers
              I am afraid I still cannot see the arrow in Fedex. Does that make me a thicket


                Originally posted by starty View Post
                Happy New Year 3p'ers
                I am afraid I still cannot see the arrow in Fedex. Does that make me a thicket
                Haha no! You just haven't looked at it with the same eye.

                Go to the X .... The left hand side of the X is the front of the arrow.....see it now?


                  I have been watching and listening to training videos today....very relaxing.

                  I would recommend this site and the training, it is very well put together.

                  George Pransky is a very skilled practioner and author.

                  Go down to the FAQ with George Pransky (watch them all ....but particularly the one by George )

                  Edit: I have had to take the link down for security reasons. I will try and copy the link again later
                  Last edited by kuya; January 2, 2016, 09:37 AM.


                    Originally posted by kuya View Post
                    Haha no! You just haven't looked at it with the same eye.

                    Go to the X .... The left hand side of the X is the front of the arrow.....see it now?


                    Ohhhhhhhhh yes I can!!! Thank you! I have spent bloody ages staring at the damn thing trying to find it


                      Originally posted by starty View Post
                      Ohhhhhhhhh yes I can!!! Thank you! I have spent bloody ages staring at the damn thing trying to find it
                      Now I challenge you to NOT see it!

                      3P learning is like this for me.... I cannot forget for more than a few moments that I am creating ALL of my feelings. This changes my life, forever.


                        Originally posted by kuya View Post
                        Haha no! You just haven't looked at it with the same eye.

                        Go to the X .... The left hand side of the X is the front of the arrow.....see it now?

                        OMG I finally see it. A white arrow :yay:


                          Originally posted by YouKayBee View Post
                          I've not been able to read the full thread, but if we are talking about not beating yourself up, what I've found helpful is taking the outlook that every person is trying the best they can with what they have.

                          This comes from Rogerian, client-centred approach to counselling and although it can be a bit wishy washy at times, I find it a really useful way to look at yourself and others around you. Whenever I've struggling with myself or anyone else, I remember this, take a deep breath and it keeps me calm.
                          Sorry UK B ....I missed this post earlier.

                          Certainly 3Ps allows you to be kinder to yourself and others. Once you realise how much of your 'reality' is simply thought and made up then you really have to have more compassion for others who are suffering in the same illusiory state.

                          Things flow from that knowledge.

                          Happy you have joined the discussion


                            That rehab looks awesome! Wonder how much something like that would cost???? Of course, we're all worth it.
                            Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                              The rehab place sounds great! I would love to do that.

                              One thing I picked up was that Everyone's perception is different and that is ok. We are all living in our own reality made up of our own thoughts and emotions.
                              That is powerful for me. I always expect my hubby to have the same perception as me. This is unrealistic, I can see that now.

                              I am on page 7 on this thread and am going to keep reading. So far so good.

                              Happy New Year!

                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014


                                Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                                OMG I finally see it. :yay:
                                Seeing the 3Ps is like that for me, Satz - how in the heck did I not realize it before? There have been so many clues all through life but I just didn't deduce the general principle from all the examples.

                                - Why does MWO work? Because it helps us change our thinking about booze and our relationship to it. Continued involvement helps us not let our thinking slip back to old, familiar patterns.
                                - Why do 2 people have such vastly different recollections of a shared experience? Because of how they thought about it at the time and as they remembered it.
                                - Why did the things that irritated me for over 2 decades about my husband vanish overnight? Because he almost died one day and my thinking about him (and his ongoing, formerly annoying habits) changed dramatically.
                                - Why am I no longer shy? Because I was tired of it and decided to change.
                                - Why do I get insulted by people in my real life and in online forums? Because I think they mean what I would mean if I said or wrote that. And even if they did mean that, it can't affect me unless I think about it in a way that allows it to hurt.

                                It seems so obvious once it is pointed out but until then, it's no more likely that we could recognize the role of thought through our thoughts anymore than a fish could recognize water, never having experienced non-water (great analogy by G Pransky in the link Kuya gave us above).

                                A huge change in thinking in response to a crisis (e.g. spouse's near-death, terminal illness Dx, etc.) doesn't seem all that surprising or unusual. But -- knowing that we can similarly change our thinking (and so our feelings and lives) at any time is revolutionary to me.

                                -Why do some people wait for a rock bottom before they - immediately - quit drinking/drugging? Because they don't know that they can change their thinking at will - without waiting for an external stimulus.

                                When people keep having the hated "day 1's", it isn't because they are weak or bad or in some other way morally flawed. They simply haven't decided to be non-drinkers yet. It doesn't mean that they never will. At any moment chronic relapsers can change their thinking and change their lives. (There are examples of people who used to struggle who are doing really well on MWO right now! :smile It is frustrating to see people not make the change they say they want but understanding the 3Ps gives me such hope for all of us.

                                Happy New Year to all, NS

