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The Three Principles Discussion Thread

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    Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

    I'm always so happy to see this thread bumped, [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION] and [MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION]. This understanding has completely changed my reactions to all of the stuff of life that is outside of my control -- which is of course about 99% of what goes on!! I re-listened to those talks you posted, LC. His insights really kind of sneak up on you! I recently read his book "The Space Between". I'd highly recommend it. xx, NS


      Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

      Thank you for posting the links to these three YouTube videos, Lifechange! They are really good ones that I hadn’t seen before, and they are actually making sense! Plus they’re coming at a good time for me. So thanks to you & NS for this support.
      Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


        Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

        Yes Slo, it seems like they touched me in a positive way. The past couple of days have felt different.. though I can't explain exactly how. Lighter and easier. NS, I ordered the book (The Space Within) which I'm looking forward to reading! :happy2:


          Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

          Here's another one I really liked.. I'm sure it's already been posted here, but once again is ok..xx
          Redefining Happiness (full version) - YouTube


            Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

            ""One thing that has been helpful to me is realizing that any (negative) thought and associated feelings that I have over and over probably aren't taking me anywhere I want to go and aren't opening me up to new ideas. We can't control our thoughts, but we do have some say about which ones we pay attention to and act on. When one of those persistent, unwelcome thoughts pops into my head (and they do, over and over!), I obviously notice it but in a way kind of see myself saying, oh yeah, you - I know you. And then let it sort of dissolve instead of re-hashing all the ideas that initial thought leads to. I KNOW the repercussions because I've already gone over them a million times with no effect other than putting my stomach in a knot and making me very sad. Those feelings are telling me that the thoughts I'm paying attention to aren't doing me any good.""
            NS, you wrote this to me almost 3 years ago! I understood it at the time "theoretically", but I didn't get it. Now it describes how I'm feeling/have been feeling the past week. It's come out of nowhere.. well, after watching that video about ending stress. I'm noticing that I'm not taking everything so personally.. negative thoughts come to me but then wash away, seemingly without effort. I don't really understand why now, but I'm going with the flow. Happy for this time. Also noticed that I'm really calm with previous cravings... it's been much easier to make good decisions with regards to what I'm eating, drinking, watching, reacting to. I've been hurting myself for such a long time that it feels strange (but very good) to be taking care, to be free of all the doubts and abuse. Let's see. xx
            Last edited by lifechange; May 23, 2019, 02:49 PM.


              Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

              This 3P thing kind of sneaks up on you! At first it all seems kind of obvious (yeah, so we think.) and silly and doesn’t really change much about life. At least that is how it was for me. But after reading more about it and listening to more videos, I kind of got it at a deeper level and over time, like I wrote in that paragraph to you, came to realize that I was viewing things that used to bother me so much completely differently. The other thing it has given me is much more compassion for and patience with others. Even when I entirely disagree with what they are doing, I can see that given their level of understanding and what they are thinking, they are doing what seems right to them in the moment. I used to think everyone inhabited the same world I do and so the correct responses were (of course!!) what I would do. But that’s just not the case - each of us lives in the experience of our thoughts.

              I heard a really interesting example of this the other day, but concerning dogs, not other people. Most people think that as they look around their house, they are experiencing it as it really is. But imagine how you would describe your house and its most compelling features if you were a dog and had a sense of smell 500 times greater than the one you have. I bet I would think my house was a disgusting toxic dump. The nice things that I see and could describe would be totally overwhelmed by the smells! Or imagine how we would view ourselves if we could actually see the trillions of bacteria that live on us! We truly are limited by what we happen to be able to see, touch, taste, hear, etc. That approximates reality but it isn’t reality. So it makes sense that another person‘s reality is going to be totally different than mine - we both are making it up.


                Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

                Here's a really nice 3P video I came across this morning: Life Is Simple: Dr. Dicken Bettinger - YouTube


                  Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

                  Thanks for posting this, NS. Funny he brought up getting irritated while driving. I was just talking about that yesterday. I have some issues with negative emotions getting the better of me behind the wheel.


                    Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

                    I found this article on neuroplasticity What Your Brain Needs to Know About Neuroplasticity - The Best Brain Possibleinteresting. It is more science than 3ps but I can see the connection.
                    Last edited by JackieM; August 11, 2019, 11:58 AM.


                      Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

                      I recently started listening to a podcast called Changeable with Dr. Amy Johnson. I am really enjoying it. The episodes are geared toward change in general but there are some specific episodes that focus on addiction. Episode 15, "How Alcohol Addiction is Changeable", features Annie Grace.
                      Dr. Johnson also offers a free download of her book "Being Human". I haven't had a chance to read it yet but am looking forward to it. She offers her own insights along with stories of those she has helped.


                        Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

                        [MENTION=18464]JackieM[/MENTION], she has another book I really like: I think [MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION] also found it very helpful.
                        Thanks for the podcast link!

                        The neuroplasticity links were interesting,too. I hadn’t thought about the fact that the same brain features that enable us to get free of addiction allowed us to become addicted in the first place. It shows that it is really important what thoughts we pay attention to and believe!


                          Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

                          [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION]-I will have to check out her other book. I have a hard time putting the 3ps understanding into words. I feel like Dr. Johnson offers an easy to listen to/easy to read approach.

                          Episode 9 of the Changeable podcast offers an understanding of the 3ps from Rohini Ross. I liked her explanation.


                            Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

                            [MENTION=18464]JackieM[/MENTION], [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION] is right...her book, "The Little Book of Big Change" is fantastic! I would recommend it to anyone. I always listen to [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION]'s advice.:happy2:


                              Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

                              Ha! That could be dangerous, [MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION] :haha:.

                              I agree that 3Ps is very hard to talk about, [MENTION=18464]JackieM[/MENTION]. It would be like trying to explain water to a fish. I think that is why the people who try to explain the concept use the phrase “pointing to” so often.

                              I looked through the episodes of the Changeable podcast. Many of them sound great. And I agree, she uses really accessible language.


                                Re: The Three Principles Discussion Thread

                                [MENTION=22700]Rusty-[/MENTION]I totally agree with your assessment of the book. It is a mind opener. I think you have chosen a good source for advice:happy2:.
                                [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION]-I have heard the phrase "pointing to" a lot as well. The analogy of our mind being the blue sky and our thoughts being the weather really resonates with me.

