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~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

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    Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

    Glad you came right back, [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION]! Put on your seatbelt and keep your eyes on the road.

    I am grateful to be here this morning and back in control. Granddaughter is still in the hospital. Hoping she is released tomorrow but we shall see.
    Were you at the OSU game yesterday [MENTION=17632]Mr Vervill[/MENTION]? It was a good one!

    Humbly asking for 24 more.
    Last edited by dill; November 25, 2018, 06:48 PM.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

      Another 24 hours please & thank you.

      Jude, you’re back with your MWO friends and that’s what counts. I’m worried about being at an all inclusive resort in January. It’s been my downfall before.

      A beautiful sunny but chilly day here. I’m looking forward to being at my granddaughter’s birthday party tomorrow. Her parents kindly had the noisy party on Saturday - 11 4-6 year old kids and from the video I saw, they were all loud!

      Almost time for our Super Bowl, the Grey Cup. Go Calgary!

      Hope everyone had/is having a great af Sunday!

      AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
      F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



        Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

        ""...we live several lives in one lifetime.""

        Waking up from a terrifying dream, we first sigh with deep relief, "Thank God it was just a dream." After we have made a big mistake in real life we long for the chance to undo it. We do not get to undo those moments, but life is still full of second chances . . . and third and fourth chances. The big question is. Do we learn from our experiences?
        In some ways, we live several lives in one lifetime and we have several phases in one relationship. Today is a new day, and it presents all the possibilities of a new beginning. We have learned from the past. As painful and difficult as our experiences were, we can feel stronger today because we have learned from them. Injustice and fateful accidents can befall anyone. Yet many difficult times never need to be repeated. Today we can be grateful for another day with all the new opportunities it brings.-- from Today's Gift

        Hi Café friends..
        here's to another 24 hours of life!
        I hosted a late Thanksgiving yesterday and you all and this café are definitely on my list of things I'm grateful for.. even though I've been such a slacker with posting. Thank you all for being here..xx


          Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

          Thank you for a great thought and reflection for today, [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION]. After my recent drinking event I have been thinking a great deal about mistakes I have made and how I cannot do anything but look to today and tomorrow and to do the best I can moving forward. I had a terrible drinking dream last night in which I was trying to sneak drink and altho I did not "get caught" my behavior brought down another family member who found my opened bottle and started to drink it. This family member, a niece, is well known in real life to be alcoholic and struggling with sobriety. So in my dream I felt horrible that my behavior was presenting her with a challenging situation which tripped her up and could potentially bring her to a very low place. I know it was just a dream, but it is also very true that what we do matters and affects loved ones around us.

          [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION], how are you doing today? :hug: stay with us.

          24 more for me, please and thank you.
          Last edited by dill; November 26, 2018, 06:32 AM.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

            Struggling today, but I will be OK....

            Another 24 please and thank you very much.


              6:00am in Alberta, just 24 more please, and thanks...

              Cold and windy this morning, back to work for 4 days...

              In the past 24 hours, these people have signed in for 24 hours of sobriety:
              [MENTION=20929]Ginger999[/MENTION] [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION] [MENTION=7944]dill[/MENTION] [MENTION=22409]Quit wining[/MENTION] [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION] abcowboy

              Today is going to be a darn good day not to drink!
              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                That was a good football game [MENTION=22409]Quit wining[/MENTION], and congrats to Calgary for bringing the Grey Cup back to the west!

                Great quote [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION]! Not only do we live different lives throughout our lifetime, we become different people in those various lives! I could be a normal person, a happy drunk, an angry vindictive drunk, or a calm recovering alcoholic. Things happen that change the way we live, the people we become, but it's up to us, and only us, to make the changes necessary to deal with our lives in a positive way...we are the master's of our lives and we control our own destinies...

                You two porch sister's really stick together, lol, and now you have a chance to stick together getting back on track and continuing your individual journeys. The journey's may be individual, but the destination is the same, a lifetime of sobriety. You've heard all the old cliques, so no sense me repeating them, lean on each other, lean on the rest of us here, and keep on moving forward.
                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                  Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                  Cold and wet here, maybe snow later.
                  Glad to see the porch sisters back. Been on that journey many times myself, it goes nowhere.
                  Good to see you, too LC.
                  No OSU game, but Bengals Sunday. Here's to Calagary!
                  That oatmeal looks like Mrs. V's breakfast.
                  Let us know how the instapot works, QW, I do most of the cooking here, and use a crock pot a lot during the winter.
                  24 more please.


                    Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                    Jude and Dill, glad you both came right back. You bring so much insight and wisdom to the cafe. We need you!

                    Another 24 please and thank you!


                      Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                      Another 24 hours please & thank you.

                      Jude & Dill, I second Gingers sentiments. Your MWO friends appreciate your insight and contributions to the cafe as well as your friendship.

                      It was chilly when we walked this morning, -18C with the windchill but warming up to +7C this afternoon. Off to celebrate our granddaughters 4th birthday in a bit. Hope she likes the shorkelling gear and the Mexican pesos she’s getting!

                      Hope everyone has a great af Monday!

                      AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                      F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                        Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                        Cold with a dusting of snow on the ground.
                        Starting to feel like winter. Had to rake leaves yesterday, finally coming off the old oak tree.
                        Where is everyone? Just busy I hope.
                        24 more please.


                          5:30am in Alberta, another 24 please, and thanks...

                          This warm weather seems to want to stick around, I'll take it! But not the freezing rain in the forecast...

                          In the past 24 hours, these people have signed in for 24 hours of sobriety:
                          [MENTION=7944]dill[/MENTION] [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION] [MENTION=17632]Mr Vervill[/MENTION] [MENTION=20929]Ginger999[/MENTION] [MENTION=22409]Quit wining[/MENTION] abcowboy

                          Today is going to be a darn good day not to drink!
                          Last edited by abcowboy; November 27, 2018, 07:32 AM.
                          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                            You're right Mr V, not very often I beat the Porch Sisters through the door lol. I think it's coffee duty for dill this morning, so she'll probably be around a bit later. As for Jude, I think this slip hit her pretty hard, she's been battling the demon back for a while. So Jude, if you reading this, nothing to be ashamed of, just get back on the right path. I'm not sure if you're still drinking, and even if you are, that's when you need support the most. So keep coming back, no matter what!
                            Last edited by abcowboy; November 27, 2018, 07:46 AM.
                            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                              Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                              I second your suggestion to [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION], [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION]. Keeping the head in the game is important. Check in no matter what, Jude! TBH, I have been struggling to get back on track myself. I checked in yesterday but failed again at the end of the day. I am certain I am just feeling weak at the moment because I am on overload. We have 3 close family members with serious health problems fighting for their lives. And of course there's our little granddaughter. Thank God she has finally recovered and was allowed to return home yesterday! Drinking did not help at all, as you may have guessed. I am simply going to have to find my inner determination once again. I am not ever going to give up. I'll be doubling down today. If I think I'm feeling weak, I won't leave the house without Mr. D as a steadying influence. I never buy when he is with me, only when I am out on my own.

                              [MENTION=17632]Mr Vervill[/MENTION], I enjoyed the Bengals/Browns game on Sunday...on TV of course. I am a Browns fan, of course and Mr. D is a Bengals fan. So one of us was going to be happy no matter the outcome. It's usually not me! So this was a nice change of pace!:thumbsup:

                              Fervently asking for 24, please.
                              Last edited by dill; November 27, 2018, 08:31 AM.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                                Together we will get through this! Another 24 please and thank you!

