Late check-in for me, had to get some yard work in before it got too hot. 75F and a steam bath when I left the house at 7:45am. More the rest of the week.
For what it's worth, LC, I too live in an urban environment, smack-dab in the middle of a large urban area, 2.9 million in the statistical area. But I'm lucky as the area I live feels like its own small town, I can walk everywhere I need to go, excepting work. Still plenty of wildlife here, some even of the human kind, lol.
Had a drinking dream too, QW. Weird, I was drinking a gin and tonic, but I was sharing it with everyone, Never would have happened in my drinking days, would have been afraid I wouldn't get enough. Not even gonna analyze it, dreams are weird for sure.
Got lots of work this week, busy.
24 more please