[MENTION=20929]Ginger999[/MENTION], what was your golf score today?
[MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION], I also enjoyed the feminine product / booze isle comparison, I laughed out loud.
[MENTION=22409]Quit wining[/MENTION], excellent news. I am very happy for both of you, I'm sure it's a relief all the way around.
[MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION], congratulations to Mrs. Techie, and holy cow what a garage sale find! I just do not have luck (or skill) like that.
As for me, it was a solid 9 hours on a conference call. I didn't have to do much other than pay attention and answer the odd question, but it is hard to hear someone else doing my job. I would have been the one facilitating. But, by the same token it was so very nice to not have that stress load.
I have to buckle down and really sink my teeth into staying on the straight and narrow this weekend. My frame of mind has been a little bit off and I need to spend the time to peel back the onion and figure out why I am letting a little bit of negativity in. This has been the key for me lately. Instead of just white knuckling things, I want to dig deep and figure out what old defense mechanism is twisting me up. What I find is that it is untrue, counter productive, and certainly doesn't serve me or the people I love. I will make some time for some stillness, and maybe some yoga in the morning before day 2 of the conference call starts.
I hope everyone's hump day was all it could be. I am looking forward to 24 more please and thanks.