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    I posted over on Monthly Abs this morning that I was going to a Buddhist festival today, managed to persuade the husband to go with me.. Well, we got there only to find that I had got the date wrong, DUH, its not until next Sunday, but not to worry, this place is such a beauty spot, acres of woodland and a large lake to walk around, so we decided to go for a walk...

    It is a lovely warm sunny day here so the area was quite busy... There was a man walking his dog just in front of us, the dog was such a beauty, she was a perfect double for Lassie, all of a sudden this cute Bassett hound with ears down to the ground appeared and started to sniff the Collie dogs bottom, I said to the husband, thank goodness humans don't behave like that in public places, he replied, yes, but I bet a lot of them do in private.. Well, it was one of those moments, I just howled with laughter, then all of a sudden I just seemed to be outside of my body watching myself laughing and looking so happy, and I thought to myself, just over eight months ago at this time on a Sunday I would have been curled up in bed with my usual hangover, feeling depressed and sorry for myself, swearing by all thats holy never to drink again, but knowing that I would, and look at me now, sometimes I find it hard to to accept when I realise how much I have changed..

    I just wondered if anyone else has had a magic moment lately, when you realise that you have turned a corner and your life is at long last going in the right direction..

    Louise xxx
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


    Oh Louise, that is so wonderful. I catch myself thinking almost everyday. I almost have to pinch myself to make sure it is really happening. My little boy said to me the other day (he is 8).."Hey Mama, you haven't drink wine in a long time have you, I sure do love little booger.." I just laughed so hard....not sure why he called me a little booger.



      Louise, I don't think I'm far enough along yet, but I can't wait to get there. I got teary eyed reading your post and had to read it again. I'm so happy for you.

      And I believe I have seen people act like that in public places around 2AM.
      If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger



        Beautiful post Louise, I had my moment when Greg and I went to dinner I ordered a glass of wine and left half of it on the table when we left. He actually did a double take. I have never left wine. I usually drank mine and Gregs too.


          MAGIC MOMENT

          A fabulous post once again Louise.

          I smiled to myself last week when I realised that I haven't had to buy paracetamol since christmas, I used to get through a box a week.... Now the box has dust on it .....


            MAGIC MOMENT

            Moments like that make it all worth while. How wonderful. I bet it felt good to be alive Louise. May you have many, many more special, magic moments. Bella xxx


              MAGIC MOMENT

              I realize every day how much I was missing by being drunk all the time. To me that is a magic moment when it hits me.
              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                MAGIC MOMENT

                Hi Louise,

                That was a fantastic moment I just wet myself too. I am sure that was one of those times when other people around you thought you were having a fit !!!! :lol3:

                I am definitely going to pass that one on to friends.
                I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                Marilyn Monroe


                  MAGIC MOMENT

                  Louise ::big smiles:: i understand completely. Thank you for sharing that.


                  AF 21, March 2010

                  "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                    MAGIC MOMENT

                    Great magic moment.

                    Made me think of a funny for some reason. My grandmother and I were in Hallmark and she read a card that struck her funny bone so hard she could not stop laughing and actually fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. Great memory! Not sure why your magic moment made me remember that but it did.

                    Keep 'em coming irish! By the way, I have a surprise for you one day.


                      MAGIC MOMENT

                      Thank you for the Post!


                      As a newbie who hasn't even started making any progress yet, a post like yours gives us all hope.

                      Thank you for sharing your Magic Moment so that those of us on the other side of the tunnel feel like it is definitely worth going into that dark and scary tunnel to work our way out to the other side!!

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        MAGIC MOMENT

                        Hi Louise~

                        My moments were 3 weekends in a row where in the past were definate triggers. As each weekend passed and I remained AF, I grew-emotionally and spiritually. I became empowered. The first time I actually thought "maybe I CAN do it". I learned that I didn't need to be dependent on alcohol. Doing things without it made me really experience the full effect of the moments.

                        As I post my experiences in Monthly Abs, I usually add "last year I would have been hung over or buzzed for this". But not this time.

                        Kudos to you. Kudos to me & kudos to everyone. This is a difficult journey. We should cherish every little accomplishment & find the positives in every moment we succeed, no matter how small.
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          MAGIC MOMENT

                          LUVUALL;147440 wrote: "Hey Mama, you haven't drink wine in a long time have you, I sure do love little booger.." I just laughed so hard....not sure why he called me a little booger.
                          How cute! I love that word...

                          Well done Irish Lady, that must have been a great feeling!
                          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                            MAGIC MOMENT

                            Breez;147701 wrote: Kudos to you. Kudos to me & kudos to everyone. This is a difficult journey. We should cherish every little accomplishment & find the positives in every moment we succeed, no matter how small.

                            Louise, first of all... ROTFLMAO... you lucky gal being married to a man with such a great sense of humour! As soon as I read that, I laughed my head off too. Second of all, I think that magic moment is just gorgeous! I haven't had one as yet but am looking forward to it. The Buddhism philosophy sounds like it's really agreeing with you. :l

                            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                              MAGIC MOMENT

                              Irishlady, I thank you. I swing from believing I can get sober to feeling like what's the point. You help to remind me that it's not just about my liver, or avoiding hangovers and guilt and shame... getting sober is also, maybe most importantly, about finding Joy in simple everyday moments.

                              Your message is perhaps the most inspirational I've read here. And that's saying a lot - because the rest of you inspire me daily.
                              I swear, I feel totally recommitted to my goal. An ocean of gratitude.............

                              Love love love love love to you and for you.


