Since you've been learning how the 3Ps work, I know you're aware that the way you are feeling is not coming from him or anything he does or doesn't do but from how you are thinking about him and his actions and about yourself and what you would like your life to be.
One thing that has been helpful to me is realizing that any (negative) thought and associated feelings that I have over and over probably aren't taking me anywhere I want to go and aren't opening me up to new ideas. We can't control our thoughts, but we do have some say about which ones we pay attention to and act on. When one of those persistent, unwelcome thoughts pops into my head (and they do, over and over!), I obviously notice it but in a way kind of see myself saying, oh yeah, you - I know you. And then let it sort of dissolve instead of re-hashing all the ideas that initial thought leads to. I KNOW the repercussions because I've already gone over them a million times with no effect other than putting my stomach in a knot and making me very sad. Those feelings are telling me that the thoughts I'm paying attention to aren't doing me any good.