Good Morning All!
It's day twenty and I'm feeling good! Another good night's sleep. Committed to another 24.

I left a post in the Nest, so running low on time after reading the GOOD thoughts here. Early drinking and a developed habit and then coping mechanism is included for many alcoholics. The journey out being a self reflective process...yes. I do think it is a multi faceted issue. I have all of the concepts/thoughts involved in my abuse of alcohol. I never learned proper coping skills in the beginning of life. If we start drinking because we are shy, that in itself is an emotional issue. We aren't comfortable in our own skin enough to socialize without altering ourselves to feel deal with the peer pressure. That's a hard age. Our society sets us up for drinking in many ways. It perpetuates it. Sometimes we watch our parents do it and/or our peers. Pauly made it through all those years and then used it to cope with her sleep issues which rewired her brain to be addicted to it. Alcohol works in the brain like benzo drugs do. They are highly addictive and as the brain adapts, she needed more and more just like benzos to be effective. My mind wonders why she couldn't sleep? Was there stress involved? More responsibilities? Emotional weight on her shoulders? This is really a deep conversation with many tentacles. We are simple and yet complex as a living entity. I appreciate all the comments. It opens up a very important topic.
Regardless, we are all going to have another 24 hours AF! That makes this moment a good one.