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~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

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    Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

    ABC, I'm glad you and Bubba have worked out the living arrangements so you can be together more. Hank will be a happy boy!

    Hubs and I are both a little stuffy and have tiny sore throats. You know where my heads going! I'm sure it's just a cold coming on. After all, we still have the normal stuff going around. If it progresses, we'll both get tested. I'm so over this!

    I'll take another 24!


      Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

      Another 24 hours please & thank you.

      Dill, I was 21 when I got married. Mrs QW is 2 1/2 years older than me and hardly a day goes by that I don’t remind her! It used to be great fun if we were walking downtown and just before crossing a street I’d say in a voice loud enough to be heard by others, “Help you across the street lady?”
      Humour is important to us both and has helped us deal with her Parkinson’s. In spite of the many frustrations, we still manage to find levity where we can.

      Ginger, I suffer from seasonal allergies and right now sneeze and cough a lot. Boy, do people ever give me a wide berth right now when my allergy symptoms show up! I hope you both just have something minor and that you’ve soon recovered.

      Jessie and I walked 6kms this morning in advance of rain and thunderstorms expected shortly.

      Cowboy, enjoy your weekend in Veg, hope the living arrangements work well.

      Have a great af Saturday everyone, stay safe & healthy.

      AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
      F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



        Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

        Happy Belated birthday Jude. Hope everyone is having a good Saturday. Another 24 for me please and thank you.


          Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

          I had a weird cold for a day last week that involved a lot of sneezing. Weird that it wasn’t much more than a day long!

          So several of us are latent artists! I always loved art and drawing as a kid. I don’t know if I could resurrect my skills either, since I let them wither & die. I content myself with reading Watercolor Artist magazine.

          My knee is somewhat better. I’m icing it now.

          My MIL married at 26, and always went on about how very old she was when she got married!

          How was the smaller house that you looked at, Rava?

          I have been enjoying a quiet, low-key, companionable day with my twin sister. Daughter slept over at her sister D2’s house last night. We took her there last night, and enjoyed a meal with them and S’mores around the fire pit. HB is out of town.

          An AF day for me!
          Last edited by Slo; June 6, 2020, 07:16 PM.
          Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


            Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

            Hi friends,

            Was it your birthday Jude? Happy birthday mi amiga! X

            Yo Sister Slo, i reckon if we're creative, we're creative. I don't think it leaves us. We just need to get 'match fit' again with a little practice and doing the do. :thumbsup:

            Mr V, hope you're ok buddy. Don't feel ashamed if you went back to the old program. It can take awhile for us to change old ingrained coping mechanisms. In my view, there's no blame and no shame. We are doing our best with what we know. On the other hand, maybe you're sunning it up in Mexico. Either way take care of yourself.

            Big waves to evabody. All okay here.

            Sunday 10:30 a.m. in Melbourne Oz. Give me another 24 please umpire.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

              Hi Café Crew!

              Happy belated birthday, Jude!! I hope you had a nice celebration!

              Slo, that sounds like a nice day with your sister and daughters! And smores over the fire pit.. mmmm.. that's still one of our favorite things to do when we visit my dad. I hope your knee is feeling better.. you've been active!

              I also miss Mr. V!!! Great quote from him, Dill. I also really like yesterdays.. I know that when I'm feeling bad, if I can pull myself out of my head and do something nice/helpful for someone else, I feel better. Every single time, it leads to a new perspective.

              I agree, Mr. G., that creativity isn't lost over time. I also truly believe that every human being is creative in some way.. just takes some of us longer to figure out where our creativity lies!:happy2: I'm no artist, but painting makes me happy and I've found a way to do it so that I don't critisize my results (the perfectionist in me isn't quite dead, unfortunately!).

              Pauly, they've opened fitness studios here with optional mask rules.. our numbers are super low but I'm sort of waiting for them to rise again, as here it seems like life is back to normal. Except that I'm not working! Have you gone back to work?

              Thank you for asking about my daughter's ceremony.. talk about young and getting married! She's only 18.5 years old, though if you met her you'd think she's 25. A very mature young woman and she knows what she wants, where she's headed. She'll continue living at home for the next year while she finishes school.. The wedding was more of a commitment to themselves and a statement within the community. It was very intimate, just her best friends and his.. my extended family is all in the U.S. and his is in Gambia. They'll definitely have another huge ceremony there at some point. It's been an interesting few days, conversations she's had with her friends, some I've had with my dad. Fear of the unknown is tricky.. also, fighting the stereotypes.. fortunately we're being allowed to open our minds to something new.

              I'm super looking forward to breakfast this morning, AB.. no pressure!
              I hope everyone has a nice Sunday, 24 more AF hours!
              Last edited by lifechange; June 7, 2020, 01:03 AM.


                Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                Good to see you in the cafe Mr. G! I think that there's creativity in all of us, whether it's drawing painting, culinary, or crafty. For me anyway, the key is overcoming the self criticism that often comes with the creative process. I will never have any of my drawings in a museum, but that's not the point. My goal is to lose myself doing what I love and block out the rest of the world and it's problems for just a little while. It's the escape that I got from drinking but much healthier!

                Great quote dill!

                Another 24 please and thank you!


                  Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                  Well, well, speak of the devil...
                  All good here, thankfully. Thanks for thinking of me.
                  Passed the 3 year mark June 1. Not looking for accolades.
                  Just needed some time off, took more than I thought. All social media, computer time, etc. is getting me down. Coupled with no alone time at home, as Mrs. V now works here, LOL.
                  Wild ride the past few months.
                  Not a single job since Mar. 11. Can't get unemployment as a 1099 worker, yet, working on it, but everything's screwed up. The stimulus check is lost in the ether too. Oh, well, I'm a saver, so I'm fine financially, better than most actually. No worries.
                  Emergency appendectomy a few weeks ago, back on my feet, feeling fine.
                  Have some doughnuts to keep you going 'til Cowboy shows up with brekkie. That's nutella on those bad boys!


                    Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                    Yay! So great to see you Mr. V! I had no expectation what so ever that my using one of your quotes would smoke you out. I had a feeling you were doing fine on the af front. But wow, you've had some rough waters it sounds like! Glad you are feeling better after the surgery. Things will continue to improve on other fronts as well, IMO.

                    24 more for all of us please and thank you.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                      Good morning Cafe. Hi Mr. V. Sorry about your job and recent surgery but congrats on the 3 year mark!! I dont blame you for getting off social media. It can become depressing at times. I only watch enough news to just get the highlights. Slo, the small home was in a community that was far from all the conveniences. I think we will stay put and just downsize what we already have as far as possessions. LC, I like the ceremony idea that your daughter had. I got married at 18 and stayed married until he passed away many years later. Sometimes we do know what we want at an early age and it sounds like your daughter is mature. Glad she is finishing her education as well. Hope your knee is better Slo and Ginger! Lots of artists here in this group. Sounds like you are real artists. I just color so thats not real. Hope everyone has a great day. I’m going to spend the day with 2 of my grandkids. Another 24 for me please and thanks.


                        6:10am in Alberta, 24 for me and everyone else who needs them please, and thanks...

                        In the past 24 hours, these people have signed in for 24 hours of sobriety:
                        [MENTION=24080]Jude58[/MENTION] [MENTION=7944]dill[/MENTION] [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION] [MENTION=20929]Ginger999[/MENTION] [MENTION=22409]Quit wining[/MENTION] [MENTION=19596]Slo[/MENTION] [MENTION=7261]Guitarista[/MENTION] abcowboy

                        Today is going to be a darn good day not to drink!
                        Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                        Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                        Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                          I best get breakfast out, got a couple other threads to visit, then I'll be back!

                          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                            Great to have you back [MENTION=17632]Mr Vervill[/MENTION], and even better to help you celebrate your 3 years AF!

                            I can't believe how much your girls have grown [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION] since I first met you! They do grow up fast and find their own wings!

                            Also great to see you stop by [MENTION=7261]Guitarista[/MENTION], don't be a stranger!

                            Sober is the new cool [MENTION=24196]Rava[/MENTION], thanks!

                            Pored rain yesterday, last night, and more of the same today, looks like another good day to curl up with Hank and a good book!
                            Last edited by abcowboy; June 7, 2020, 07:28 AM.
                            Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                            Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                            Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                              Re: ~cattleman cafe~ & another 24...

                              Mr. V!! There you are! Coincidentally [MENTION=1354]narilly[/MENTION] just had an emergency appendectomy too! I have been thinking about you a lot too when I’m out on my bike taking my little 5 & 7-mile rides -nothing like your 30 & 100-mile ones!
                              But sadly they have proved to be too much for my artificial post-surgery knee too, as it is too swollen & tender; maybe from overuse.
                              I always suspected that you were just fine on the sober front as well.

                              Sober is the new cool! I like it!
                              Good luck with the grands today, Rava.
                              And I think coloring is definitely artistic as it involves color selection, value, etc.
                              Jude, you too are wise to realize the true value in artistic expression. Lose yourself in drawing instead of in drinking!

                              Glad that your daughter’s path seems to be solid, LC.

                              24 more hours, please!
                              Last edited by Slo; June 7, 2020, 07:30 AM.
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                                And a belated

                                for you and hubby [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION]!
                                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.

