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~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

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    It is a new day [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION], the first day of a new future! You can make this day anything you want, mold your future any way you want, one day at a time!

    What have you and hubs decided to do for Christmas [MENTION=20929]Ginger999[/MENTION], spend it with the kids? Our second oldest daughter is coming home from Vancouver for Christmas, so 2 of the 4 will be here.

    I liked your idea of the donations instead of gifts [MENTION=22409]Quit wining[/MENTION], great plan!

    Great to see you [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION], and to see how well you are doing in your quit. I love seeing how everyone shares ideas on making this journey just a bit easier!

    Off to Veg today to change the locks on the in-laws house. There are 2 on each door, x 4 doors, so I'll be there a good part of the day. Bubba is coming as well but in her car, she's spending at least today and part of tomorrow there so Hank and I have at least one night to stay out of trouble lol.
    Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
    Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
    Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


      Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

      5:33 am in Vegas,another 24 please
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        I know you've all seen and heard this before, but I thought it fitting to go along with today's quote. Remember, we all have our rainbow, just look around at all the beauty that surrounds us, your rainbow is just waiting for you to find it....
        Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
        Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
        Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


          Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

          ABC, we will be staying right here in AZ for Christmas. I wanted to drive home but the weather is so iffy between here and home that hubs doesn't want to chance it. Makes me sad but once I get through the day, I'll be fine.

          I'll take another 24 please and thank you!


            Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

            Another24 hours please & thank you.

            Thanks to a Chinook, it’s mild, currently 7C, 45F, so much warmer than it usually is this time of year.

            Jessie and I spotted a dozen deer in a field on our walk yesterday afternoon. She so wanted to herd them!

            Thinking about you Jude, hope you’re keeping the beast at bay.

            Hope everyone enjoys their Friday, af.

            AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
            F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



              Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

              Asking for another 24 please and thank you very much!


                “Positive anything is better than negative nothing.” - Elbert Hubbard
                It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it’s positive it’s something you can focus your attention on. You don’t need to have dozens or hundreds of positive things taking place in your life at one time. You just need one positive thing that you can think about again and again to maintain your happy state. In fact, even if you have a bunch of negative things occurring in your life, you can safely ignore them all and just keep your mind on that one positive thing and all the negative things will work themselves out.

                5:30am in Alberta, I'll have another 24 please, and thanks...

                We've got warm temps as well [MENTION=22409]Quit wining[/MENTION], 3C (35F) this morning! Sure miss [MENTION=17632]Mr Vervill[/MENTION] and his weather reports...

                In the past 24 hours, these people have signed in for 24 hours of sobriety:
                [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION] [MENTION=7944]dill[/MENTION] [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION] [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION] [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION] [MENTION=20929]Ginger999[/MENTION] [MENTION=22409]Quit wining[/MENTION] abcowboy

                Today is going to be a darn good day not to drink!
                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                  Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                  Love that video Cowboy,it was one of Kell's faves as a teen and it always makes me cry(good memories) 5:34 am in Vegas,another 24 of sanity please
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                    Happy AF weekend everyone! I'll take another 24 please and thank you!


                      Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                      Another 24 hours please & thank you.

                      It’s a mild but windy day here. Sure beats -30 and snow!

                      Jude, hope you’re having a great day!!

                      Enjoy Saturday, af, everyone!

                      AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
                      F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



                        Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                        Thanks for the PM, [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION]. I'm ready! Thank you for a week of excellent quotes and thoughts. I always read them and appreciate them, even if I might not always comment.

                        Busy day today somehow. I'm not sure really how the time has flown by so fast.

                        If Mr. V were here he would tell you that the weather is fabulous....for ducks! I hope he didn't have to be out in it.

                        QW you mention Chinooks so often that I had to look it up. I used duck, duck go to search it. (I'm a little disenchanted with google at present.) Anyway, the Chinook winds are pretty fascinating and I would like to experience it someday.

                        24 more would be most gratefully appreciated.
                        Last edited by dill; December 15, 2018, 05:49 PM.

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                          Another 24 please. Nasty cold and rainy day here. I will make some soup!


                            Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                            Thanks for the quotes cowboy! They do help, but I am still struggling internally, although I am not drinking. Just not feeling at peace with myself. I've ordered the book this naked mind, and have joined their website....hopefully it will help.

                            Happy Sunday all and wishing another 24 for us all!


                              Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                              Risk is trying to control something you are powerless over.
                              ~Eric Clapton

                              Soup sounds like a great idea for today, [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION]. I think I'll put something in the crockpot.

                              Humbly asking for 24 for me and my friends and all who seek it.

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                                Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                                [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION], well done joining the Naked Mind website and ordering the book. It will surely help but what is really important is that you are still here and with your head in the game. I too am needing a boost and joined the Alcohol Experiment website and am watching her daily videos which I find very helpful. I also enjoy her other videos and essays. Thank you to [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION] and [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION] for suggesting it. Think I'll go listen to day 3 now!
                                Last edited by dill; December 16, 2018, 11:46 AM. Reason: spelling

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

