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~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

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    Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

    [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION], you are definitely not alone. I relate to every word of your post.


      Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

      Oh Rava, I'm so sorry you are feeling so badly. Don't be so hard on yourself! Techie is right that self-care is the best way to go. And as Churchill would say: "Never, never, never give up!"

      QW, that's awesome that you share so much with your sons. I still remember with great gratitude when in my adulthood my parents did the same for us. I'm sure your sons appreciate every bit of it!

      24 more please and thank you.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

        [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION], everyone here knows what you are going through, and that's the beauty of this group. Have you ever considered taking Naltrexone? I'm currently taking it, and it definitely helps with the cravings. It works by blocking certain receptors in your brain, so that when you drink, you don't get any pleasure from it. It's prescription only, so you would have to be honest with your doctor about your drinking. It definitely has helped me!

        Have fun at the Oregon coast [MENTION=20929]Ginger999[/MENTION]!

        Another 24 please and thank you!


          Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

          Good morning and thanks for all the positive comments. Also thanks Jude for the medication recommendation. I have my medical cannabis card and use tincture sometimes in the evening to help with my anxiety. For anyone that says its just a replacement for booze, I really don’t think it is. I would much rather drink. I definitely have a drug of choice. Cannabis is probably safer than Xanax or other drugs doctors could give you, So no drinking last night and I’m back on the horse again. Its so great to be able to come to this group for support and understanding. Even my friends cant provide what you all do. Asking for another 24 please and thank you..


            5:30am in Alberta, 24 more for me please, and thanks...

            In the last 24 hours, these people have signed in for 24 hours of wellness:
            [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION] [MENTION=22409]Quit wining[/MENTION] [MENTION=20929]Ginger999[/MENTION] [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION] [MENTION=24510]BigAl[/MENTION] [MENTION=7944]dill[/MENTION] abcowboy

            Today is going to be a darn good day not to drink!
            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


              It's cake day in the Café today!

              Mr & Mrs Quit wining!
              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                It's true [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION], you will never be normal depending on what your definition of normal is. If normal means being able to drink responsibly every time you drink, then no you never will be. But if normal means you can enjoy life without having to drink, then normal you are! But for some reason us alcoholics think that just because we can't drink we aren't normal, I wonder what the people with food allergies think. Do they think they aren't normal just because they can't eat certain things? I think not. Not drinking is your new normal, be proud of it!
                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                  Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                  Another 24 hours please & thank you.

                  Thanks for the anniversary cake Cowboy! This is number 47. It’s been quite the adventure! Mrs QW doesn’t feel safe dining out yet, so we’ll order delivery from a local Italian restaurant tonight.

                  Our air quality is still poor so a stationery bike ride is in order instead of a walk today.

                  Rava, I like your comment about friends not being able to do what our Cafe friends provide. To me, it’s understanding what we go through, the struggles we face and the victories we celebrate. Remember, every day we don’t drink, the beast loses.

                  Big Al, safe travels home. Ginger, I’m envious of your upcoming trip to the Oregon Coast, one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to. Have some clam chowder for me!

                  Have a great af Tuesday everyone!

                  AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                  F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                    Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                    Waves to the gang and wishes for 24 more for us all!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                      Pauly, so happy to see you! Hope all is well in your world.

                      Rava, I can relate to everything you said! Count the successes. You've had so many!

                      We had a great time at the pool with the littles. We took home two very tired boys!

                      I'll take another 24!


                        Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                        Good morning Cafe friends and Happy Anniversary, QW. I had a wonderful golf outing yesterday. The little tweak I made to my grip worked great. So, meditation is done, now I’m off for a quick run before yoga at 9:30. I love routine and defined boundaries. I think it stems from my officer training and time in the army. BTW, I have been thinking of you [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION]. I was successful for several months w/o drinking to excess. Admittedly, my problem was prescribed pain pills more than alcohol. I found that I continually fell back in the cycle of abuse every time. It is addictive behavior that underpins all of our problems. The past 11 years have been the best since my childhood. I finally feel that I’m an living my best life without substances. For me the key was finding something to fill that space. It can be anything you feel fulfilled doing. I hope you can find yours as it is all within our reach. God bless you, xoxo.

                        So, another XXIV for me. I wish you all the best day possible. Blessings x
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                          Jude, I have read a lot about naltrexone and think it is a good option. When I first started here on MWO i talked with my doctor about my problem and she prescribed Campral. I don't think it helped me at all and I eventually stopped taking it. But so much of the effectiveness of the medications depends on the mindset of the person taking them. Perhaps Campral would have worked better for me if I was truly ready to quit....I am embarrassed to say that after the Campral I tried ordering Antabuse on the internet without prescription from a doc. It worked for as long as I took it, knowing what I would experience if I took alcohol. But at one point I decided to stop taking it because I wanted to drink. I didn't wait long enough for the medication to get out of my system and OMG! I thought I would die when I drank that night! I thank God that I did not and that I am still here with you all. The support, love, and care that we give each other is the best. :heartbeat: I do not recommend Antabuse!

                          24 more, please and thank you.

                          (Antabuse (disulfiram) blocks an enzyme that is involved in processing alcohol. Disulfiram produces very unpleasant side effects (such as fast heartbeat, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, flushing, and thirst) when combined with alcohol in the body.)

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                            Quote from [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] “ For me the key was finding something to fill that space.” This sums up my existence at this moment. Big work changes, big life changes, and I find myself now responsible for…. myself. I’m looking to fill that space that I used to fill with everything else. It’s not like my life is falling apart, it’s just that EVERYTHING changed all at once. Like you techie, I come from a regimented life, full of order and purpose. That has changed and I struggle with the spaces that tend to coalesce. Love to you all. Still on the road. Another 700 mile day tomorrow, but with some good bonding time with my son. Who knew that he would have opinions on the world and life and happiness. Unreal. 24 more for me please. I apologize for the unformatted post, still working off of my cell.


                              Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                              Good to see you back Pauly! We missed you!

                              Happy anniversary Mr and Mrs QW!

                              24 more please...


                                Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                                Good Morning Cafe. Techie your comment about filling the space is on point! Since retirement, it seems that there are no plans which creates too much idle time. I need to work on that. Hi Pauly, so glad to hear from you. Happy Anniversary QW. 47 is a lot of time together! Big Al, safe travels today on your 700 mile journey. Wishing everyone a good day. Another 24 for me please and thank you.

