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The Three Principles Discussion Thread

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    3Ps understanding helps free me from my past AND my old thought patterns. I am no longer owned by the 'me' I made up.

    This is a truly amazing gift.

    I have spent the last 40+ years thinking I was becoming 'set in stone' and to now have given myself the freedom to reinvent myself is wonderful. I can keep what I like and learn to drop what I don't .... It is as simple as that.

    The practical lessons from my past can be retained but my OPINIONS about the past, events or people, hold less validity for me.

    This allows me to forgive, both myself and others, with ease. NOT through some moral, spiritual sense of 'goodness' but because I can see others 'positions' with more understanding.

    People are lost in their thinking and correcting the simple misunderstanding that ALL feelings come from the inside NOT the outside is the paramount and most profound benefit of this paradigm.

    This simple truth affects our relationships with ourselves, our partners, our children and our work colleagues.

    If my grounding in 3Ps remained at this level it would be enough to have changed mine, and my family's, future forever.

    And as if this wasn't enough, a mind freed from being constantly trapped in old, recycled thought is cleared to receive new thought, insight, wisdom.


      Originally posted by kuya View Post
      Edit: I have had to take the link down for security reasons. I will try and copy the link again later
      I got there by going to the threeprinciplesmovies website and searching on collection 1. I listened to several segments yesterday in the background while doing other stuff - very interesting ideas.


        And as if this wasn't enough, a mind freed from being constantly trapped in old, recycled thought is cleared to receive new thought, insight, wisdom
        I keep feeling like I'm forgetting to do something - not ruminating on unhelpful thoughts opens up a lot of free space and time!


          Im not posting here much but I am reading all the posts and references (the arrow, I had to google cos it was driving me nuts!).

          At some level I think it is sinking in because I keep coming across it - and it wouldn't have registered before. There was a really interesting interview on the radio the other day about overcoming anxiety. They never mentioned the 3Ps, but referred to this way of thinking, it was the back bone of their therapy.
          Another article on an online Irish News forum had an article on thoughts also leaned on the 3Ps, see here.
          Word is spreading!
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Originally posted by IamMary View Post
            Another article on an online Irish News forum had an article on thoughts also leaned on the 3Ps, see here.
            Word is spreading!
            I think for the last 30 years the practitioners lacked the Internet savvy to disseminate this.

            Couple this with the resistance of the psychology profession (whose long term treatments will be over if people 'get' this) and it doesn't surprise me that 3P work is only just gaining traction.

            Edit; having downloaded the app and read the article I have to observe that this is more along the nlp, positive thinking idea. It still asserts that our emotions are created by outside events, and then suggests techniques to deal with the consequences.This is an application, and requires work.

            3P is about realising that ALL feelings are created INSIDE, 'good' or 'bad' and as such are not real.

            For me knowing I am creating the feeling makes me laugh at the thought, change the feeling, move on and be happy.

            There is no work, no technique, nothing to do.
            Last edited by kuya; January 2, 2016, 06:29 PM.


              Ah.. Ok. Thanks for that Kuya. Sorry you had to download the app!!
              But defining both methods is making more sense to me now. I still find myself addressing the negative feelings, some are harder to dismiss than others, but I'm getting there..
              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                Got Jamie Smart's book 'Clarity" in the mail today via UPS, not FED EX! Merry Xmas to me...
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  Originally posted by j-vo View Post
                  Got Jamie Smart's book 'Clarity" in the mail today via UPS, not FED EX!
                  :haha: Did you send any hidden symbols in the UPS logo???

                  This is a really interesting talk about addiction by a 3Ps-based practitioner: ELAINE HILIDES - Breaking Free from Bad Habits - YouTube
                  Slightly different versions:
                  Elaine Hilides Interview - YouTube
                  NPP 022 : Elaine Hilides - Health Is An Inside Job -

                  In those talks, she compares thoughts (cravings) to snowflakes, which fall and melt, fall and melt. BUT, if you don't let them melt (dissipate) pretty soon you've got a snowball (or you're using).
                  Last edited by NoSugar; January 3, 2016, 06:11 PM.


                    I'll have to check that logo NS!! Thanks for those links.
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      Here is an interview with Dicken Bettinger that I found to be clear and helpful:
                      Dicken Bettinger – We all live in our own thought-created reality

                      Work and family health issues have come back in full force for the new year :sad:. Understanding what is going on in my head is definitely helping but I must admit, there is part of me that wishes that there were a 3P application. While the no need to DO anything is a relief, sometimes the illusion of control that taking action can give is nice. Yesterday I did several things that I've tried in the past when stressed: walk with wonder dog, deep breathing, stretching, hot bath. They helped while I was doing them, as usual, but also as usual, no lasting benefit. Dealing with the feelings after the fact of the thinking that caused them is really inefficient and just not very effective. I can see that it's worth not letting the destructive thinking take hold. It's not like my worrying is going to fix any of it - just makes me less able to deal with it (and miserable). Why choose that?


                        Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                        Ah.. Ok. Thanks for that Kuya. Sorry you had to download the app!!
                        But defining both methods is making more sense to me now. I still find myself addressing the negative feelings, some are harder to dismiss than others, but I'm getting there..
                        Actually Mary you have just given me a further insight....thank you.

                        What I am now seeing is this....

                        All thoughts are simply that, thoughts. They are not good or bad but simply mind chatter.

                        They can all be watched like a movie, with no attachment by our 'real' self as the watcher. This will take practice but as you learn to see how much of 'you' was simply made up egotistical nonsense it will get much easier.

                        It is like LIVING in a state of effortless meditation where the relaxed state of mind comes from not giving ANY thought any serious value.

                        We will, of course, get caught up from time to time (a lifetime of taking our BS seriously will not disappear overnight!) but overall it will become more and more fun.

                        Originally posted by j-vo View Post
                        Got Jamie Smart's book 'Clarity" in the mail today via UPS, not FED EX! Merry Xmas to me...
                        Ooooo lucky you...enjoy!


                          Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                          Here is an interview with Dicken Bettinger that I found to be clear and helpful:
                          Dicken Bettinger – We all live in our own thought-created reality

                          While the no need to DO anything is a relief, sometimes the illusion of control that taking action can give is nice. Yesterday I did several things that I've tried in the past when stressed: walk with wonder dog, deep breathing, stretching, hot bath. They helped while I was doing them, as usual, but also as usual, no lasting benefit. Dealing with the feelings after the fact of the thinking that caused them is really inefficient and just not very effective. I can see that it's worth not letting the destructive thinking take hold. It's not like my worrying is going to fix any of it - just makes me less able to deal with it (and miserable). Why choose that?
                          Maybe just let the 'destructive' thinking take hold, then practice seeing it as made up and let it go.
                          It can only take hold if you think you are right and it is true.

                          I had a difficult issue to deal with today involving my middle son who holds the family to ransom with his poor attitude. I have helped him start therapy in the past, after one session he announced he was too smart for her and wouldn't go again.
                          I know it is his thinking and I have tried to get him to start to look onwards 3Ps.

                          Today MY wisdom said ENOUGH and I have spelled out that I am not putting up with his behaviour any more. He has been told to stop, and/or get help or to stay away.

                          My point is that I was perfectly calmly watching myself today, jumping through the same thought patterns, and suddenly my inner voice just said "FUCK THIS, I AM DONE WITH HIS BULLSHIT"

                          I didn't feel angry, just resolved that I had had enough.

                          Enlightenment doesn't have to be polite it would appear !


                            Thank you both...
                            Exactly what I was wondering about yesterday, NS.. I seem to get it when I'm in the moment-- but sometimes I'm unsure where to go from there. I was under the impression that realizing every thing I'm feeling is a result of my thoughts, meaning I don't have to take on what anyone else is "giving" me meant, realize, accept, let go or move on.. I began to question whether or not decisions I'd made regarding other people had been fair.. what came to me today is that, 1. some situations take more time than I'm allowing to become clear..but during that period of time I can be productive by not letting the circumstances negatively affect me.. 2. by realizing that I can only be affected by my thoughts I'm able to step back and look more objectively at a situation before reacting/responding..
                            Something I'm really wishing I could have done better a couple of months ago!


                              One question.. which I haven't seen addressed yet, so if someone could point me in the right direction. How are the 3P's helpful when physical discomfort or pain are present?


                                Hi, LC - I've only listened to a couple of these but maybe one of these interviews will help you: Physical Illness - Three Principles Movies: Three Principles of innate health and wellbeing.
                                Please let us know if you learn something helpful! xx, NS

