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~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

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    Cowboy, the breakfast yesterday was superb! Thank you. It was so good we decided to make the same breakfast here in my kitchen as well. We slipped a few blueberries into some of the pancakes for the fun of it.

    Rava, that's great about the kayaks! It sounds like a lot of fun and good exercise. Watch out for the 'gators though! And also, I was waiting to see if your deep fried tortilla bowls worked out for you. Inquiring minds want to know.

    Jude, how very exciting for you to be closing in on your last day at work! I am sure you will not regret your choice.

    Slo, I know you will miss those swim meets. New adventures will open up though. Glad you didn't get triggered at the event. It does sound like there was the possibility. You have to feel proud of yourself.

    Ginger, it's been a while since you've mentioned your knee. I take that as a good sign. How's it doing?

    24 more for all of us here, please and thank you.


    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Cross post, Slo. I know what you mean about kids sports squeezing out family time. I think it's much worse lately that it was when my kids were in school. At least then they didn't do events on Sundays. I don't know whose grand idea that was!!!

      Glad you are feeling better about your window treatments. The ones in your bedroom sound great!
      Last edited by dill; February 24, 2025, 07:22 AM.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Thanks for checking on my knee, Dill. I just decided to quit talking about it when it didn't improve. I was taking way too much advil though and had to cut back because of bruising. I looked like I'd been in a fight and lost. Lol I'll see my doc back home on April 8 and hopefully try integrative medicine.

        Slo, glad your window treatments are starting to grow on you!

        Jude, another count down. Congrats!

        Rava, we have a two person inflatable kayak. What a pain in the butt! Im glad you found a better solution. Do you worry about gators?

        Hi, ABC and Mul! I'm in for another one!


          I just decided to quit talking about it when it didn't improve. I was taking way too much advil though and had to cut back because of bruising.
          Sorry to hear that your knee hasn't gotten better, that must be rough. I've basically done the same with my chronic sinusitis (quit talking about it), there's just no point when it drags on so long, and I don't want to be complaining all the time. I'd rather talk about it when/if there's actual longterm improvement (I do finally have an appointment with an ENT specialist coming up next week -after having to wait nearly a year- so maybe there is finally some chance for hope). Speaking of ibuprofen, I very often have a desire to take it (or tylenol) too, but I kinow there are so many longterm negative health consequences to frequent NSAID use (ibuprofen especially) that I really try hard to not take it too often (basically only when I really feel like I need it). I also don't want to form an dependence on it, because like all substances you use regularly your body will adapt to it.

          Congrats Jude58 on a lifetime of work complete! I hope you enjoy your retirement to the fullest, in whatever manner suits you!


            Speaking of Kayaks, I will be selling ours as we just don't use them anymore. It's been 3 years since they have been in the water, even though we live less than 2 miles from the nearest lake. They are heavy to haul around and it's difficult for me to get out of due to crappy knees. They were fun for awhile, but now it's time to move on to different activities.

            Slo, glad that you are starting to like your window treatments. Sounds like you won't be missing the swim meets; enjoy your freedom!

            I'm in for another 24 hours of serenity...


              Mul, I hope this new ENT comes up with something that helps. It's crazy that the wait was so long but let's hope that's a sign that this ENT is really good at his profession and that is why the wait was so long. I have been trying to get my grandson into a new GP, he is 19 now and needs to transition away from his pediatrician. Through my work on a local charity board I met a wonderful doc and asked him if he was taking new patients. Of course he was not. That seems to be the case many times, especially with the really competent docs. Luckily for me he offered to make an exception for me and my grandson due to our connection of being on the Foundation board. Still, the appointment had to be made months ago but at the end of March my grandson will get to have his new patient appointment!

              Water sports have never been my thing, although there was a period of time when Mr. D and I had a cabin cruiser. We had some fun times on that boat with friends and family!

              Ginger, sorry your knee is still bothering you. I hope your doc back home can get you some relief.

              24 more for all of us here, please and thank you.


              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Good morning Cafe. Ginger, i hear ya about not talking about the knee. I certainly hope you get some relief when you see your doctor in April. Jude Hope you enjoy your retirement! It’s closing in!! Good luck selling your kayak. Our new ones don't come until mid March. The blow up ones are so heavy and so much work. We bought them thinking they would be easy. Well today I am donating them both to the local thrift store where I work. I never want to see them again. LOL. Used once and DONE! I also had a fear of an alligator biting it and me sinking and getting eaten by an alligator! I think the little 8 foot one will be easier since they are small. I will let the Cafe know. Dill the deep fried tortilla shells worked great. I formed them into taco bowls. And they stayed crispy for 2 days.. Tasted just the the Mexican restaurants!! If you are interested in how to form them just watch You Tube. Slo, I am glad that you are getting used to your new window coverings! We have plantation shutters and no curtains. Well i have to get ready for work today. 24 more please and thank you.


                  5:22am in Alberta, 24 more for me please, and thanks...

                  In the last 24 hours, these friends have joined in for 24 hours of wellness:
                  Jude58 Rava Slo dill Ginger999 Mulburry

                  Today is going to be a darn good day not to drink!
                  Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                  Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                  Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                    That's too bad about your knee Ginger, I thought by now it would have been better.

                    Good luck with selling the kayaks Jude, I wouldn't think it would be hard to sell them given how popular they've become.

                    I waited almost a year as well Mulburry to get in to see the ENT, not sure if it's because there aren't enough of them or they are just so busy.

                    It's the same situation here with Dr's dill, none of them are taking on new patients so I'll just keep traveling back to Mannville to see my regular Dr.

                    Waves to the rest of the crew, have a great day everyone!
                    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                      Good luck when you get to see the ENT, Mul. Hopefully, they will be able to get to the bottom of this.

                      I hope we all have an easy day! I'll take another day of freedom


                        I hope you can find a way to heal the chronic sinusitis, Mul. That sounds miserable.

                        I agree that I think there should be an unspoken agreement that Sundays are left free (from children’s sports) for rest and for families to gather.
                        But the world of kids sports is too lucrative (all the traveling for special teams and those weekend-long tournaments etc.) for Sundays to be left alone.

                        I had hoped that your knee had healed as well, Ginger. Didn’t realize that you struggle with your knees too, Jude.

                        I am doing a six-week more intensive acupuncture thing to help my brain adjust to weaning off the antidepressants.

                        Wishing all a great AF day!
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Hi Cafe Friends!

                          Just wanted to drop in to say I have made it 6 years AF as of Feb 26th. It hasn’t always been easy but it is so worthwhile!

                          Thanks for being a big part of this journey!!

                          Stay safe and of course AF.

                          Last edited by Quit wining; February 25, 2025, 05:22 PM.
                          AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                          F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                            Huge congratulations to you, QW! Glad to have been on this voyage with the likes of you and very glad to hear you are doing so well!! You've been a great inspiration to us all. Don't be a stranger.

                            Rava, thanks for the follow up on the taco shell experience. Glad it worked out so well for you. I will definitely look at some youtubes about it but not sure I'll try it. I am just not particularly keen on deep frying at home. It makes me feel tense and as we all know, that's not a good thing at the witching hour.

                            Cowboy, I hope your doc is young enough that he doesn't plan to retire anytime soon. When Mr. D's primary care doc retired he had a terrible time trying to find a new doc. I finally asked mine and she took him on since he was family. But she too is not taking new patients as a general rule.

                            24 more for all of us here, please and thank you.


                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Huge congrats on six years QW! I've always admired the fact that you stayed sober despite the many obstacles that you and your wife have faced over time. Stop in more often please...

                              Who wants to join me in another 24 hours of freedom?


                                Good morning Cafe. Howdy to QW and a huge congrats on 6 years!!! Come back every now and then and let us know how you are doing. I hope Mrs. QW is doing well. Dill I made the tacos once in the oven and they were dry and terrible. Now that we are old and retired we do our main meal at lunch time. So I deep friend at 11:30 am. No witching hour for me at that time. I have been a bit on edge for the last few weeks waiting for my daughter’s breast biopsy. Thank goodness it was benign. I feel a huge relief and also glad I didn't drink over this. Mul good luck with your ENT appointment. Up north it takes about a year to see a dermatologist. Here is Florida there is one on every corner. Well I hope everyone has a great and sober day. 24 more please and thank you.

