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~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

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    Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

    Congrats on 5 years, Mary Lou! Thanks for checking in. Off to hike today and clear my head. It's my best medicine!

    I'll take another 24, please and thank you!


      Well [MENTION=20527]Marylou123[/MENTION], you beat me to the punch! I know that you, [MENTION=11704]Byrdlady[/MENTION], and [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION] celebrate soberversaries the same week and my calendar reminded me that yours was today! Thanks for the breakfast, the cake is on me!!

      Congratulations Marylou!!
      Last edited by abcowboy; January 21, 2019, 04:23 PM.
      Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
      Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
      Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


        Easy day today, had one call this morning to fix a leaky boiler, now back home. Our weather has warmed up considerably, just below freezing and the sun is shining. When you get snow [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION], you really get snow! Thankfully we only got about 8”, not like the 24” you guys got! Hope you got tractored and shoveled out okay!

        I imagine [MENTION=22409]Quit wining[/MENTION] is soaking up the rays right about now just like you are [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION]! I’m soaking up the rays as well, but it’s through the living room window lol.

        There never seems to be problems when the weather is nice [MENTION=7944]dill[/MENTION], only when it’s the most miserable conditions to work in. When the temp drops and wind picks up, things freeze and it’s never fun trying to figure out where the problem is and where to start thawing things. Just like furnaces, boilers, etc, when it gets cold, they have to work harder and then old parts start breaking down. For my job, there are more and more electronics involved in heating appliances, and troubleshooting problems is getting harder and harder, never mind stocking every part for every manufacturerer. Sometimes I just have to McGyver the unit until I can source the right part!

        It looks like you made more lasting memories with your sisters [MENTION=20929]Ginger999[/MENTION]! It's not always about partying, sometimes just sitting with a coffee and talking about old times and the times yet to come is even more rewarding.

        I actually stayed up last night to watch the eclipse! We weren’t in the best area of the world to see it, but it still was pretty cool! The older we get, the more I want to see these things as you never know if we’ll ever get the opportunity again!

        Great to see you pop in [MENTION=20527]Marylou123[/MENTION] and showing that long term sobriety is possible if you stick with your quit! One day at a time and the time flies!
        Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
        Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
        Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


          Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

          Hi Cafe. I will take another 24 please and thanks. Congrats on 5 years Mary Lou. I love your saying of being just 1 drink away from drunk. That is so accurate. Hope everyone stays warm and has a good day. I still have a few more days in the warm sunshine before I make the long trip home.


            Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

            "The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself.
            It is not in your environment, it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others;
            it is in yourself alone."

            -Orison Swett Marden

            There is so much power in that realization. But I still think that there is so much benefit from placing yourself in an environment where you can succeed and surrounding yourself with people who share your beliefs. The opportunity may be within us, but we must shape our worlds so that we can achieve what we seek. Being here with all of you has been immensely helpful to me. I am so grateful to have your support and friendship. :heartbeat:

            [MENTION=20527]Marylou123[/MENTION] big congrats to you and thank you for stopping by and sharing! :thumbsup:

            It's supposed to warm up to the 30's today so maybe we'll be able to get the watering system problem figured out today. Yesterday we watered them manually. Not an easy job in this weather!

            24 more, please and thank you.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              6:00am in Alberta, 24 more please, and thanks...

              In the past 24 hours, these people have signed in for 24 hours of sobriety:
              [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION] [MENTION=7944]dill[/MENTION] [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION] [MENTION=20527]Marylou123[/MENTION] [MENTION=20929]Ginger999[/MENTION] abcowboy

              Today is going to be a darn good day not to drink!
              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                Congratulations on 5 years Mary Lou! That's quote an accomplishment, and so worth it!

                Yes [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION]....we did finally dig out from the mounds of snow! Just dealing with bitter cold temps now!

                Great quote this morning [MENTION=7944]dill[/MENTION]! It's good to have support when quitting the booze, but ultimately it is our inner strength that gets the job done. Sorry that you had to work outside in that kind of weather. Keeping livestock takes a lot of commitment and hard work, no matter what the weather is like.

                QW and Rava...enjoy the nice warm temps!

                Another 24 please and thank you very much!


                  Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                  5:47 am in Vegas,another 24 please
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                    Great hike yesterday! 6.5 miles. Lots of washes so lots of sand walking. Good work out! So much better AF! So...... I'll take another 24, please and thank you!


                      Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                      Checking in late, at the end of another 24 af hours.. Looking forward to some deep sleep.
                      Hugs to all of you!


                        Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                        Hi and happy Wednesday. I’m soaking in the last few days of sunshine although its been cold enough to wrap up in sweatshirt and pants. That’s still better than where most of you are. Another 24 for me please!


                          Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                          Freezing rain and high winds this morning....might be a good time to visit my brother in Arizona!

                          Another 24 please!


                            Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                            Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.
                            In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

                            ~Viktor E. Frankl

                            Isn't that the nub of it all? :happy2:

                            24 more, please and thank you.

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                              5:30 am in Vegas,another 24 please
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                6:45am in Alberta, I'll have another 24 please, and thanks...

                                In the past 24 hours, these people have signed in for 24 hours of sobriety:
                                [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION] [MENTION=7944]dill[/MENTION] [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION] [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION] [MENTION=20929]Ginger999[/MENTION] [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION] abcowboy

                                Today is going to be a darn good day not to drink!
                                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.

