Pauly, that new salon owner won't be in business for long! You might as well get while the getting is good. I hope your friend and the others that were canned land ontheir feet quickly. What a crappy thing to do at Christmas time!
BigAl, I read All the Light You Cannot See a little while back. It was an awesome book, no doubt about it.
Jude, that's great about the venison! I should think a lot more deer will be put in freezer's this year due to the current inflation. Beef prices are crazy! I'm glad we bought a half a freezer steer in August. We got in on that deal just in time!
Thanks for that great breakfast yesterday, Cowboy. One of my favorites! I was in the mood for pancakes yesterday.

Getting my Moderna booster today. Also have some Christmas gifts to wrap later today. I hope we all enjoy an AF Monday!