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The Three Principles Discussion Thread

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    The Three Principles Discussion Thread

    "The Three Principles point towards a pre-existing logic that explains the human experience. A renaissance of the mind based on universal constants (principles) that uncover our innate or natural resilience, wellbeing and humanity."

    This topic has been discussed in a few threads over the last several days, in particular in the ARMY thread. A dedicated thread will make it more likely that we will be able to re-find links and ideas that are shared.

    A few places to start are:
    Three Principles Movies: Three Principles of innate health and wellbeing —
    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

    Michael Neill

    In one of his blog posts, Michael Neill wrote:
    When we try to get insights into our own lives, we inevitably get caught up in a web of our own psychology, beating ourselves up for our behavior on the one hand while desperately attempting to justify it on the other
    That describes what I was going through daily a couple years ago. I'm open to any ideas that enable people to get out of (and stay out of!) that hopeless web.

    I hope people take a look at some of the links and if interested, join the conversation :smile:.

    Same here, Molly. I need to do a little reading foist! Looking forward to the discussion! B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      My head hurts with it all :eek-new:...... may take a while to sink in.
      What I've read has stuck a chord with me somehow - but don't know why ?

      Hope there isn't an exam afterward :haha:


        I get the impression that we'll just need to muddle around with it. One thing that appeals to me is that there is no "right way" or "steps" - and certainly no exams :haha:!

        Kuya wrote this to Daisy, based on the 3Ps:

        Try and remember that you have over 60,000 thoughts a day, these thoughts come and go endlessly without bothering you ..... EXCEPT the thoughts that obsess you. These thoughts

        "I want a drink"
        "I need a drink"
        "I am going to fail"
        "I can't do this"
        Only keep returning BECAUSE you believe them and want them to stop. It is the 'try NOT thinking of a pink elephant' dilemma.
        You are now sober, it is NOT the chemical lure of the drug but the MENTAL mouse wheel that has you.

        The thought cannot get you, let it come in, go out, come in again. Know it has no power, none. Unless you connect it to "I will go buy and drink alcohol now" it is simply a thought, one of the 60,000 you have every day.

        Our very existence is ONLY thoughts, everyone creates their own reality with thought. Your happiness comes from inside NOT outside you. It is not IN the drink, it never was, you simply THOUGHT it was......but it was always coming from inside you.

        I can prove this for you.
        Did you ever drink and feel happy and have a great time, laugh, dance and end the night feeling fantastic?
        Did you ever have a terrible evening drinking, then arguing and crying?

        The alcohol was the same, yet your experience was completely opposite.......this is because everything you felt came from INSIDE you, always did, always will.


          So happy to see this thead. Kuya pointed me in this direction a few days ago and I am really keen to find out more. Thanks for getting this going NoSugar.
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
            I get the impression that we'll just need to muddle around with it. One thing that appeals to me is that there is no "right way" or "steps" - and certainly no exams :haha:!

            Kuya wrote this to Daisy, based on the 3Ps:
            That is what I love too NS. The fact that it is not something you "DO" or another "SHOULD" that we have to add to our millions of others but rather an awareness is indefinable but strikes a massive chord within me. Very keen to learn more and I look forward to sharing the information that I come across.


              3 Principles for State of Mind - How to Stay Solid when the going gets tough.

              This mornings reading


                And one thing I will add. There are now a lot of on line coaches for 3Ps and whilst you might want to train later on I would really suggest we use this thread to share materials and exchange thoughts before anyone rushes to spend money.

                I have not spent any money on sites....only books. Read, read, listen to everything you can, get your mind trained in the concept but don't rush to have somebody try and 'teach' you what is already your wisdom.

                I want to train later....I have a passion to counsel young offenders using 3Ps but I am not going to rush into anything.

                Just adding this that I have just found... A woman working in the area I would like to....
                Check out this video on YouTube:

                Gabrela, part 1, working with the Three Principles - YouTube
                Last edited by kuya; December 2, 2015, 03:30 AM.


                  Thank you so much Kuya. You put it so well and with your continued insight I for one know it will help me.


                    Originally posted by starty View Post
                    Thank you so much Kuya. You put it so well and with your continued insight I for one know it will help me.
                    Actually Starty, soon you will realise that it is YOUR insights that are guiding you. We are so used to buying into the BS that others know better than us that the idea that WE know best and always did and always will is kind of scary.....but it is true.

                    Sharing this because Micheal Neill is great and fun and everyone should watch his stuff
                    Check out this video on YouTube:

                    Michael Neill: An End to Stress (Part One) - YouTube


                      Originally posted by kuya View Post
                      Actually Starty, soon you will realise that it is YOUR insights that are guiding you. We are so used to buying into the BS that others know better than us that the idea that WE know best and always did and always will is kind of scary.....but it is true.

                      Sharing this because Micheal Neill is great and fun and everyone should watch his stuff
                      Check out this video on YouTube:

                      Michael Neill: An End to Stress (Part One) - YouTube
                      Yes!! I watched that last night. Very good.

                      Also there is a free 8 week training thing on the blog Stay Solid link I posted. I have signed up so will report back


                        Originally posted by starty View Post
                        Yes!! I watched that last night. Very good.

                        Also there is a free 8 week training thing on the blog Stay Solid link I posted. I have signed up so will report back
                        OMG you are amazing! You just picked up the ball and ran with it. Can't wait to hear back


                          Just listened to Michael Neill's part 1, 2 and 3. Feeling strangely calm after.....
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Thanks for the recommendation for Clarity, Kuya. I just downloaded it. I figure it might serve me well as I return tomorrow to cross-country flying, an activity which didn't go well a couple weeks ago, leaving me with a feeling of dread for what's ahead. And why am I feeling this way?? Because of how I'm thinking about it. And thinking about it won't change anything so each time a thought about delays and airports and the stress it causes enters my mind (over and over!), I'm trying to just let it go. I'd better quit typing about it NOW because of course it is making me think about it!!

                            I've tried to use this whatever it is with my current work load, also. Due to some choices by people upstream from me, I am suddenly buried in tasks. Having too much looming has always caused me a great deal of stress - I can remember being overwhelmed by "work to do" in even the earliest school grades (too many pictures to color?? I have no idea what the tasks were but I remember how I felt). I coped over the years by never procrastinating and making huge efforts to get things "done". Well, those familiar feelings came crashing back over the last several days. But I'm realizing that the "pile" is a problem only if I think it is. It's going to be there anyway, and I can do one task at a time, and eventually they each will be done. The reactions of people downstream from me in terms of how quickly (or slowly) I get these done also are problems only if let them be (and the fact is, they probably won't be reacting at all -- people in general know that others can only do so much in a certain amount of time). This probably seems obvious to many of you but my default setting is to try to do everything "right" and to do it "right now".

                            I don't really understand all this but all I can say is that since I've been understanding that the tightness in my chest and the knot in my stomach are the result of how I'm thinking about my work load rather than the work load itself, they've gone away - without my doing things like meditation, hypnosis, exhausting exercise or any of the other techniques I've tried in the past to deal with what I realize is self-induced stress. Yesterday (when I should have been working :wink I had the opportunity to hang out with my grandson for a few hours. Before this shift in my thinking, I suspect I would have declined because of all this stuff "I have to get done now". I'm so glad I took that time off - and didn't spend my time with him thinking about what I "should" have been doing. I will get some of it done today and some will have to wait until next week when I return. It's amazing to me that I'm ok with that. I normally knock myself out to be "all caught up" before a trip.

                            I was reading in the Newbies Nest this morning -- it is so clear how much of the stress and angst people experience is because of how they are thinking about their situations! I wish I felt more confident in all of this to encourage them to explore it but don't have the words yet.

                            Anyway, that's where I am at the moment -- encouraged that this can be very helpful.


                              Thanks for starting this thready NS and Kuya - it does seem like a sensible or an obvious 'philosophy'.
                              There is so much about it, Im not sure if I will ever have that Aha moment, bit I will keep reading, watching (hoping!)..

                              Video here was quite good, its only 10 minutes.
                              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

