Another 24 hours please & thank you.
Great breakfast Cowboy! Perfect way to start the day.
Rava, condolences on the passing of your Mom.
Our ROMEO Club met for the first time the other day at a local Chinese buffet with 10 enthusiastic members. The reactions we get when we mention ROMEOS is quite interesting but people chuckle when we explain it stands for Retired Old Men Eating Out. When a lady resident in our building asked if I was going to start a similar group for ladies, I pointed out that my wife likely wouldn’t like it but she could start one. Well, it appears the JULIETS are doing the same as the guys.
Before our move into the condo 2 years ago, we downsized and for a few reasons. The first being we had a lot less space but more importantly, we didn’t want our kids to have to deal with disposing of our belongings. Someday they’ll appreciate it.
We recently learned of the passing of a member of our Parkinson’s support group from PD related causes. She and her husband were living in a huge house that was full of furniture and knickknacks, including a collection of over 600 salt & pepper shakers. I can’t imagine the task ahead for her husband and kids.
So nice to see signs of spring here, although, like Jude, Calgary can expect snow over the next couple of days. I’m hoping to get the camera gear out to a local park later in the week, weather depending. Birds are returning, crocuses are coming up. My favourite time of year.
Stay safe everyone and of course af.