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    New Here

    Welcome. I agree with you, if you can turn it over to God, it will work out.

    God Bless
    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


      New Here

      If you can get to a drugstore, or even a supermarket sometimes has it. L-glutamine. It's an amino acid. It's really good for helping with alcohol cravings. ( I also think it makes ya just kinda feel good.. they call it , the brain food of supps)Some people even pour it directly under their tongue if they're having really strong cravings. Also, if you can find some Kudzu (maybe at a health food store) You can order it online here.. but you probably want to get some ASAP. Have you been able to download the book?
      I do think the L-glut and B-vitamins would really help right now.
      Hang in there Sweetie. Glad you're here. It's gonna be OK.
      :l Judie

      PS Be careful going cold turkey, it can be dangerous, depending on how much & how long you've been drinking. Not trying to worry you. But drink lots of water.
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        New Here


        Glad you are here. There are people on the boards that have had very similar awful things happen and are making healthier choices now- and consistently- which is the key. Keep coming and reading and sharing. It is a great community for support and a little bit of fun too. Welcome!



          New Here

          Dear Berly,
          And I do mean to call you dear. You may be new to this site, but you a friend to us already. Your story is tragic, but we can all understand it. We've done many of those things ourselves. You obviously love your sons very much and are making a major change in your life for them - what a lovely thing you are doing for them. You have also reached the point where you know you know you need to change for yourself - that is very brave also. You have made a wonderful first step by coming here and sharing your story with us.

          Enough with all the nice stuff, Mags. The fact is that we have all ripped our guts our more than once over this drinking thing. It is horrible and it is difficult. But it can be controlled and the struggle can make us stronger. We can all win this thing and are all doing it one day at a time in our own ways. But we are doing it.

          You have come to the right place. Read RJ's book (you can download it from the Health Store page), start taking Kudzu and the other supps, and post or at least read here every day. You have just started a difficult and wonderful journey and one that your sons will be very proud of you for. You now officially have a great group of friends who will understand and support you the whole way, no matter what.

          I wish you my very best and hope we hear from you again soon.
          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


            New Here

            You've found a great place here and it sounds like you are really ready to turn this thing around. Definitely read the book and start working this program. I am only about one week in, but it has made such a difference for me. If you feel like you can confide in your doctor, I highly recommend it. I was really scared to talk to my doctor about it, but it has helped me a lot. And, now I'm also on medication to help me control my drinking. I always thought that moderating/quitting drinking would be hell and that I'd be craving it all the time and just be a miserable dry drunk. But, it hasn't been that way at all. The meds and supps help so much. Not saying it is all easy either, but it feels doable and possible to me now. And, a sober life even seems enjoyable now.


              New Here

              Hi Berly, first get yourself straight. Go to a gnc or whatever and get as many supps as RJ suggests. Take it a day at a time and with your life getting back into shape your sons will come back. It won't happen immediately, this isn't a short term plan. Took us a lot of time to get where we are and and long time to get it all back. Just breathe.... do the right things.:l
              Enlightened by MWO


                New Here

                Hi berly,

                Welcome, like the others said, read the book - get the supps, and the other ingredient, you already have - the strong belief that it is time to change.

                Keep posting - it is tough in the beginning - but it IS possible.
                When it gets tough and you need support - get on here and you will get support by the truckload - any time day or night.

                Remember, the past is in the past and can't affect you any more.
                It is what you do RIGHT NOW in the present moment that will afect what the rest of your life will become.

                Don't worry about the future - just take care of the doing the right thing in each present moment, and the future will take care of itself.

                Good luck


                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                  New Here

                  A big WELCOME berly, you found us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
                  You will always met with open arms and open minds here... It is a safe and wonderful place to share with others that are where you are, and where you have been.. I wish you well and hope that you get alot out of this wonderful adventure filled with loving, compassionate people. ~Niblet~

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    New Here

                    Welcome Berly, Eveyone has said it. Please do it. Get the book and the supps. And a dr appt for some additional medicine - which ever you choose. I know its hard with the kids, but what an incentive to work for. I am sure sorry for your pain but you really can pull out of it. It will be hard but you can do it. Keep on readin others stories and you wont feel alone.
                    I am so glad you are here. Again.....welcome and big hugs.
                    Gabby :flower:


                      New Here

                      hey everyone...i want to say :thanks: for all of your really means alot to me right now...and an update on my son...we went to court today...was there from 9:00 until 1:00...his charges got dismissed...oh i was so thankful for that... ...then i had to wait for him to get processed out...which wasnt until 10:00 pm...and i will have to confess...that on the way home...i stopped and got a tall boy...which i really feel guilty about...but it beats a bottle of vodka...i just have to take one day at a time...and i have a drs appt on friday to see about getting meds...dont think i can do it without some sort of help...with meds, rjs book and the support from you all...i think that all things all possible...again...thank you so much for being there for me this weekend and in the future...this is a wonderful site and i wish that i would have found it sooner...


                        New Here

                        Thanks for keeping us updated ..

                        We're missing you on mods today .........

                        BB xx


                          New Here

                          just wanted to let everyone know how it is going...i have had a few mikes...but i feel that it beats drinking a whole bottle of vodka...and i am not getting just takes the edge off until i go to the drs. friday...i havent been on much due to work...that keeps my mind occupied...the weekends are what are the killers...i got 2 more days to wait and i hope my dr gives me whatever i need...i will keep you all posted...


                            New Here

                            berly, i was just catching up on your thread and am so touched by your willingness to put it all out there. you are doing so good this week. and look you haven't gotten drunk. this alcohol has no conscience that is for sure. and it is no good friend. it just takes up all of our time and takes us away from everyone we love and ruins our self esteem. so time to build up those muscles again. it is not bigger than you. it is just a craving that can be conquered with the meds and book cds and with the supps. that kudzo and the l glutamine are miracle workers i will say. and since i'm new here too i'm rooting for us both. one little day and moment at a time. stay steady girl. i also have taken up lavender oil. it smells great and it really relaxes me.
                            sending you and sons love and healing. boots


                              New Here

                              Glad to hear things are going better. Hope your dr. appt. goes well.

